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Maria Spiropulu
Maria Spiropulu is an experimental high energy particle physicist. Born and educated in Greece, she became interested in experimental physics early on and worked in international laboratories in Europe (BESSY, CERN) as an undergraduate. She moved to the US in 1993 to pursue her Ph.D. at the Collider Detector at Fermilab with Harvard University. She has worked on silicon sensors, calorimetry, trigger and data acquisition and on physics beyond the standard model searches. She used the "blind" data analysis method for the first time in hadron collider data. By analyzing the debris of very high energy particle collisions, she is looking to find whether extra dimensions or supersymmetric particles are relevant to the physics that connects the traditional very high energy scale of gravity with the scale of elementary particle masses. She is the recipient of the Enrico Fermi Fellowship and Compton Lectureship at the University of Chicago and the Watkins Visiting Professorship at Wichita State University. She lives in the chicagoland area since 1994 and will move to CERN in 2004 to join the highest energy experiments at the Large Hadron Collider that will commence data taking in 2007.
Positions / Staff EP Physicist, CERN, 2004Watkins Visiting Professor, Wichita State University, 2003
Research Scientist, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2003
Enrico Fermi Fellow, Enrico Fermi Institute, The University of Chicago 2001-2003
Education / 2000 Ph.D. Physics, Harvard University
1995 M.A. Physics, Harvard University
1993 B.Sc. Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Awards/Fellowships / 2003 Watkins Visiting Professorship
2003 Golden Trumpet award for “Quarks Unbound” publication
2002 Nominated for “The Prize for Promise” award, finalist
2002 Compton Lecturer EFI/The University of Chicago
2000 Enrico Fermi Fellowship, awarded by the University of Chicago and the Pritzker Foundation
1999 Van Vleck Award, Harvard University
1993 Teaching Fellow White Award, Harvard University
1987 Presidential Honorary Distinction for academic performance, awarded by the President of Greece, Christos Sartzetakis.
Publications / "Search for Kaluza-Klein Graviton Emission in p-pbar Collisions at sqrt(s)=1.8 TeV using the Missing Energy Signature", submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.( 2003)
“Collider Experiment” TASI proceedings, to appear (2003)arXiv:hep-ex/0305019
“Search for gluinos and scalar quarks in p anti-p collisions at sqrt(s) =1.8 TeV using the missing energy plus multijets signature”, T. Affolder et al., The CDF collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88:041801, (2002).
“Particle Physics Probes of Extra Spacetime Dimensions”, JoAnne Hewett and Maria Spiropulu, Annual Reviews of Nuclear and Particle Science, Vol. 52, Dec 2002, arXiv:hep-ph/0205106
``Report of the SUGRA working group for Run II of the Tevatron”, the SUGRA working group collaboration, arXiv:hep-ph/0003154.
“SUSY Searches at the Tevatron”, M. Spiropulu, arXive:hep-ex/0106045.
“Search for scalar top and scalar bottom quarks in p anti-p collisions at sqrt(s) =1.8 TeV”, T. Affolder et al., The CDF collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5704 (2000).
“Limits on Gravitino Production and New Processes with Large Missing Transverse Energy in p anti-p Collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.8 TeV”,
T. Affolder et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 1378 (2000).
“Tests of Enhanced Leading Order QCD in W Boson plus Jets Events from 1.8 TeV p anti-p Collisions”, T. Affolder et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D63, 072003 (2001).
“Test Stand for the Silicon Vertex Detector of the Collider Detector Facility”. S. Zimmermann (Rio Grande do Sul U.), J. Anderson, J. Andresen, E. Barsotti, J. Chramowicz, G. Duerling, M. Gao, H. Gonzalez, B. Haynes, W. Knopf, K. Treptow, D. Walsh, T. Zmuda (Fermilab), T. Huffman, P. Shepard (Pittsburgh U.), C. Gay, S. Harder, H. Hill, J. Huth, J. O' Kane, J. Oliver, H. Robins, M. Spiropulu, R. Strohmer (Harvard U.), M. Gold, T. Thomas (NewMexico U.). 1996 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 43:1170-1174, (1996).
“The SVX II silicon vertex detector upgrade at CDF” Antos, J.; Chao, H.-Y.; Chang, P.; Cheng, M.-T.; Chu, M.-L.; Guo, R.-S.; Ho, C.-L.; Teng, P.-K.; Wang, M.-J.; Wu, S.-C.; Yeh, G.-P.; Yeh, P.; Andressen, J.; Barsotti, E.; Bowden, M.; Cihangir, S.; et. Al. , (Nuclear Instruments And Methods In Physics Research Section A:, Vol: 383, pp. 13-20 , (1996).
“The CDF-II Detector: Technical Design Report” CDF II Collaboration (R. Blair et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-96-390-E, Nov 1996.
“The Silicon Readout Controller : Technical Design Report”, J.Huth, C.Gay, Maria Spiropulu, J.Oliver, N.Felt . Online publication for the CDF Collaboration and the FERMILAB Computing Division / Electronic Systems Engineering Department Document Number, HAR-SVX-960210,1998,
“Supralinearity of the 110° thermoluminescence glow-peak of synthetic quartz obtained with isothermal measurements”, G. Kitis, M. Spiropulu, S. Charalambous, E.R. Weber, Nuclear Instruments And Methods In Physics Research Section B: Beam, Vol.101, pp. 255-257 (1995).
“Characterization of buried SixNy films with EXAFS”, E. C. Paloura, P. Grekos, A. Mertens, W. Frentrup, M. Spiropulu, BESSY Jahresbericht p.378 (1993).
“Heating rate effects on the TL glow peaks of three thermoluminescent phosphors”, G. Kitis, M. Spiropulu, J. Papadopoulos, S. Charalambous, Nuclear Instruments And Methods In Physics Research Section B: Beam, Vol: 73, pp 367-372, (1993).
Featured Lectures at International Conferences / “Space Exploration using Colliders” Science Innovation: Physical Science Frontiers Symposium, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 2003 Annual Meeting, Denver, 15 Feb 2003
“In Search of Extra Dimensions”, Science Innovation Lecture, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 2002 Annual Meeting, Boston, 17 Feb 2002.
“In Search of Extra Dimensions”, Plenary Lecture at the April 2001 American Physical Society (APS) Meeting, Washington DC, 28 Apr 2001
Invited Lectures at International Conferences / “The physics of black holes and gravitons in colliders” Aspen Winter Conference on Particle Physics, 19, 25 Jan 2003
“The physics of Extra Dimensions” World Congress of Science 2002, Berlin Oct 23-27 2002
“New Physics at Hadron Colliders”, Snowmass Summer Study on “The Future of Particle Physics”, 2 Jul 2001, Snowmass CO
“Supersymmetry Searches at The Tevatron”, Conference on QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions, XXXVIth Rencontres de Moriond, 17-24 Mar 2001, Les Arcs, Savoie, France
"Collider Signals from Extra Dimensions", Aspen Winter Conference on Astrophysics, 30 Jan –5 Feb 2000
"Experimental Signals from Higher Dimensions", Aspen Winter Conference on Particle Physics, 16-22 Jan 2000
“Beyond the Standard Model at the Tevatron”, Aspen Winter Conference on Particle Physics, 17-23 Jan 1999
Departmental Colloquia / “Experimental Particle Cosmology”, December 9 2003, Renaissance Technologies, Stonybrook
“The Unbearable Lightness of Gravity”, November 21 2003,Argonne National Laboratory
“Space Exploration in High Energy Colliders”, March 17 2003, University of Michigan
“Present and Future of Supersymmetry in Colliders”, March 11 2003, Ohio State University
“Missing Energy as a signature of new physics” , May 3 2003, California Institute of Technology
“There is something about SUSY”, 9 May 2002, University of Chicago, Oct 3 2002 California Institute of Technology and Nov 28 2002 MIT
“CDF present and future measurements and searches” Humboldt University Oct 28 2002,
“Extra Dimensions and the FNAL CDF Detector”, 3 May 2002, Yale University.
"Signals from Extra Dimensions", 20 Sep 2001, Purdue University.
"Experimental Signals from Higher Dimensions", Spring 2000, University of New Hampshire and Vanderbilt University.
Committee Service / 2002 Local Advisory Committee “Cosmo 02” International Workshop on Particle Physics and the Early Universe
2000-2001 Organizing Committee for the Snowmass Summer Study on "The Future of Particle Physics", Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society.
1999-2001 CDF Collaboration Internal Review Committee (appointed by collaboration spokespeople).
1997-2000 CDF Collaboration Speakers Committee.
1998-1999 Fermilab Graduate Student Association .
1996-present Fermilab Colloquium Committee.
Conferences Organized/
Convenership / Convener, Physics Beyond the Standard Model, Les Houches 2003, Beyond the Standard Model Group, Les Houches May 26-June 6 2003
Convener, Supergravity (SUGRA) working group, Physics at Run II Supersymmetry/Higgs Workshop, Feb – Nov 1998, Fermilab
2003 AAAS, Physics Symposium, Organizer; “The Physics of Extra Dimensions”, February 13-17 Feb 2003, Denver CO.
2003 Aspen Winter Conference on Particle Physics, Program Committee,“At the frontiers of particle physics”, Jan 19-25 2003, Aspen CO
2002 Aspen Winter Conference on Particle Physics, Organizer, “Current and Upcoming Discoveries”, 3-9 Feb 2002, Aspen CO.
New Perspectives `99, Fermilab Graduate Students Association (GSA) Conference, 8-10 Jul 1999, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia IL
Membership / American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Physical Society
Division of Particles and Fields
Harvard Club of Chicago
Pedagogy/Teaching / “2400 years Odyssey:from Abdera to Batavia” Invited public lecture, Hellenic Professional Society Illinois, 23 Feb 2003, Chicago IL
“The Physics of Extra Dimensions” William A. Crump Annual Physics Lecture at St. Andrew's School, Middletown Delaware, April 2003
“In Search of Extra Dimensions”, Great Minds Program, Illinois Math and Science Academy (IMSA), Aurora IL, 25 Apr 2002
“Invasions in Particle Physics”, Wheeler Opera House, Aspen CO, 6 Feb 2002.
Lecturer on “Collider Experiment” at the Theoretical Advanced Study Institute (TASI), June 2001, Boulder CO
“Invasions in Particle Physics”, 54th Arthur H. Compton Lecture Series, 6 Oct – 8 Dec 2001 (10 lectures), University of Chicago
Students / Steven Mrenna/David Rainwater (staff, FNAL/DESY) Kaluza-Klein graviton production in association with Z/W bosons; Monte Carlo Implementation (2003)
Albert DeRoeck (staff, CERN) Project: Kaluza-Klein graviton kinematics at CDF and CMS (2003).
David Stuart (Prof. UCSB), Adam Scott (graduate student UCSB) Project: RS resonant graviton decays at CDFII (2003).
Mark Czynski & Alexandrea S. Rahlin, (students, Illinois Math and Science Academy); Project : SUSY at tan=30 [received outstanding in physics in Illinois Junior Academy of Science 2003 State Project Session and invitation to present at AAAS ’04 in Seattle, (2003)
Kevin Burkett, post doc, Harvard University, Project: Search for KK gravitons with CDF RUNI data (2000-2003)
Joseph Lykken (staff FNAL), Konstantin Matchev (staff FNAL, now at University of Florida); Project: Extra dimensions Monte Carlo Implementation (2001)
JoAnne Hewett (faculty, SLAC/Stanford) Project: Review Extra Dimensions in Particle Physics (2002); study Heavy Majorana neutrinos in hadron colliders (w/ Tom Rizzo, 2003)
Peter Wilson, (staff FNAL );Carla Pilcher, Mel Shochet, Henry Frisch, (faculty University of Chicago); Project, L1 Trigger (Calorimetry,Tracking) DAQ and integration; Commisioning electron/photon triggers; L1 trigger online diagnostics/monitoring (2001-2003)
Andrew Kovalev (student, University of Pennsylvania) , Dmitri Tsybychev (student, University of Florida); Project: implementation of RUNI data cleanup methods in the missing energy sample at RUNII; MET trigger monitoring (2002)
Sharon Butler (editor, UIC), Chris Quigg (staff FNAL), Joseph Lykken (staff FNAL); Project: Production and design of HEP brochure Quarks Unbound (2000-2001)
David Saltzberg (faculty UCLA); Project: Design/Implementation of Missing Energy Trigger for RUNII (2001)
John Huth (faculty Harvad); Colin Gay(post doc Harvard-now faculty Yale); John Oliver(engineer, Harvard), Sergio Zimmerman(engineer, FNAL) Project: RUNII Silicon Readout Controller Design/Test Stand/DAQ/Integration (1993-1996)
Teruki Kamon (faculty, Texas A+M); Project: SUGRA workshop co-conveners (1998)
John Huth (faculty, Harvard); Project : Search for squarks and gluinos with CDF RUNI missing enegy data (1996-2000)
Fotis Ptohos (staff, INFN, now staff FNAL); Project: Implementation of very fast QCD simulation algorithm, CDF RUNI (2000)
Melissa Franklin (faculty Harvard); Project: Design/Implementation of take home Electronics Lab Kit for undergraduates (ZAP! Lab) (1992)
Ettore Rosso (TA2 CERN staff) Ferdinand Hahn (CERN staff), Stefan Haider (CERN staff): Project: Build System for testing BI-tubes with Laser Ionization (SYBIL, RICH prototype for DEPHI B-RICH). (1991)
Other Activities / QUARKSUNBOUND, Sharon Butler and Maria Spiropulu, the particle physics brochure sponsored by the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society:
Scientific American online publication "Ask the Experts" section, October 1999: "What is antimatter?"
Initiated the proposal to the Fermilab Users Executive Committee and helped establish a Fermilab sponsored award to the finalists of the annual Illinois Junior Academy of Science Fair
Initiated the proposal to the Universities Research Association, and received sponsorship for, the annual New Perspectives (NP) Poster Award to the three best presentations in the poster session of "New Perspectives", the Fermilab graduate student organized conference
Selected for American Physical Society's "Public Face for Physics" Program: