Report on Development Education Project 2017/18(for inclusion in the Dialogue Day 10 handbook)

Section 1: Background Information

1.1Member Institution
1.2Name of Project Leader(s)
1.3Name of other teacher educators involved
1.4Names of other organisation or individuals (external to your institution) that contributed to the completion of this project.
1.5Programme and Year / 1.6Approx. # of Student Teachers / 1.7Approx. # Dev Ed contact hours
E.g. PME, Year 1

Section 2: Project Summary

2.1 Please provide a summary of the key elements of your 2017-2018 project (200 words max)

Section 3: Delivery of Development Education

Please provide a brief overview of how the project integrated Development Education into ITE by answering the following questions.

Component / Please Explain…
3.1 How were student teachers introduced to the concept of Development Education?
3.2 How did student teachers explore Development Education within the teaching of their school subject(s)?
3.3 How didDevelopment Education feature in the teaching of other mandatory components of ITE as stipulated by the Teaching Council?
3.4 How didstudent teachers engage with Development Education while on School Placement (either optional/ compulsory)?
3.5 How didDevelopment Education feature in student reflections and the Professional Portfolio?
3.6 Did student teachers conduct research on a Development Education theme?

Section 4: Capacity Building

4.1 Please provide details of any staff/public capacity building interventions that took place as part of this project (e.g. workshops, discussion groups, exhibits of students’ work).

Event Name / Details

Section 5: Research and Measuring Impact

5.1Please indicate how the impact of your project was measured, and provide a summary of the findings (or provide in a separate report if appropriate).

Section 6: Reflections and lessons learned

6.1 Please provide an overview of your reflections/lessons learned from the running of this project.

6.2 Please indicate if you can provide samples student teachers’ work that show their engagement with Dev Ed e.g. portfolio entries, posters, lesson plans, schemes, installations, blogs

Section 7: Finances

This section should provide details of spending associated with the project.

7.1Funds allocated:

7.2Please provide an account of spending associated with the project by completing the table below.

Costs Pertaining to the Project / (€)
Delivery of Development Education
(see Section 3 of original application)
Capacity Building Activities
(see Section 5 of original application)
Measuring Impact of Development Education Project
(see Section 6 of original application)

Signature of Project Leader: ______Date: ______