Principal Investigator (P.I.) ______
Team Number______
In a scientific study, the Principal Investigator, or the P.I., is responsible for overseeing the project, making sure it runs smoothly and that all data is collected. Your tasks are:
Be sure your group completes all the tests and returns on time!
Check that all equipment is returned to the classroom.
Keep track of the points and total them at the end.
Record answers to the summary questions
Data Category / Expert Name / PointsNavigator / XXX
Total Points ______
Survivor: Earth Summary
We believe this area ______(does/does not) have enough water for people to live because:
Atmospheric tests of clouds and rainfall show
- ______
- ______
Geospherictests of soil color, consistence, and moisture show
- ______
- ______
Biospheric observations of the living things show
- ______
- ______
Hydrospheric tests of pH, temperature, and transparency show
- ______
- ______
Name of Meteorologist ______
Has there been precipitation or could there be in the next few days? As the atmosphere expert, you will assess moisture in the atmosphere. Precipitation comes from clouds. Water vapor in the atmosphere is invisible, but if the conditions (temperature and pressure) are right, it can condense into liquid or solid crystals. Clouds form where there are a large number of drops or crystals. Clouds are an indication of the temperature and water in the atmosphere, and they can help us forecast the weather.
1. Record the current air temperature (top number on the weather station).______°C
2. Record the current soil temperature(bottom number on the weather station). ______°C
There are no points for temperature readings. This measurement is for comparison only.
- Read the level of the water in the rain gauge; your eyes should be as close to the level of the water in the tube as possible.
- Record the rainfall to the nearest millimeter. If there is no water in the rain gauge record 0.0 mm. If there is less than 0.5mm, record T for trace. If some spills, record M or missing. Then, circle the points that relate to your rainfall measurement.
Rainfall: ______mm
0 / 1 – 5 mm / 6 – 10 mm / 10 – 20 mm / 20 mm0 points / 2 points / 6 points / 8 points / 10 points
Remember to complete your Cloud Data on back of page!
- Observe the clouds in the sky – look in all directions, including directly overhead. Be careful not to look directly at the sun!
- Check all of the cloud type(s) you see. If there are no clouds, write “none visible.” DO NOT add all the points together; count only the clouds with the highest points.
Cirrus: High wispy clouds; contain ice crystals
/ Cumulus: Low to middle white puffy clouds; contain water drops
/ Stratus: Low layered clouds cover most of the sky; contain water drops
/ Nimbostratus: Low layered clouds with rain falling
Low moisture High moisture
2 points / 4 points / 8points / 10 points
Remember: DO NOT add all the points together; count only the clouds with the highest points.
Name of Soil Scientist ______
The geosphere is the zone of soil beneath our feet. Soil is an essential resource that is often taken for granted. Soil can affect every part of an ecosystem. Soil is also an integral part of the water cycle as it helps with infiltration, grows trees who transpire, and stores ground water.
Prepare the study area:
- Clear the leaves and debris from a small area (about 1 to 2-foot square) on the ground so the soil is exposed.
- Use the spoon to loosen and dig up a small amount of soil.
Soil Moisture
- Create a hole in the soil with the pencil.
- Insert the probe into the hole and gently press the tip into the soil.
- Record your data.
Soil Moisture:______
0 / 1-3 / 4-7 / 7-100 points / 3 points / 6 points / 10 points
Soil Temperature
- Record the soil temperature reading from the atmosphere station.
Soil Temperature:______C
There are no points for Soil Temperature The data is for comparison only.
Use the soil you loosened with the spoon for the following tests.
Soil Consistence– Hold a chunk of dirt between your thumb and index finger. Use the following scale to rate the firmness of the soil.
Loose / Friable / Firm / Extremely FirmEasier for water to move More difficult for water to move
10 points / 8 points / 4 points / 0 points
Soil Color – Compare the soil color to the chart and record which color it is most close to.
Black – lots of organic (living) material and more water / Brown – some organic material and some water / Reddish – contains minerals like iron / Gray – light color means dryer soilMore water Less water
10 points / 6 points / 3 points / 0 points
Return your test area to the way it looked when you arrived by putting the soil and leaves back to their original locations.
Gather your equipment before you leave!
Name of Hydrologist ______
Investigating Earth’s surface waters is important because all living things rely on water to survive. Although 70% of Earth’s surface is covered with water, less than 1% is freshwater that we can consume. There are many different tests we can conduct to determine if the water in a stream, river, or lake is healthy.
Water Temperature
- Hold the thermometer at least 6 centimeters into the water for at least 2 minutes.
- Record the temperature in degrees Celsius.
Water Temperature:______°C
Warmer water usually allows more organisms to live in the water, however if the water gets too warm, they can grow too much or die which pollutes the water. If the water gets too cold, organisms cannot survive.
0 – 9 ° C / 10 – 25 ° C / 25 ° C5 points / 10 points / 5 points
- Dip the pH strip into the water and immediately pull it out.
- Compare the color on the strip to the color chart on the container and record your data.Do not the put used strip back into the container.
pH scale goes from 0 – 14 and measures the level of acid in the water which can determine if it’s safe to drink. Pure water has a pH of 7. The lower the number the more acidic; the higher the number the more basic or alkaline. A healthy stream is between 5.5 and 8.
5 / 5 – 6 / 7 / 8 – 9 / 90 points / 8 points / 10 points / 6 points / 0 points
- Fill the jar with water.
- Hold the jar up in front of your group member’s face. Observe how clearly you can see their face through the water. Use the chart to determine the approximate transparency.
Transparency refers to how far light can travel through the water. The clearer the water, the better. That means less particles in the water and more light can travel through so plants can grow.
Very Transparent / Somewhat Transparent / Not TransparentGood Quality Lower Quality
10 points / 7 points / 3 points
Gather all of your equipment before you leave!
Empty the water from the jar.
Keep the used pH strip out of the jar so it does not contaminate the others. Keep the unused pH strips dry and the container sealed tightly.
Name of Biologist ______
The biotic components of an ecosystem are those that are living or were living at one time.All life relies on water. Animals can move around to find their own water. Plants and trees are stationary organisms so they rely on the water that is available in their habitat. By measuring the amount and diversity of life in an area we can better determine the health and presence of water in the area.
Biosphere Data
- Observe your study area for living things or signs of living things.
- Make a general count of HOW MANY organisms you find according to the Biotic Quantity chart below.
- Make a general count of how many DIFFERENT organisms you find according to the Biotic Diversity chart below.
- Record specific notes on the chart on the back of this page.
Biotic Quantity - TOTAL NUMBER of living organisms you observe in your study area– circle your results
0 -10 / 11 – 20 / 21 – 30 / 31 – 40 / 41 – 50 / 500 points / 2 points / 4 points / 6 points / 8 points / 10 points
Biotic Diversity– how many DIFFERENT TYPES of living organisms did you find?
<5 / 6 -10 / 11 - 15 / 16 - 20 / 21– 25 / >250 points / 2 points / 4 points / 6 points / 8 points / 10 points
Biosphere Observation Notes: species, how many, notable features
Common Plants:
Trees, Shrubs, Grasses, Flowers
Insects, Invertebrates
Birds, Mammals, Reptiles, Fish, Amphibians
Signs of Life /
Tracks Scat Fur, feathers, bones Animal homes Nests
More signs: