In a group, you will be creating a “Help Wanted!” poster for one of the following groups that flourished during the 1800s. Groups include: mills, canal building, rail roads, textile factories, steamboats, telegraphs. You must recruit people to apply to a job in one of those areas. Your poster should include:

-  Good points of working in your assigned area

-  Salary – is it competitive? Worth the time?

-  Qualifications for the job (what skills do you need? What kind of people does the job need? Age? Gender? Etc)

-  Describe the working conditions – is housing included? Do they get to travel? Where will they be working – inside or outside?

-  Provide a few specific details about what they job involves everyday

-  Make this poster catch the eye of those who pass by it: use color, pictures, slogans, designs, etc

-  Remember: you are trying to convince someone to apply for this job. Your poster must be persuasive and focused on the positives

Help Wanted Poster Rubric

Category / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Informative / The poster contains little information about the industry chosen. / The poster contains more than half the required information. / The poster contains all the information required. / The poster contains all required information in detail.
Work Conditions / Working conditions not mentioned. / Working conditions mentioned in an unspecific manner. / Working conditions specifically laid out with little detail. / Working conditions described in detail.
Appearance / Poster is sloppy, unorganized and appears rushed. / Poster is somewhat organized, but does not catch viewer’s eye. / Poster is organized, neat and eye-catching. / Poster is well organized. Appears that student put extraordinary effort into poster.
Mechanics / Poster has more than 7 spelling and/or grammar errors. / Poster has 5-7 spelling and/or grammar errors / Poster has 3-5 spelling and/or grammar errors / Poster has less than 3 spelling and/or grammar errors

Score: ______out of 16