Writing Portfolio

Steve Jones


Mrs. Paggett-Willis



Prompt: Describe a time when you over came an obstacle in your life? What did it take for you to overcome the challenge? How did you feel in the process and what did you learn about yourself.

Response: A time when I had to overcome an obstacle was during a football game. On the last play of the 1st quarter I injured my ankle. I caught a slant route and while I was running I twisted my ankle. I immediately fell to the ground. The look on my teammates face when I was sitting on the bench because of my ankle inspired me to finish the game. When I got in my teammates were very excited and I had a completely different look on their face. I learned something great about me that day. That thing was I am a true team player.

High School Application Process

Prompt: Where are you in your application process for high school and what further do you need to do to ensure you transition to 9th grade successfully.

Response: Currently I am in the process of applying for my permit to Culver CityHigh School. In order to get the permit I need to have the grades and behavior. The reason I want to go to CCHS is because of their excellent sports medicine program which is something I would like to pursue in the future. On Wednesday I will have my interview for Cathedral. I already took my HSPT exam at Cathedral which wasn’t too hard. I need to do more shadow days and more research on these schools. I also need to schedule my interview for St. Bernard. I just hope I pick the right school.

Big Bad Wolf

Prompt: How does Wolf’s point of view compare to the original narrator point of view of the three little pigs?

Response: The wolf’s point of view was very different from the original story. The original story the pigs were the victim. But in the wolf’s point of view he was in fact the actual victim. He saw himself as someone who just needed some sugar for his “dear ole grandmother”. The pigs seemed very mean about the situation for little reason at all. It is very interesting how someone’s point of view can have a big impact. I’m not sure which side to believe because they both make themselves sound so innocent. In conclusion point of view can have a huge impact on a story.

Good Decisions

Prompt: Why are good decisions important? How can making a good decision impact your life? When have you made a good decision and seen the benefits and when have you made a poor decision and hade to face the consequences? What did you learn from the process?

Response: Good decisions are important in order to succeed in life. Many people have had bright futures but have made one bad mistake which led to their downfall. Peer pressure has a big influence on making a good decision. If your friends were ever to pressure you into doing terrible things don’t do it. Make the right decision. A time when I have made a god decision was working hard last summer for football. The hard work paid off tremendously. There also have been times when I have gotten in trouble in class and had to face the consequences.

Martin Luther King Discussion

Prompt: If you had the opportunity to have a conversation with Dr. King and seek his wisdom and how to make your dream for your community, nation, and or world come true, what would you say?

Response: If I had the chance to Dr. King I would ask him how he was so brave through the tough times. I would ask him what it felt like for people to threaten him and his family. I would thank him for everything he has done for this country. I’m sure he would ask has there ever been an African- American president. I would tell him Barrack Obama but I would try to not bring up the current president. He would ask him to educate the youth who live in not too good areas. I would ask him in general to make the world a better place. I would wish for better days.


Prompt: What have you done to achieve your goals since the start of the school year? Name at least three areas you haven’t made progress in your academic and personal goals.

Response: One goal I have achieved is my GPA. At the start of the school year I said my goal was to have a 3.8 or higher. I actually ended the 1st trimester with a 3.9. Also my behavior has improved. During the parent teacher conference I didn’t receive much negative comments. This is something that needed to happen in order for me to mature. I have also achieved my goal of public speaking at a essay competition. I was very nervous before but once I got on the stage I felt much better.

Terrific Thursday

On today’s Freedom Friday I want to talk about high school. High school will be coming very fast. These last two trimesters I really need to work hard. In both trimester 2 and 3 I need a 3.7 GPA and higher. I need this GPA in order to have a better chance of getting my permit. I have four options for high school and they are Cathedral, Serra, Culver City, and St. Bernard. These are all excellent schools that I would love to attend. My future is all set on the High School I choose.

Terrific Thursday

On this Terrific Thursday I would like to talk about college. In college I have three things I would like to major in. These majors are sports medicine, sports marketing, and business. I would like to pursue these majors at the right school. These schools are USC, UCLA, Washington, and Oregon. UCLA has a great business program while the others have great sports marketing and sports medicine. College is what you make it so if you work hard instead of partying in college you will be rewarded in the long run. Always strive for what you want in life.

Terrific Thursday

Today on Terrific Thursday I would like to talk about my future goals. First I would like to attend the right high school in order to prepare me for college. I would like to attend the best university for the major I would like to pursue for example UC Irvine has a great sports medicine program. After college if football does not work out I would like to pursue my masters and doctorate degree. Once school is over I would like to find a great job to support myself and my family. I would also like to support my mom in any way possible if needed. Also my sisters and my dad who always support me. Hopefully these dreams do come true, but in order for them to do so I have to put in the work.

Terrific Thursday

On these terrific Thursday I would like to talk about my goals for football. Football is a very important factor on me to get a scholar ship. The reason I work as hard as I do in football is so that my parents don’t have to pay for my education. At this point I am not worried about the NFL. I’m only focused on getting a scholarship for a great university. I would like to have multiple offers y my junior year in high school. If not then my senior year. High school football will be extremely important in my life and all I have to do is the make the beat of it.