The scene:

Piper and Paige are walking in the mall, Piper looks depress.

Piper: So, where's that store you were babbling about?!

Paige: Oh! Its close! Your love it! It's just your size!

Piper: You Shore? Cause I'm pregnant you know…

Paige: Let's just get there, k?

Oh! There it is!

Paige gets ahead of Piper and runs quickly to the stores door.

Paige: Coming?

Piper: I'm a pregnant woman for crying out loud!

Paige: So? Your baby shouldn't use some exercise…

Piper hurry's up and trips on a baby wagon.

While doing that, she froze all the people in the mall.

Piper: *getting up* Oh… sorry… *talking to her stomach*

Paige: *running towards Piper* Piper?! Are you o.k.?!

Piper: Yhe…Just great…

Piper gets herself cleaned up.

Paige: Well, aren't you going to unfreeze every one?

Piper: Sure, I'm…

When she raised her hand to use her powers, she saw someone running away.

Piper: Hay wait! *trying to catch up with him*

Paige: Come on! Leave him alone…

Piper: But he can expose us!

Paige: I don't think someone will believe him any way… And he doesn't even know our names…

Piper: But…!

Paige: And consider you are pregnant…

Piper: Yhe, Miss "Your-baby-shouldn’t-use-some- exercise".

Paige: Its just, Its hard to look at you as a pregnant woman which you need to respect, You’re my sister…!

Piper: *gives Paige a worm hug* and now I'm both...

Come on, let's go home…

They start walking to the exit.

Paige: Aren't you forgetting something?!

Piper: Oh… right… *she unfreeze everybody while they get out*

The scene:

Phoebe is at home on the couch wearing her glasses, and reading a book, while Piper and Paige get back home. The sound of the door closing startled Phoebe.

Phoebe: Wha?! *jumping from her couch*

Piper: Were back!

Phoebe: Good… I'm soooo board…

Paige: But I thought you were reading that book of yours!

Phoebe: Who said books are interesting?!

Piper: *putting her purse on the table* So why are you reading it?!

Phoebe: I feel that I have to, gram's wanted me to read it before she, well... you know…

Piper: Oh… I see… Am… Paige? Why won't you make us some lemonade?

Paige: always the younger sister who gets kicked out of the conversation… *going to the kitchen*

Piper looks at Paige's back while she goes and then sits on the couch next to phoebe

Phoebe: What?! What's wrong?!

Piper: I didn't want to talk about it next to Paige 'cause she said I should leave it a lone, but in the mall, I froze the people and someone didn't froze!

Phoebe: And you just let hem get away?!

Piper: First, I can't run that fast because I have a… you know…

And with Paige trying to stop me, and the fact

That I can't freeze hem…

I'm not what I used to be…

Phoebe: *hugging Piper* I know honey, I know…

Piper: So what about that man?!

Phoebe: Get the crystal!

Piper: Your goanna scrawl hem?!

Phoebe: Well, he can't just be a man, he gotta be a demon!

Phoebe gets a map and Piper hands her the crystal.

Paige: Here's your lemonade… Hay! What are you doing?!

Phoebe: scowling that man from the mall…

Piper: *giving Phoebe a mad face*

Phoebe: Sorry…

Paige: But I thought..!

Piper: Paige, we can't take the risk of being exposed!

That’s why we lost Prue!

Phoebe: Found him!

Let's go!

Piper: wait, we need to figure out who or what he is!

Paige takes the lemonade and goes down to the kitchen.

Piper and Phoebe go to the book of shadows.

Phoebe is flipping the books pages.

Piper: You think Paige got heart?

Phoebe: Maybe… but she needs to think about what could have happened if that man would have exposed us…

Piper: well… I'll help you…

Piper gets up from the box she was sitting on, and looked at the pages that were passing in front of her.

Phoebe: Maybe you remember how he looked like?

Piper: Well, he did have a hat, and he had strange looking eyes…

Phoebe: *flipping the BOS*something else?

Piper: well… he…

Had a… big… am… butt…

Phoebe: *giggling* well… maybe it’s the demon of big butts, coming to kill us…

*flipping the pages*

Piper: hay wait! What about…

*stopping Phoebe's flipping frenzy and going back a few pages*

Phoebe: an animal morph demon?!

Piper: yea! The picture looks just like him!

Let's see…

"A creature with the ability to morph into different kinds of animals, and to turn people into them, while in human form, he has a tail, two cat ears, and the eyes of the animal he last morphed into."

Phoebe: Well, that explains it all..!

Piper: Including the... Big butt...

Phoebe: Let's go tell Paige!

They both go downstairs.

Phoebe: Paige!

Piper: She's in the kitchen! Am… You go dress up, and I'll call her!

Piper picks into the kitchen

Piper: Paige…?

Paige: Leave me alone!

Piper: Did we heart you, Paige?

Paige: am… YHE!

Piper: But why?

Paige: Figure it out…!
Piper: *sitting next to Paige*

Was it because we didn't listen to you?

Paige: yes…

Piper: Oh, honey! That’s why you're crying?

Were sorry if we heart you… but we can't ever take those risks, you weren't here in the past years, and we learned a lot, you just need to know how to listen…!

Paige: But I thought I knew enough…

Piper: You do, but we were witches long time before you did, and we have more experience then you. And remember all those times we've listen to you? Why don't you forget about it, and I'll explain what's going on, on the way!

Paige: So I'm not a bad witch…? *smiling*

Piper: Of course you're not!

They both get out of the kitchen

Phoebe: It's about time… you o.k. Paige?

Paige: Yhe, never better!

Phoebe: *whispers to Piper* you can do magic…

Piper: And so are you… Let's get out O' here!

The three get out of the house.

And in the car...

Phoebe: right over there, then left on the next one.

Piper: *turning*

Paige: So, what did you say he is?

Phoebe: An animal morph demon…

Paige: So, if he can turn people into animals, why won't he turn us into animals?

Piper: 'cause we won't let hem to! *turning left*

Phoebe: According to the crystal, this is it.

*pointing on a big old deserted house.*

Piper stop's the car and all of them get out.

Paige: Why should he… Ah!

Suddenly a dog jumps on Paige from behind!

Dog: Quick! Get out of here! Before it's too late!

Piper: *frizzing the dog*

Phoebe: Was it just me, or that dog just spoke?!

Piper: That was strange..!

Paige: Unfreeze it, Piper!

Piper: You sure?

Paige: I don't think he'll eat me!

Piper: k… *unfreezing the dog*

Phoebe: What do you mean?!

Dog: No time! Oh! Here he comes!

Piper: Don't worry! Were have powerful powers then you can imagine!

Dog: I know!

Demon: Cute… very cute!

Phoebe: Hu?! *turning to see the demon*

Demon: *throwing Phoebe on the wall*

Piper: Oh yhe?! * trying to blow him up*

Demon: even cuter…

Piper: Why can't I freeze?!?

Demon: Since when do you have a tail…? *evil smile*

Paige: That’s enough! *orbing behind him*

Demon: What?!

Paige: ha! * Kicking hem and he falls down*

Demon: you're strong… but not enough! *shimmering*

Paige: Hay girlsssss…!

Piper: Something's prrr… wrong!

Phoebe: Oh… My head… Why… Do I have wings?!

Piper: I think… were animals!