Name: ______Per. _____ Date: 1-25-17

READING CHECK ON PARAGRAPHS 1-5 IN “Cocktails in Attica”

Directions: The following questions are based on what you have read so far in the essay, “Cocktails in Attica.”

The answers are based on your opinions AND the details that were present in paragraphs 1-5. Complete the sentence beginnings of the responses to form complete sentences. When asked, provide details and explanations for support.

1. In the 1st paragraph, the narrator tells us that he is on his way to prison. He also tells us that he “… weighed in at 120 pounds.” What is one thing we can assume about the narrator based on his weight? Explain/Support your response.

One thing we can assume about the narrator based on his weight is:______


The reason why we can assume this is because: ______




2. Explain how the narrator’s weight can be a disadvantage for him in prison.

The narrator’s weight might can be a disadvantage in prison because:______



3. In the 2nd paragraph, the narrator mentions the Rockefeller Plan. Read the 3rd paragraph and explain what the Rockefeller Plan is.

The Rockefeller Plan is:______



4. In the 5th paragraph, what fears did the narrator have when he entered Attica Penitentiary? In your opinion, are the narrator’s fears realistic? Why or why not?

When the narrator entered Attica Penitentiary, his biggest fears were:______



In my opinion, the narrator’s fears are (circle one) (realistic / unrealistic) because:______




5. In the 5th paragraph, what caused the narrator to lose his fear of Attica Penitentiary? In what way did the crime that caused him to be sent to prison help him?

The narrator lost his fear of Attica Penitentiary because:______



The crime that sent the narrator to prison helped him because:______


