Updated March 8, 2004

BYLAW I – General

SECTION 1: These bylaws shall govern the proceedings of this chapter in all matters not specifically provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws, and in the Convention Acts of the Tau Beta Pi Association.

SECTION 2: This chapter shall conform to such rules and regulations of the College of Engineering and the University of Wisconsin as may apply to honor societies.

SECTION 3: In the event of a conflict between the Constitution and Bylaws of the Tau Beta Pi Association, and the rules and regulations of the College of Engineering and the University of Wisconsin, such action shall be taken as deemed advisable by all parties concerned.

BYLAW II – Government

SECTION 1: The officers of this chapter shall be a President, Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Cataloger. All shall be active members. The Advisory Board is specified in C-VII of the National Constitution. The alumnus members of the Advisory Board shall preferably be from the faculty of the College of Engineering.

SECTION 2: Except for the alumnus members of the Advisory Board (see C-VII, 3), the officers of this chapter shall hold office for one year.

SECTION 3: The chapter President shall be the delegate to the National Convention. The chapter officers shall be alternates in the order listed in Section 1 above.

SECTION 4: The duties of the officers shall be as outlined in B-III of the National Bylaws, and in the bylaws of this chapter.

SECTION 5: The following extra duties shall be required of the officers:

a.  The President shall be a member, ex-officio, of all committees.

b.  The President and previous officer shall see that each officer and committee coordinator is provided with a written list of all specific duties for which each is responsible. These lists shall be discussed at the last officer meeting in the spring. A copy of each list shall be placed in the Recording Secretary’s notebook, and preferably also in the President’s Book.

c.  The Vice President of the chapter shall be in charge of arrangements for the semi-annual initiation and initiation banquet.

d.  The Corresponding Secretary shall keep an accurate, up-to-date list of the names of all active members of the chapter. He shall be the keeper of all dies and stationary of the chapter. See also VIII-1 of these Bylaws.

e.  The Recording Secretary shall see that each new member is provided with an up-to-date copy of these bylaws for his permanent keeping.

f.  The Cataloguer, who shall also be known as the Chapter Historian, shall keep an up-to-date card file on all members, and shall maintain the chapter’s photo album and take pictures of chapter events.

BYLAW III – Meetings

SECTION 1: The following regular meetings shall be scheduled and held once each year: election of officers.

SECTION 2: The following regular meetings shall be scheduled and held once in the fall and once in the spring semester: election of new members, informal initiation, formal initiation, and banquet.

SECTION 3: Meetings shall be held at such times that a majority of the active membership can be present.

SECTION 4: The first meeting of each semester shall be held as early in the semester as is practical and necessary. The president shall make this decision. If necessary, this meeting may be called as a special meeting as provided in SECTION 6.

SECTION 5: A complete calendar of the regular functions of the chapter for the term shall be presented to the members no later than the second meeting of the regular term.

SECTION 6: Special meetings may be called at any time by the president, by any member of the advisory board, or upon written request to the president signed by three active members.

SECTION 7: The advisory board shall be notified of all meetings well in advance, and the active members shall be notified at least two days in advance by the corresponding secretary. (see II-5,d, of these bylaws.)

SECTION 8: Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary guide of this chapter on all points not provided for in these bylaws, and the constitution and bylaws of the Tau Beta Pi association.

SECTION 9: At all meetings, except the open meetings, the order of business shall be as follows:

a.  Roll call.

b.  Minutes of the previous meeting.

c.  Reports of officers.

d.  Reports of committees.

e.  Unfinished business.

f.  New business.

g.  Adjournment.

SECTION 10: A quorum shall be as set forth in B-III, 16.

BYLAW IV – Election of Officers

SECTION 1: Officers shall be elected in the spring, and shall serve for one year.

SECTION 2: The new officers shall shadow their predecessor for the remainder of the year. They will take office at the end of the year.

SECTION 3: Nominations for officers shall be made from the floor at the time of election by any person attending the election meeting.

SECTION 4: The election of officers shall be by secret ballot. The winner of the election need only have the most number of votes. In the event of a tie for first, there will be another election between those parties.

SECTION 5: If any office shall become vacant between the regular elections, a special election shall be held at the next meeting to fill any and all vacancies created thereby. The officer(s) elected at that time shall serve until the next regular election.

BYLAW V – Committees

SECTION 1: Subject to the provisions in B-III,2, the President shall appoint the chairman and members of the following committees: Membership, Initiation, Program, Publicity, and such other committees as the Chapter shall desire and establish. Appointment shall be made at the discretion of the President.

SECTION 2: As early as possible after committee appointments the President shall provide each committee chairman with a list of his specific duties and responsibilities. (See II-5, b, of these bylaws.)

BYLAW VI – Election of New Members

SECTION 1: Election of new members shall be held in the Fall and Spring semesters as soon as possible after grades for the previous term become available.

SECTION 2: All provisions of C-VIII and B-VI shall be strictly followed. Inclusion in the junior or senior class for purposes of determining the top-eighth and top-fifth shall be based on standing within the engineering curriculums as a result of courses completed or currently enrolled in. Inclusion shall not be based solely on college credits earned. The definition of junior and senior standing in a curriculum shall be determined by a committee and approved by the Advisory Board.

SECTION 3: Scholastically eligible Undergraduate and Graduate students seeking a degree in Biological Systems Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, Geological Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or Nuclear Engineering at the University of Wisconsin – Madison shall be considered for membership.

SECTION 4: Night students pursuing equivalent curricula to those named in SECTION 3 may be considered for membership in the Chapter and will not be considered separately from day students.

SECTION 5: Transfer students shall be eligible for consideration after one full semester of attendance at UW-Madison. However, their grade points and academic record previous to transfer will be taken into consideration.

SECTION 6: The cases of students whose scholastic eligibility is in doubt because of irregularities in standing or curriculum shall be determined by the Advisory Board of the Chapter.

SECTION 7: The Chapter may elect to specify scholastic requirements higher than those stated in C-VII.

SECTION 8: The membership committee shall periodically consult with the chair of the various engineering departments to determine the names of graduate students, alumni, faculty members, and others who may be eligible for membership under the provisions of C-VIII, 3-6.

SECTION 9: Exemplary Character Evaluation

a.  Letters shall be sent to scholastically eligible candidates inviting them to an informational meeting about Tau Beta Pi.

b.  An informational meeting will be held at which candidates will be given a membership application, 1 faculty recommendation, and other TBP informational materials to fill out. Each candidate will also be asked to sign up for a committee at this informational meeting.

SECTION 10: Voting Procedures

a.  At the election meeting, the Eligibility Code shall first be read.

b.  Each eligible, interested initiate's name shall be presented in alphabetical order at the Election Meeting.

c.  Active members shall be asked if there are any concerns with any initiates, and those initiates' memberships shall be discussed.

d.  The Chapter's active members shall make a final vote to approve the initiates for membership.

SECTION 11: All initiates shall be informed about their election to the Chapter, only after the Vice President approves the initiates' active participation in the initiate events

SECTION 12: All members shall keep the election results in absolute confidence so that no candidate shall learn of his or her election except by means of the President or Vice President; likewise, no candidate shall be informed of the details of the vote, especially concerning the personal matters discussed at the time of voting.

SECTION 13: The electees desiring to accept election shall attend a Bent Casting Party and formally state acceptance at that time.

SECTION 14: Each electee who refuses initiation for financial reasons shall be interviewed by the Advisory Board, as required by C-VIII, 10(a).

SECTION 15: Each electee shall be required to take part in two activities recommended or approved by the Chapter officers to foster a spirit of liberal culture. This activity may take the form of a community or chapter service project. They shall also be encouraged to read the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association and these Bylaws.

SECTION 16: The Chapter may assign additional duties to electees, subject to the provision of B-VII, 7.02.

BYLAW VII – Records

SECTION 1: Records shall be kept up-to-date and in good order (see B-III, 1c.). The complete records shall be turned over the new officers before they assume office.

SECTION 2: All records shall be open for inspection to any member of Tau Beta Pi in good standing.

SECTION 3: All records shall be left with the Advisory Committee during the summer vacation.

BYLAW VIII – Finances

SECTION 1: The expenses of the Chapter shall be borne by the initiation fee, and by such dues and pro rata assessments as may be voted by the Chapter. A majority vote of the total active membership shall be required to change any fees or dues or levy any assessment. Within one week the Corresponding Secretary shall inform the Secretary-Treasurer of the Association concerning the changes in the amounts of these dues and assessments.

SECTION 2: A checking account will be maintained at the University of Wisconsin Credit Union. This account will be used to pay for all expenditures of the Chapter. Both the President and the Treasurer will have signature authority on this account. Any individual making an expenditure for the Chapter may seek reimbursement from the Treasurer by filling out a reimbursement form and providing documentation (a receipt or invoice) of the expense. The Treasurer must approve all reimbursements.

SECTION 3: This Chapter shall use the official bookkeeping system of the Association (except as provided in B-III, 8.).

SECTION 4: The initiation fee for all candidates shall be $75.00. This shall include all national fees.

SECTION 5: The financial standing of the Chapter shall be examined by the Advisory Board each semester to determine the existence of a surplus. If a treasury surplus exists, the Advisory Board may declare a portion of these surplus funds available to be applied to the initiation banquet fee for those members who are recommended by the officers and who wish to attend the banquet.

SECTION 6: Formation of the budget is based on income from the current semester and any surplus from previous semesters. Budget is proposed by the Treasurer and must be approved by a majority of the officers.

BYLAW IX – Discipline

SECTION 1: Discipline shall be in accordance with the Constitution, Article IX. In this Article, section 5(a), “Continued and inexcusable absence from the meetings of the Chapter” is to be defined as unexcused absence from the meeting for electing new members and/or failure to attend another function of the Chapter.

SECTION 2: The only valid excuses for absence from the election-of-new-members meeting are:

a.  Severe illness

b.  Pressing business; an exam at the same time as the meeting or an out-of-town trip are valid.

c.  Direct conflict with employment or a regularly scheduled class.

The president must be notified prior to the meeting of any absence. Excuses should be addressed to the president who shall judge the validity of exceptional cases with the member being given the right to appeal this decision at the next Chapter meeting by presenting his or her case orally to the Chapter. A majority vote shall reverse the decision of the president in this matter.

Each member is also required to attend another chapter function, aside from the election of new members. This includes community service, meetings, initiation activities, or other events of the Chapter.