Patient beneficiary case study

Project -3006: Gamo Gofa Konso Dereshe Ale Elimination of Blinding Trachoma project. Ethiopia 2013.

By- Mulatu Gebre / ORBIS International

Program Outline:

ORBIS International Ethiopia Gamo Gofa Konso Dereshe Ale Elimination of Blinding Trachoma project has been working since March 2006 along with its government partners to reduce the prevalence of trachoma from the project area by implementing SAFE strategy. The project was based at Arba Minch Town which is the capital of Gamo Gofa zone in SNNPR at distance of 506 kms from Addis Ababa. The objective of the project is to reduce Trachomatous Trichiasis(TT) from average 3% to less than 1% and Active Trachoma from 33.2 % to less than 10% by the end of the project (2015) from project area. The main inputs are capacity building for government partners& community awareness creation, strengthening & establishing eye care units of different standards and equipping each eye care units with adequate equipments & supplies.

Week - June 27, 2013(week- 4)

Program Subspecialties: Primary Eye care service.

Case Details:

Patient: Alemnesh Shoshila.

Gender: Female.

Age: 11 years.

Residence: Dita woreda, Lisha Kebele, Zurduma Village.

Condition/Diagnosis: Right upper lid trachomatous trichiasis (inward turning of eye lashes which rub on cornea).

Treatment: Bilamiral Tarsal Rotation (BTR) surgery.

VF: Tsehay Tsenbelo, Nurse and Integrated Eye Care Worker, Dita woreda, Zada Health Center, SNNPR, Ethiopia.

Summary of how condition is affecting life/Case context:

It is unusual to see TT among children less than 15 years old except in areas where trachoma is hyper endemic and recurrence of the infection is very high. Dita woreda is one of such area where TT prevalence among children is 1.2% (baseline survey 2008).

Alemnesh Shoshila is an 11 years old girl who lives in Dita Woreda Lisha kebele. She lives with her seven family members. She has been attending school in the nearby primary school and completed grade 4 by June 2013. She also helps her family in some household chores in her spare time.

Alemnesh developed TT in the past one year. She had been suffering from tearing, fear of light, and pain which forced her to less focus on her education (she stood 31st out of 54 students). Alemnesh’s brother also had same case. However, their parents’ effort in getting their children’s eyes better was limited to traditional healers in the village. The traditional healers usually conduct epilation on single eyelash.

No one in the family knew Alemnesh and her brother’s case was trachoma. The condition of Alemnesh’s eyes becomes worsened due to a number of growing lashes increased from time to time. She started to have difficulties in studying. Even though she was longing for pain reduction, comfort and a clear vision, it was not possible with just a traditional healers help.

In one lucky day, Alemnesh went to visit her grandmother for summer vacation which is nearby the health center. Her grandmother’s house is located at 30 minute single trip from health post and 1:30 hours from health center on foot travel. W/ro Zenebech, who is health extension worker of the health post, fortunately dropped into their house for routine work. She observed that Alemnesh has problem with her vision and asked her grandmother information about her problem.

Zenebech who is trained in PEC examined Alemnesh and observed that she has TT. It was this time that Alemnesh and her grandmother came to know the problem and its solution. Thereafter, Zenebech communicated Tsehay Tsenbelo who is an IECW at Zada Health Center and made an appointment for outreach campaign date. Tsehay was moved to the heath post on June 20, 2013 for TT outreach activities.

Alemnesh and her grandmother went to the outreach campaign to receive the service. Tsehay reexamined Alemnesh and conducted lid surgery for free of charge. A week later (on 27/06/2013), Alemnesh visited the health center for post op checkup and stitch removal.

This day for Alemnesh was very special. She feels no pain and vision problem anymore. She quoted “I never thought that it was such a simple procedure to go through with lid surgery when I was told to have….My wish henceforth is to attend school with comfort and work hard….opportunity always helps people like me”


W/ro Zenebech (Health Extension Worker) said, “We continue benefiting our community as long as support from ORBIS is with us to tackle trachoma.”

Alemnesh’s grandmother said, “God bless all who helped my kid! TSOSIMO!!!”