The PCWC Membership Directory shall not be released to individuals or organizations to be used for mailing or solicitations by anyone including businesses or non-profit organizations. Any violation will be grounds for termination of membership from the Potomac Chase Women’s Club.

Potomac Chase Women’s Club

Membership Directory

Table of Contents

Board Members and Committee Chairs……………… / 4
Bylaws of the Potomac Chase Womens Club...………. / 6
Events and Committee Descriptions….………………. / 11
Map of PCWC membership area……………………. / 14
Alphabetical Member Listing ……………….……….. / 15
Advertisers……………………………………………. / 48



2017-2018 Board Members &

Committee Chairs

Executive Board

President / Sabina Koyani
Electronic Communications
Coordinator / Hazel Keating
Events Coordinator / Chrissy Spano
Sub-Club Coordinator / Margaret Weiner
Membership Services
Coordinators / Lori Rosenstock
Newsletter/Advertising / Kerri Sumlinski
Treasurer / Amy Fenzel
Website Coordinator / Julie Farber

Social Events

Kickoff Party / PCWC Board
Food Demo / Arjita Chawla
Autumn Fun Fest / Jess Boro, Jane Mugrage, Hillary Sagman
Wine Tasting / Hazel Keating
Winter Mittens / Vacant
Holiday Party / Tara Kavadias
End of Year Celebration / Vacant
4th of July Parade / Amy Fenzel
Earth Day Celebration / Rosemary DeRose

Community Service

Jones Lane Clean Up / Kristen Kaelin
NIH Mother’s Day Baskets / Kristin Paolini
Stepping Stones / Annette Golub
Sunshine Committee / Crystal Summers
Margaret Weiner
Jennifer Bila
NIH Thoughtful Treasures / Whitney Luther
Toys for Tots / Kerri Moyer

Sub Clubs

Babysitting Co-op / Megan Craig
Book Club (A) / Helaine Groeger
Book Club (B) / Hazel Keating
Book Club (C) / Lori Rosenstock
Book Club (D) / Amanda Toone
Bunco/Game Night / Alison Boynton
Children’s Reading/Book Club / Arjita Chawla
Cookbook Club / Maggie Klaassens
Documentary Club / Annette Roberts
Lunch Bunch (A) / Marion Levine
Lunch Bunch (B) / Sabina Koyani
Outdoor Adventures / Natasha Romano
Playgroups / Debbie Radford

Bylaws of the Potomac Chase Women’s Club


The Potomac Chase Women's Club provides community fellowship and support, conducts community service activities, and provides fun activities for neighboring families, couples, and individuals.


Executive Board Members are required to attend the majority of board meetings held during the year. The Website Coordinator is exempt from this meeting attendance requirement. (This addendum to the bylaws was voted on and approved at the Board Meeting held on June 29, 2017)

President -

·  Supports all board members, committee chairs and sub-club coordinators

·  Schedules and presides over the board meetings

·  Establishes the budgets for all events and meetings

·  Responsible for reviewing club communications, i.e., “The Chatter” Newsletter, The PCWC Membership Directory, new member welcome letter, etc.

·  Acts as spokeswoman for the Club

·  Chairs the Kick-Off meeting committee, working with Board to plan this event which engages everyone in the PCWC for the upcoming year

Membership Services Coordinator –

·  Manages online membership form in Google Forms.

·  Manages membership spreadsheet in Google Sheets.

·  Monitors PCWC Gmail account for notification of any dues payments or membership requests.

·  Communicates renewal information to members beginning in mid-summer. Sets deadline for renewal in late summer/early fall.

·  Records all dues payments on membership spreadsheet during renewal time and throughout the year.

·  Sends member list to Electronic Services Coordinator to ensure Yahoo group and Evite lists are kept up to date after the fall renewal deadline has passed. Assists in validating requests to join the PCWC Online Yard Sale

·  Works with the Newsletter Editor to produce the annual Membership Directory

·  During renewal time and througout the year, passes new member info to the Newsletter Editor to publish in the newsletter and to Electronic Services Coordinator to add to Yahoo Group and Evite list. Gives new members a welcome message, PCWC gift, directory and newsletter.

·  Addresses any membership related concerns

Event Coordinator –

·  Works with the President and Board to plan any year-long activity series/seminars

·  Create/update signup sheets for all community service committees, annual social events, sub-clubs, etc. and print them out for the kickoff meeting for signups

·  If vacancies occur after kickoff, send out requests via the yahoo group for help or hosting

·  Communicate all chairs and information to newsletter publisher for updating

·  Communicate event dates and details to webmaster for updating

·  Contact members that signed up to chair or host and give them contact information for their committee members and all names that were on the signup sheets

·  Give chairs budget allocation if applicable to event, and any historical info (food quantities, number of craft activities, etc.) to help them plan their event

·  Communicate with chair or host to schedule dates/times/places for events

·  Follow up with chair/hosts to make sure events are prepared, in need of anything, etc.

Sub-Club Coordinator –

·  Help organize sub-clubs and keep them running smoothly, confirm membership, assist new ones in starting up, provide support as needed to sub-club chairs

·  Create/update signup sheets for allsub-clubs and print them out for the kickoff meeting for signups

·  If sub-chair vacancies occur after kickoff, send out requests via the yahoo group for help or hosting

·  Assist new members in finding club vacancies

·  Communicate all chairs and information to newsletter publisher for updating. Communicate with club chairs prior to each newsletter to ensure they provide newsletter coordinator with updates from their club

·  Contact members that signed up to chair or host and give them contact information for their committee members and all names that were on the signup sheets

Newsletter Editor –

·  Publishes the quarterly newsletter of the PCWC, “The Chatter.” This includes coordinating with board members, committee and sub-club chairs, and event hosts about upcoming events, creating features/filler where needed and setting deadlines as needed for timely publication.Revises newsletter after proofing by President and other proofreaders; submit newsletter to publisher

·  Sorts and distributes newsletters to the “delivery corps” for delivery to members. Discuss other delivery options for those members living outside the delivery area

·  Works with the Membership Services Coordinator to publish the annual Membership Directory

·  Contacts advertisers at the start of each year to renew their advertisements, working with them to create/edit ads as necessary. Solicits new advertisements from within and outside of the membership

Treasurer –

·  Works with the President and Board Members to establish and report on event/activity financials, assists in establishing budgets for all club events, establishes the dues payment process and oversees the collection of all club monies.

·  Keep record of all transactions affecting the Club’s checking account on an on-going basis

·  Issue checks as requested on approval by the President or standing policy

·  Receive funds and deposit them on behalf of the Club

·  Receive monthly bank statements. Reconcile and balance ledgers against checks using Quicken

Electronic Services Coordinator –

·  Keep Yahoo Group roster and Evite contacts up to date, add/delete names at beginning of year (after the fall membership renewal deadline) and throughout the year as needed

·  Create Evites with dates, times and important information for most events and send to all current members in contacts.

·  Follow up if there are problems with anyone receiving Evites and using the Yahoo Group

·  Communicate RSVP numbers to event committees as needed

·  Validate requests to join the PCWC Online Yard Sale (Facebook), remove individuals whose memberships have lapsed

Website Coordinator –

·  Maintain the PCWC website with material supplied by the Board (event details, membership forms, committee chair lists, etc.) as needed


Membership shall be open to interested women currently living in the Potomac Chase neighborhood and adjacent neighborhoods south of Route 28/Darnestown Road in North Potomac and Darnestown, Maryland. Those who had membership prior to October 1, 2016 that are outside these perimeters and are in good standing will be grandfathered in.

Members shall pay full dues and have the rights and privileges of membership. Member dues and forms are submitted to the membership coordinator by the yearly set date.

All members shall receive a copy of the membership directory, copy of the bylaws and regular communication through the newsletter, yahoo group and Evites.

The membership directory shall not be released to individuals or organizations to be used for mailing or solicitations by anyone including businesses or non-profit organizations.

The Yahoo group (listserv) shall not be used for solicitation by members, businesses or non-profit organizations.

Members in violation of PCWC by-laws may receive reminders or warnings regarding proper club conduct from Board members. Continued or repeated violations will result in having membership terminated and dues refunded in a prorated amount.

Members are required to pay annual dues to be sent to the PCWC membership coordinator.

Members not paid by the membership renewal deadline will not be listed in the directory and will be removed from the Yahoo group and Evite list. Once dues have been paid in full, they will be added back to the Yahoo group and Evite list.

PCWC accepts new membership year round, however after the initial membership deadline new members will not be in the directory until the following year.

Membership dues are non-refundable.

A member may not participate in any PCWC activity if her dues are not current and paid.

The board may review membership requirements from time to time.

Events are open to all club members and may require a fee to be paid to attend.

Any future amendments or additions to these bylaws will be announced via newsletter and the Yahoo group.

Event and Committee Descriptions


Kickoff Party – hosted by the PCWC board at the end of August, this event kicks off the new PCWC year with drinks, snacks and giveaways. Great opportunity to catch up with friends/neighbors after the summer and check out the sign-up sheets to help out with committees and events in the new year!

Autumn Fun Fest – a weekend afternoon close to Halloween, at Aberdeen Park, includes a costume parade for children, chili cook-off or dessert bake-off, crafts and games

Food Demo – a neighborhood chef shares secrets and tips for a style/type of cooking, with tasting to follow

Wine Tasting – an evening to explore some new wines with our neighborhood expert, just in time for the holidays

Winter Mittens – celebrate the season with crafts, food, and a very special visitor

Holiday Celebration – a formal evening out to celebrate the holiday season with drinks and hors de’oeuvres. Spouses/significant others invited!

Earth Day Celebration - a weekend close to Earth Day, work as a community to clean up our neighborhood of invasive plants, activities and snacks for families.

End-of-Year Celebration – ease into summer with socializing, drinks and food. Spouses/significant others invited!

4th of July Bike Parade – celebrate Independence Day with a morning bike parade through the neighborhood, leaving from Aberdeen Park, followed by games and summer refreshments back at the park


Jones Lane Cleanup – coordinate the bimonthly trash pickup along Jones Lane, liaison with the County as needed

NIH Mother’s Day Baskets – collect supplies for the annual Mother’s Day baskets, a PCWC tradition that gives each mom at the Children’s Inn at NIH a gift basket of sundries. Assemble the baskets and deliver them to NIH

Stepping Stones Shelter – coordinate the provision of one meal/month to this women’s and children’s shelter in Rockville

Sunshine Committee – act as the club voice to the neighborhood, offering congratulations and sympathy, coordinating meals/help for PCWC families in need, and welcoming new families who move in.

Thoughtful Treasures – coordinate an evening of crafting to provide a small treasure in the mailbox of each child at the Children’s Inn of NIH

Toys for Tots – collect toys during December, including at Santa’s Mittens, and drop them off at a designated location


Babysitting Co-Op Coordinator – Trade babysitting with other neighborhood moms using a points-based system. Coordinator assists interested PCWC members in learning about the co-op and applying for membership; runs co-op meetings.

Book Club Coordinator – Initially contacts all interested members, schedules first meeting, assists in determining hostess for each book club meeting, serves as contact throughout the year, and provides newsletter editor with book club updates.

Children’s Reading/Book Club Coordinator – Initially contacts all interested members, directs them to an age-appropriate group, and serves as ongoing contact for new members, and provides newsletter editor with Reading/Book club updates.

Cookbook Club Coordinator - Initially contacts all interested members, schedules first meeting, assists in determining hostess for each Cookbook club meeting, serves as contact throughout the year, and provides newsletter editor with Cookbook club updates.

Documentary Club Coordinator – Initially contacts all interested members, schedules first meeting, assists in determining hostess or location for each Documentary club meeting, serves as contact throughout the year, and provides newsletter editor with Documentary club updates.

Game Night Coordinator – Initially contacts all interested members, assists in getting each group started, and serves as main contact throughout the year. Bunco is typically played, unless there are not enough participants and another game will be chosen.

Lunch Bunch Coordinator – Initially contacts all members interested in participating and assists in planning lunch bunch meeting places and groups, and serves as ongoing contact for new members who want to participate in lunch bunch.

Outdoor Adventure Coordinator – Initially contacts all members interested in participating and assists in planning Outdoor Adventure meeting places and activities, and serves as ongoing contact for new members who want to participate in Outdoor Adventure Club.

Playgroup Coordinator – Initially contacts all interested members, directs them to an age-appropriate playgroup, and serves as ongoing contact for new members.