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Vocabulary Match the definitions with the correct terms. (6 points)

Key Concepts Choose the letter of the correct answer. (4 points)

4. Which statement is NOT true about European allies of the colonies in the
Revolutionary War?

A France supplied troops, supplies, and funds to the colonies.

B Holland sent the Patriots arms and loaned them money.

C Spain provided money and supplies, and attacked the British in the South.

D Germany sent its large navy to help the colonies.

5. What Southern Patriot known as the Swamp Fox attacked British forces with small groups of men, then moved quickly back into the woods or swamps?

F Nathan Hale

G Paul Revere

H Francis Marion

I Thomas Jefferson

6. Which statement is true about the British campaign in the Southern colonies?

A The British took control of all of Spain’s settlements in Florida.

B The British stopped their campaign in the South after Nathan Hale’s army defeated
them in Atlanta.

C The campaign went well at first. The British captured Savannah and Charleston with the
aid of Loyalists.

D With the help of Native Americans and enslaved Africans, the British took complete
control of the Southern colonies.

7. Which of the following was a key advantage for the Patriots in the Revolutionary War?

A The British knew the local geography better than the Patriots.

B The Patriots had large weapons factories that produced guns that were better than the guns the British troops had.

C France, Holland, and Spain allied themselves with the Patriots. They supplied troops, money, and arms.

D The Patriots discovered a huge deposit of gold near Philadelphia. They used the gold to buy enough supplies and weapons to defeat the British.

8. Which of these statements BEST describes the role of African Americans in the
Revolutionary War?

F Most enslaved African Americans chose to remain in slavery.

G African Americans fought on both sides during the war. They played an important role
in the Patriot war effort.

H Conflict broke out between African Americans and Native Americans as both groups
fought to control the land.

I Slave owners in the South sent their enslaved African Americans back to Africa so that they could not help the British.

9. Which country helped the Patriots in the Battle of Yorktown by blocking British supply
ships in the Chesapeake Bay?

A Prussia

B France

C Spain

D Holland

10. What was the main outcome of the Battle of Yorktown?

A The surrender of the British army under General Cornwallis marked the defeat
of the British.

B Benedict Arnold betrayed the Patriots by switching to the British side.

C General Nathaniel Greene led surprise raids against the British army. Those raids
weakened the British.

D The colonies granted the French navy fishing rights in the Chesapeake Bay.

11. Which of the following was a key part of the Treaty of Paris?

F Great Britain recognized new and expanded borders for the United States.

G The United States became a French colony.

H Great Britain refused to recognize the independence of the colonies.

I The United States adopted a monarchy.

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