Lab 2:Hello World -
UseNetLogo Turtle Graphics to draw your first name.You may draw insimpleblock letters or a stylized letters- so long as your name isreadable. You may augment your namewith decorations drawn in turtlegraphics.
Grading Rubric [20 pointstotal]:
[A:2points]: Submitonefiletoyourinstructor:theNetlogosourcecodewith thefile name:W1.firstname.lastname.nlogo.Ofcourse,firstnameandlastnameinthetwofilenamesaboveareYOURfirst and last names.
[B:2points]: Thefirstfewlinesofyourprogramarecommentsincludingyour name,thedate,yourschool,andtheassignmenttitle(Lab1: YourNamein Turtle Graphics).
[C:2points]:Yourprogrammustincludecommentsthatdelineatewhichlinesof code are used to draw each oftheletters inyour name.
[D:2 points]:Your program includes a description in theInfo section.
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[E 6 points]:Your program includes a “setup”and “go” button. When thesebuttons areclicked in that order, your program uses turtlegraphics to draw your first name. If your name is very long you can use a shortened version of your name or a nickname that is at least 5 letters long. You must get approval for the shortened name or nickname from your teacher BEFORE you program it! Note:The exampleat thehead of this lab shows a name drawn 8 times. You may draw your namemultiple times, but that is not a requirement.
[F6 points]:Your program draws your name(and any decorations) using atleast10 different turtleforwardcommands. Your program may use other turtlecommands.
[Extra Credit: 5 Points]:In addition tothe“setup” and “go” buttons, your program includes a third button labeled “Extra Credit 1”. Whenthis buttonis clicked, your program clearsthescreen and draws 4 different geometric shapes, not five of the same geometric shape. Some geometric shapes to think about are triangle, square or rectangle, dodecahedron, octagon,… you get the idea. Use your imagination – how many sides can you draw on a shape and how does it relate to the angle that the turtle has to turn?
[Extra Credit: 5 Points]:In addition tothe“setup” and “go” buttons, your program includes a third button labeled “Extra Credit 2”. Whenthis buttonis clicked, your program clearsthescreen and draws a house with at least a box and a triangle for the structure and 1 window and 1 door. Be creative. Use different colors. Have fun!
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