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4.MSC ECOLABEL - information to be submitted to CLIENT
The distinctive blue ecolabel gives consumers confidence that they are choosing seafood products which are traceable and have beensourced from independently certified fisheries.
Before seafood can be sold with the ecolabel, businesses in the supply chain must haveundertaken a traceability audit to meet theMSC Chain of Custody standard.
Using the MSC ecolabel brings a range of potential benefits to any company in the supply chain, helping it to stand out from competitorsand attract new customers. Many of the world’s leading retailers and seafood brandshave placed the MSC at the centre of theirsustainable seafood policies.
The aim of the present document is to make clear which Company is the licenses of the MSC Logo and [MSOffice1]to provide guidance to Certificate Holders on the use of the MSC logo or ecolabel.
MSC Fishery Certification requirements and guidance v.2
Marine Stewardship Council website
MSC General Certification Requirements v.2.1
Given the wide variety of supply chains that produce MSC-labelled seafood and the requirement that a licence is obtained from Marine Stewardship Council International Ltd (MSCI) for use of the MSC ecolabel, it is important that there is clarity about which companies should obtain this licence.
3.2Rule on which company should be the licensee
The licensee is the following entity:
- The company that is the owner of the product at the time of placing the product into MSC-labelled packaging, adding the ecolabel to a menu or fish counter etc.
- Exceptions, e.g. for brand owners, can be requested from MSCI and granted in its absolute discretion.
If an exception is granted, it is the responsibility of the brand owner to make sure that the product is correctly registered with the MSCI, under a valid licence. Unless an exception has been granted, the owner of the product at the time of production will be assumed to be the licence holder and responsible for any royalty payments.
3.3Examples of supply chains to illustrate the application of the rule:
- Example A: Processor (placing product into MSC-labelled packaging under processor or retail own brand) sells to retailer
Application of Rule: The licensee is the processor.
- Example B: Processor (selling non MSC-labelled seafood) sells to retailer (applies ecolabel on fish counter or processes in-store)
Application of Rule: The licensee is the retailer.
- Example C: Processor (selling non MSC-labelled seafood) sells to restaurant (applies ecolabel on menu)
Application of Rule: The licensee is the restaurant.
- Example D: Contract caterer operates the canteen of a commercial client and places the ecolabel on the menu with the approval of the client
Application of Rule: The licensee is the contract caterer.
- Example E:Processor subcontracts packaging to a contract processor and then sells the product under brand owner brand to a brand owner.
Application of Rule: The licensee is the processor, not the sub-contractor or brand owner.
- Example F:Processor placing product into MSC-labelled packaging under brand owner brand, sells to brand owner and the brand owner submits PAF and artwork to MSCI.
Application of Rule: The licensee is the processor. If the processor does not want to be the licence holder and the brand owner wishes to be the licence holder, an application for this exception must be made to the MSCI.
This rule applies to all licensees.It was modified for consistency purposes and doesn’t affect traceability.
- MSC ECOLABEL - information to be submitted to CLIENT
The MSC/ASC ecolabel, the name ‘Marine Stewardship Council’ and the initials ‘MSC’ are trademarks and are owned by the Marine Stewardship Council.
The use of MSC ecolabel (or MSC logo) is allowed only on fish and fish products coming from a well-managed and sustainable fishery after an independent, third party verification proving that these products come from a certified fishery.
All material produced by or for the fishery upon which the MSC logo is sought to be displayed (including material to be displayed on fishery products) shall be submitted by the fishery to Marine Stewardship Council International Ltd for approval.
RINA / MSC Logo Use / Rev. 03Pag. 1/14
Formats and colour:
To suit the CLIENT’s packaging needs the MSC ecolabel is available: in landscape and portrait formats; in colour (Pantone PMS 286, CMYK 100 60 0 2; RGB 0 93 170; Hex #005daa), or in black and white (solid black and white only, never in gray-scale and these exceptions are agreed at the discretionof the MSC); as JPG, TIFF, AI, EPS or BMP files.
The minimum size for on-product applications of the landscape (horizontal) ecolabel is 10mm (measured from the base to the top of the lefthand side). The minimum size for the portrait (vertical) ecolabel is 14mm (measured from side to side at the top).
Minimum size requirements for bulk packaging are 20mm and 28mm, respectively.
There is no maximum size restriction for display of the MSC ecolabel or its variations, either on-product or off-product.
Translations of the phrase ‘certified sustainable seafood’ are already available in over 20languages. If a new translation is requiredthis must be carried out by the MSC.
The MSC ecolabel is made up of 6 elements,which may not be separated from eachother or altered in any way
A)'certified sustainable seafood', the meaning of the MSC ecolabel, appropriate translations into different languages are available from the MSC;
B) 'MSC' initials - representing Marine Stewardship Council, the owner of the ecolabel;
C) - the MSC's web site addressmust always bedisplayed in its whole form;
D) white keyline - outlines the fish checkmark and ecolabel as a whole and shall always be displayed;
E) TM - indicating that the MSC ecolabel is a trademark, registration of the MSC trademark is already approved in many countries.
F) fish checkmark - the oval shape forms the pictorial part of the ecolabel and illustrates a fish body that incorporates a checkmark, or tick.
According to the MSC International Ecolabel Licensing System – Categories of ecolabel use and charges ( there are two categories of ecolabel use:
1. Consumer facing(CF): examples include retail and independent brand MSC-labelled seafood products, menus in foodservice outlets and ‘direct to consumer’ websites;
2. Non consumer facing (NCF) : examples include bulk packaging for certified seafood, foodservice caterer price lists and websites.
The MSC ecolabel may thus be used in four main ways:
5.1On-product use
Processors, distributors, foodservice suppliers and wholesalers that sell MSC certified seafood in bulk or in consumer-ready packaging can apply to use the MSC ecolabel on product.On-product’ refers to the display of the MSC ecolabel on productsto indicate that a seafood item comes from a fishery certified as meeting the MSC environmental standard for sustainable fishing.
This includes bulk packaging, caterers’ pricelists and catalogues used in a business-to-business context.
The MSC ecolabel must appear on the front of the packaging to ensure it is immediately visible to consumers.
The MSC claim
When the MSC ecolabel is used on product, it must always be accompanied by the MSCclaim. The claim explains and substantiates theMSC ecolabel and is available in five versions:
- Version 1: Thank you for choosing seafood that has met the MSC's global standard for sustainability. Together we can help protect fish stocks for the future.
- Version 2: This product comes from a fishery that has been independently certified to the MSC’s standard for a well-managed and sustainable fishery.
- Version 3: “The XXXXXX (insert seafood species) in this product comes from a fishery that has been independently certified to the MSC’s standard for a well-managed and sustainable fishery.
- Version 4: “This seafood has met the MSC’s global standard for sustainability.
- Version 5:“From an MSC certified sustainable fishery.
The MSC Chain of Custody code:
Every MSC labelled product carries a unique Chainof Custody code featuring a sequence of lettersand numbers that refer to the producer of theproduct. It shall be displayed next to the MSC
ecolabel or MSC claim and should be readable.This code underpins the traceability of the MSCChain of Custody and ecolabelling program, andit must be displayed to validate use of the MSC
ecolabel. The code will be provided by your certifieror supplier, or you can contact the MSC for advice.
Additional requirements:
Apart from showing the correct seafood species,MSC ecolabel, Chain of Custody code and MSCclaim there are no other MSC requirements forproduct labelling.
If other information related to a certified fishery or the MSC is mentioned (e.g. FAOregion, fishing method), the MSC will checkthe information according to the certificationreport issued by the certifier. The MSC is not
responsible for validating any additional claims. Images of non-certified species or unassociatedfishing activity cannot be displayed on productpackaging.The responsibility for adhering to nationaland international food standards and labellingguidelines rests solely with the owner of theproduct packaging.
Trade names:
The product name should not refer to noncertifiedspecies. Under some circumstancesexceptions to this rule may be made onapplication to the MSC (e.g. ‘Imitation Crab’for surimi products). The name of the product
must not be misrepresentative to buyersor consumers.
Exclusion zone:
When the ecolabel is produced at its minimum size, the clear space around it must be at least2mm for product-specific text (such as species,weight, ingredients) where the text does notlead to a connection between the MSC andany other organisation. Clear space must beat least 5mm for general packaging designelements (such as brand names, logos etc)where the MSC ecolabel could be associatedwith the host brand.When the ecolabel is reproduced at larger sizesit must be surrounded by clear space at 10 percent of the ecolabel height (portrait format) orwidth (landscape format).
Multipack rules:
The MSC ecolabel may not appear on the outer packaging of a multipack product if one of the individual packs contains non-certified seafood. There is a specific version of theMSC ecolabel – the multipack mark – available on request.
A)The multipack mark may be included in the outer packaging but must not appearon the front.
B)The blue oval may be used on the front of the packaging next to the name of theMSC certified product or species.
The Chain of Custody code shall be displayed next to the multipack mark on the outer packaging. The individual packs inside must show the standard MSC ecolabel and followthe on-product rules.
5.2On menu use
Businesses that serve MSC certified seafood that is ‘ready to eat’ and can be consumed immediately, either on the premises or as a take-away can apply for use of the MSC ecolabel on menus. ‘On-menu’ refers to the display of the MSC ecolabel on menus, usually by restaurants or caterers.
A)The blue oval can be placed next to listed dishes on a menu. The seafood content in each dish indicated must be over 95 per cent MSC certified seafood.
B)The full ecolabel with explanatory textmust also be printed on the menu.
Size and proportions
The full ecolabel is a complete entity and should not be broken up or tilted from its axis. The minimum size of the full ecolabel is 15mm (measured from the base to the top of the left-hand side).
Neither ecolabel may be redrawn, distorted or altered in any way from the original master artwork.
The Chain of Custody code of the restaurant or caterer needs to appear next to the full ecolabel.
5.3Fish counter use
Shops and stores that sell MSC certified third-party branded products and private label products to consumers, including online retailers and fishmongers can apply for MSC ecolabel use at fish counters.
Price tags
The MSC ecolabel and the Chain of Custody code of the retailer or independent fishmonger must be applied to all price tags displayingMSC certified fish in one of the following ways:
- By printing the ecolabel on price tags
- By using clips that are attached to price tags
- By using a sticker on price tags
- By using fish tags.
Accompanying material
A poster or display stand needs to be positioned at the fish counter displaying:
- The MSC ecolabel
- The MSC claim “Seafood with this mark comes from a fishery which has been independentlycertified to the MSC’s standard for a wellmanagedand sustainable fishery.
- The Chain of Custody code of the retaileror independent fishmonger.
Use of fish tags
In some instances seafood companies may decide to produce fish products that areidentified as MSC certified by using tags, bands or similar marks, rather than enclosingthe product in packaging. The company making the fish tags will needto prove to the MSC and its certifier that thetag conforms to the MSC’s definition of
consumer ready and tamper proof packaging. The tag must either be impossible to removeor for single use only.The MSC will require:
- A clear statement of all intended uses of the tagged product.
- A physical example of the tag, band ormark for approval. If an example is notavailable, a high-resolution photo can besupplied but the MSC will require evidenceof the tag’s robustness.
Each fish tag should display:
- The species name
- The MSC ecolabel with the letters TM
- The Chain of Custody code of the company attaching the tag, band or mark to the product
- A version of the MSC claim
The fish tag must be applied to a clearly visible part of the product.The company making the fish tag will alsobe liable for paying royalty fees to the MSC.As a consumer-facing product, the productcan then be sold by a retailer withoutthe retailer needing to have MSC Chainof Custody certification.
5.4Off product use
Non-profit and public sector organisations that want to promote their support of the MSC program can apply for off-product use of the MSC ecolabel.‘Off-product’ refers to the use of the MSC ecolabeland promotional mark to promote Chain of Custody certification, availability of MSC labelled seafoodor support for the MSC program.
Promotional material
Promotional material can only display the MSC ecolabel if the products being advertised arecovered by Chain of Custody certification, displaythe ecolabel and have previously been approvedby the MSC. Examples include advertising orpoint-of-sale materials, vehicles, staff uniforms,print materials (including price lists, educationalleaflets, books), web pages and apps.
The MSC ecolabel and supporting text
If a company’s materials refer to MSC certifiedproducts only, or all seafood sold by thecompany is MSC labelled, the ecolabel canbe used on its own.If a company sells MSC certified and noncertifiedseafood, or publishes materials thatrefer to both MSC certified and non-certifiedseafood, supporting text (see box below) mustbe used with the MSC ecolabel to make it clearto consumers which products are MSC certified. When the ecolabel is used for promotionaluse with supporting text, the text must beclearly associated with the MSC ecolabel. Asa general guideline the text must be adjacentto and twice the size of the ecolabel. Wherethere is 100 per cent MSC certified seafoodthe supporting text can be any size.
Font style and colour
The font style and colour of the text may be chosen by the licensee. To match the MSCecolabel font style use Myriad Pro Semi-bold.To match the blue colour please use PMS286.Clear space When the ecolabel is produced at its minimumsize, the clear space around it should beat least 5mm for general packaging designelements (e.g. brand names, other logos, etc.).
The Chain of Custody code – if it exists – of the company promoting the products needsto be displayed.
Supporting text
Organisations displaying the ecolabel for promotional use may develop their own wording to accompany it, providing they submit this to the MSC for approval. Approved wording is:
Promotional Mark
The MSC’s promotional mark is available for off-product display by all user groups, as an alternative to the ecolabel with supporting text (above). The promotional mark may includethe organisation’s logo.
Annual Fee: The level of the Annual Fee payable is calculated based on the sales of NCF and CF MSC labelled products sold by the licensee, the tiers indicating the annual fee are set out in the table below:
Value of MSC certified seafood purchased/sold / Annual Fee$0 USD – $200,000 USD
(£0 GBP - £125,000 GBP)*** / $250 USD
(£156 GBP)
$200,001 – $500,000 USD
(£125,000 - £312,500 GBP) / $1,000 USD
(£625 GBP)
> $500,000 USD
(> £312,500 GBP) / $2,000 USD
(£1250 GBP)
This is payable at the beginning of each royalty year, which starts 1st April. For existing licensees, the sales used to determine the Annual Fee are actual sales for the previous royalty year. For new licensees, the sales will be an estimation of sales for the royalty year.