LCC Management Committee Meeting

1 October 2015 minutes

Present: Mark Hobbs-Shoulder,Graham Field, Donna Banks, Andy Owen, David Dolman, Paula Hobbs-Shoulder, Dave Mancini, Michelle O’Doherty, Shaun Smith

Apologies:Lesley Park


2014 creditors debtnow cleared (£26,063)

2014 end of year balance query:

oThe club has filed inaccurate VAT data over the last four years which has resulted in liabilities of approximately £24.000 subject to ratification by Ali Lord. We need to confirm the final amount and to devise a plan to clear this liabilityAction: Lesley/Ali Lord

The first annual breakdown of income and expenditure was shared with the committee. It was well received with no queries. This will continue to be updated and provided at each meeting

Bank account is -£4791debit balance

Griffin Club balance £1,858

Junior cricket £230 credit balance and books have just been closed for the year. A meeting was held with Martin Jones, Graham Peters, Mark Hobbs-Shoulder, Lesley Park, and Paula Hobbs-Shoulder to do this.

Takings are £4k down on year to date.

Cricket including Ground


There had been an ongoing concern amongst the Cricket Committee that the square wasn't up to scratch. The correlation and fairy ring problems required a different approach. It was discussed and agreed to change grounds man. This decision was made between Dave Simpkins, Tom Hankins, Shaun Smith and Mark Hobbs-Shoulder.

It was also agreed that the groundsman would be accountable to Dave Simpkins (

Rich Wood-Mason (Groundsman at GloucesterCC) met with the Cricket Committee at the club and is now the new groundsman. Mark Hobbs-Shoulder spoke to Andy Boyce about cancelling our contract, and the relationship ended on professional terms.

The maintenance of the outfield and surrounds is still to be decided.

Action: MHS / Cricket Committee to confirm costs of the new arrangements..

The ground lease is up for renewal in 2022 and we are currently looking at our options to secure the ground for the future

oThe working group (David Taylor and Phil Albery) met with Howard Jones, Director of RUH Facilities, where an approximate value of the ground was mentioned should we want to buy it (£225k less helicopter landing fee) , and also a potential annual rent value of £7500. We are now considering our options and looking to get our own valuations.

oHoward retires in 2 years time so ideally we want to finalise this before Howard leaves.


oBack to back promotions this season with 1st and 2nd team wins.

oGreat new signing with Reece Crocker

oThe cricket still feels vulnerable - the Cricket Committee will be focusing on adding strength and depth - need to become less reliant on a too small group of players.

oWe discussed at length the disciplinary issues of certain players. Action: Andy Owen to follow up the conversation with key individuals and report back any conclusions

oSaturday 3rd team league defaulted in the NSL and is no longer there. So we spoke to the team players and asked them to decide which league they wanted to play in. Final outcome was that our Sat 3rd IX will now be part of the Wiltshire league and their home ground will be primarily at Stothert and Pitt.

oCaptains for 2016 will be announced at the AGM in February.

oAction: The Cricket Committee will establish the right captain recruitment process going forwards.

Cricket Week

oMCC day was a day, shame about the weather this year.

oOur charity game with Bath Rugby Legends, was a great success. We raised £1100 for Help for Heroes. Bath Rugby are happy to make this an annual fixture.

oTo help with player recruitment, Senior Cricket wants to raise the club’s profile with local schools, to encourage 15/16 yr olds to join. Andy still to send letter to schools.

LCC Annual Dinner 21 Nov

oDavid Dolman has secured our dinner speaker - James ‘Graham’ Brown which is great news. Action: David/Mark/Paula will look to reconsider the order of the evening to ensure our guest speaker is on at the most appropriate time


Diddy is leaving 1 Nov and Rob will take over managing the kitchen including covering more shifts. Action: Donna to find a new kitchen worker to help.

Sam Avery has joined the team of casual bar workers

Additional kitchen kit has been purchased to replace the items that belonged to Diddy

Skittles season has now started

LCC Dinner Dance is on 19th December. Action: Management Committee to try and attend / have a table - support the prestigious function

Wood has been purchased for the picket fence to be completed along the clubhouse


2015/2016 Social membership starts 1 October. Paula and Donna to send out renewal membership communications to existing members.

Players membership needs a firmer hand for next season. Too many players are not paying. Shaun/Becky Smith and Andy Owen will develop a membership framework/ who gets preferential rates etc.


Les Angel donation of £500 has been sent to David Dolman. We agreed that this money would go towards Womens Cricket next year. Action: David Dolman to discuss with Graham Peters.

LCC is going digital. David Dolman has been working with Bath Uni / Sam Hollingshead to capture our history into an online archive. This work is progressing.

WG Grace interview with Bristol Radio - David Dolman is going to manage this

In 2017, LCC would have been at Combe Park for 150 years. ActionShaun Smith to form a working party to look into this.

Action: PHS to share Supervisory Board minutes to the Management Committee and update the 2016 key dates calendar.

Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 3December 2015

LCC Management Committee Meeting

18/06/2015 minutes

Present: Mark Hobbs-Shoulder, Lesley Park, Graham Field, Donna Banks, Andy Owen, David Dolman

Apologies: Paula Hobbs-Shoulder, Dave Mancini,


Creditors – due to be debt free except £2k by September 2015

2014 end of year balance query:

oTrade creditors stock loans £26,303

o£21,788 taxes – VAT figures inherited as debt – hasn’t been notified to customs but we owe nothing. David Taylor is awaiting an answer to the 6 year period.

Lesley is creating an annual breakdown of income and expenditure

Bank account is in credit – £290 balance

Outstanding invoices total £4,654

Griffin Club balance £1,724 (£3k having been transferred to the main account to cover bills)

Junior cricket balance £2,454 and Project account balance £4,240

Takings are £4k down on year to date.

April / 2015 / 2014 (4 weeks)
catering / 2,778.90 / 3,472.75
bar / 12,388.17 / 14,970.12
total / 15,167.07 / 18,442.87
May / 2015 / 2014 (5 weeks)
catering / 4,029.60 / 3,699.35
bar / 26,761.83 / 28,162.37
total / 30,791.43 / 31,861.72

Cricket including Ground

To help with player recruitment, Senior Cricket wants to raise the club’s profile with local schools, to encourage 15/16 yr olds to join. Andy still to send letter to schools.

Ngoni has settled in well.

Bath Rugby Legends charity 20Twenty game on 31 July is all booked

o12 caps @ £8 each

oPHS to look into Help for Heroes charity support pack etc.

We are winning more junior games this year, which is great news.

Cricket week coming up:

oMCC framed print of WG Grace from MCC 100 years since he died – Chronicle to take picture of MCC handing over to LCC

oWe will display the scorebooks on the MCC day before they go to Lords for archiving.

Gloucester 3 day game went well

Director of Cricket wants to know what Andy Boyce’s work schedule is to see what else can be done to improve the square.


Renovations with Bath College/ECB partnership continues.

Quote for scaffolding for the tower has been received

Researching changing the spot lights in the clubhouse – very costly and keep breaking

Sam Hollingshead has been trained behind the bar and its going very well

Jon Book to be trainied up for casual doubling up when busy.


Membership to be moved in line with end of year dates

Becky Smith has now taken over as membership secretary

Senior cricket player membership is being chased up – deadline for player’s membership to be paid is 1st July.

Pitchero database is being updated.

Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 1 October 2015

LCC Management Committee Meeting

23/04/2015 minutes

Present: Mark Hobbs-Shoulder, Graham Field, Paula Hobbs-Shoulder, Dave Mancini, Donna Banks, Andy Owen, David Dolman

Apologies: Lesley Park


•To help with player recruitment, Senior Cricket want to raise the club’s profile with local schools, to encourage 15/16 yr olds , so plan to sent a letter of intro to School headmasters/cricket PE teachers, followed by a visit to the school from Andy Owen.

•Overseas player is now confirmed and Ngoni will be coming over instead of Tinashe and arrives 28 April.

•A fixture for LCC v Bath Rugby Legends is being set up for Fri 31 July. Andy Owen is in discussion with Lea Mears. Potential link with Simon Haliday and Help the Heroes charity.

•Hatch Match is planned with Bath CC for Aug Bank Holiday Monday. Have asked Bath to send a 1st/2nd IX squad

•Preseason meetings have been attended, balls and handbooks collected, and affiliations paid

•We have entered Somerset Twenty20 competition

•Nets project is underway. We are just seeking planning permission as part of our ECB submission. Meanwhile good relationship set up with Director of Facilitates RUH, in preparation for Lease discussions.

•An opportunity to partner up with Bath College and SCB/ECB who will provide apprentices and materials to help us with jobs around the ground. So we are putting up a final car park fence, painting the whole front of the clubhouse, and a few other jobs.

•Last May B/H Sunday, the annual Pub 6-a-side competition is all on track. 8 teams plus 1 in reserve, invites gone out and payment starting to come in.

•Junior cricket training and games have now started and all running successfully.


•Bank account stands at £1018.94 debit balance

•Overdraft facility is £5k

•Outstanding invoices are £4181 for ground maintenance, gas and bar stock

•Griffin Club stands at £5079 credit

•Junior account stands at £3660 credit

March / 2015 / 2014 (4 weeks)
catering / 2,937.73 / 4,284.50
bar / 9,897.71 / 10,693.73
total / 12,835.44 / 14,978.23

•David raised the point that the financial accounts weren’t signed off by the Mgt Committee when they were presented to the AGM, so can we do that retrospectively.

•David also raised a couple of questions that need to be investigated and responded to once Lesley is back from hols:

  1. What is the financial deal with the nets – Can we afford the repayments?
  2. According to the 2014 financial accounts, it presents us with a debt that we are paying back. How much is left to pay and how quickly will it be paid?
  3. Should we have a five year cumulative plan that shows all our costs / income so we can track and have better sight of costs?



oClubhouse lights need to be replaced, not reliable and very costly on bulbs

oPicket fence is being put up over the next couple of weeks in front of the clubhouse.

New till is now operational and will be going live 2 May to follow a new month of stock tame.

Sam Humphries has been appointed the 16 hours part time role and all is going really well.


Becky Smith is the membership secretary now.

Senior players membership is now due.


Yorky’s bench has arrived and been positioned.

Captains and coaches responsible for ensuring players stick to the protocal of putting covers on, using the right strips, clearing away rubbish and the mobile nets etc.

Andy Boyce’s point of contact is Dave Simpkins.

Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 18 June

LCC Management Committee Meeting

18/12/2014 minutes

Present: Mark Hobbs-Shoulder, Lesley Park, Martin Jones, Graham Field,

Apologies: Paula Hobbs-Shoulder, Dave Mancini


•All dinners were a success

•The ECB League players survey outcomes have been shared

•Scorebooks from 1825 + discovered under the eaves, and David Dolman is now looking to get them valued.

•Met with Bath Rec Trustee to discuss The Rec as a potential permanent second ground – our proposal will be considered as part of the wider Rec proposals

•Cricket Committee met to discuss the Development plan

oJunior plan for 2015

oFramework for captain selection

oPlayer recruitment

oOverseas player (Tinashe Chimbambo) confirmed for 2015

oTraining schedule for 2015

oFixtures currently underway and should be available shortly


•Finance up by £2k , and main account is generally ok. Year end is now completed.

•Junior costs for 2015 have been outlined. Accounts for 2014 submitted ok.

•Online banking now available for all our accounts, and accessible by the right people


•Picket fence

•Reporting that St John’s have taken down a large tree by the front car park.

•New Sky box has been bought for the club from David Whyte – thank you very much!


•Sam now joined the team.


•Social membership continues to come in


•Crispin continues to explore sponsorship deals with local companies


•The net project continues

•Our affiliation with SCB v GCB is currently being reviewed with the Development managers

•Bath Exiles have written to us asking if we can give them some players. We have said that we can’t support that, else it will impact our own pool of players, however if any of our players leave due to not getting enough cricket, then we will promote Bath Exiles.

Date of Next Meeting: 5 February 2015 at 7.30pm.

LCC Management Committee Meeting

30/10/2014 minutes

Present: Mark Hobbs-Shoulder, Lesley Park, Martin Jones, Graham Field,

Apologies: Paula Hobbs-Shoulder, Dave Mancini


•1XI, 2XI, are 2014 league champions and are promoted to the WEPL Bristol and Somerset league

•WEPL dinner – where a mini bus of players will attend

•Our Club Dinner– about 80 people already confirmed, and Simon Halliday also confirmed as our after dinner guest speaker


•Year end is now in the process of being completed.


•Some machinery maintenance is being carried out.


•Caravan club for NY has been confirmed with Andy Boyce as ok to go ahead.


•Social membership continues to come in


•Crispin continues to explore sponsorship deals with local companies


•None raised

Date of Next Meeting: 18 December 2014 at 7.30pm.

LCC Management Committee Meeting

28/08/2014 minutes

Present: Mark Hobbs-Shoulder, Lesley Park, Paula Hobbs-Shoulder, Martin Jones, Graham Field, Liz Wood, Dave Mancini,


•1XI, 2XI, are 2014 league champions and will get promotion into the WEPL Bristol and Somerset league

•Will be attending just the WEPL dinner this year, followed by our own club dinner on Sat 22 November.


•We have received cost increases this year eg Ground and cricket, so will arrange a special meeting with Mark to review these and any other opportunities to reduce in 2015

•Griffin Club has 1/3 tickets unsold.

•Have received £3965 of donations for the net project so far

•Pitchero website not clear for Lesley to find out membership costs. Mark to spend time with Lesley on this.


•Nothing to report


•Cellar needs repair

•Opening hours to be discussed and agreed between Club and relevant coaches/members where we need to support any extra club activities outside of usual hours.


2014/15 social membership about to commence.


Crispin continues to explore sponsorship deals with local companies.


Concern was raised about lack of meetings held since the AGM. The new constitution underwrites that these meetings need to be held at least 4 times a year. Four meetings have been scheduled into the calendar. Further meetings will be held if required.

Date of Next Meeting: 30 October 2014 at 7.30pm.