Welcomes you!
Summer School
Monday 22nd August – Friday 26th August, 2016 – 9.30am-3pm.
‘Learning Together, Achieving Together’
What is Summer School?
Summer School lasts for 5 days during August. It is held at King Edward VII Academy and students spend time getting to know more about what it will be like joining Year 7 in September.
At Summer School you:
- Take part in practical and fun learning activities.
- Get prepared for Academy life.
- Meet students from other Primary Schools.
What will we do?
Summer School is NOT about an extra week of lessons! It is about meeting new friends, trying out new opportunities while learning, having fun and getting used to the Academy buildings.
Each day of the Summer School will have a different theme to enable you to learn a variety of skills required for all subjects.
At King Edward VII Academy we pay a great day of attention to our students living a healthy, active lifestyle and the importance of teams. Some of the key qualities that we promote are:
- Teamwork
- Cooperate
- Passion
- Commitment
- Creativity
- Risk Taking
- Determination
All of the students that have participated in the summer school commented that they had not only enjoyed themselves but felt much more comfortable about starting at the Academy because they had already spent a week here.
King Edward VII Academy Free Summer School 2016
King Edward VII Academy will be offering primary school students the chance to attend a free Summer School in August 2016.
The Summer School will take place on:-
Monday 22nd-Friday 26th August 2016, 9.30am-3pm
The aim is for students to have additional time to get used to their new Academy, have fun, prepare for the new term, as well as meet new students from other primary schools.
The Summer School will consist of fun activities each day based around a number of subjects that they will study in Year 7 and will include a day trip out of the Academy.
It will provide a great opportunity to boost your child’s learning during the summer holiday, as well as an additional chance for them to feel comfortable in what will be their new learning environment from September 2016.
How do I secure a place on the Summer School?
In order to secure a their place at the KES Academy Summer School 2016, please complete the consent slip in the important documents booklet and return it on the first of the transition days (Monday 27th June) with the KES Academy admission forms.
I’ve completed the consent form, what next?
By completing the consent form, you are guarnteed a place in the summer school.
Your next step will be to ensure that you have a packed lunch and a drink with you when you get dropped off at the Academy on Monday 22nd August, ready for a 9.30am start.
What should I wear for the Summer School?
Casual clothes that you do not mind getting a little dirty or sweaty.
What time do I finish and how do I get home?
The summer school will finish at 3pm. We would like your parents to come into the Academy at 2.30pm, so that they can see the excellent work that you have produced during the day.
Your parents can pick you up from the Main Hall at 3pm. If you are walking, biking or getting a lift home with a friend, please can you bring in a note from your parents to say that they are happy for this to happen. Staff will be at the Academy until someone comes to pick you, so please do not leave without permission!
Kind regards,
Oliver Denton and Lang Chung
KES Summer School Co-ordinators
(01553) 773606
Email: or
General Information
Executive Principal:Mr Craig Morrison
Head of School:Mr Lloyd Brown
Chair of Governors:Mr David Pomfret
Address:King Edward VII Academy, Gaywood Road, King’s Lynn,PE30 2QB.
Telephone Number:(01553) 773606
Please visit our website at: