Baseball Tomorrow Fund Online Application Worksheet

This worksheet is intended to assist your preparation of a funding request to the Baseball Tomorrow Fund (BTF.) Use this worksheet to develop your responses to the Applicant Narrative and Project Narrative sections of the online application. Your answers to the questions should help you to develop well-crafted responses. You can copy and paste from the worksheet into the online application. In the online application, use complete sentences and provide specific examples and data. In the far right-hand column, note the maximum number of characters and spaces allowed for each response in the online application. Please note that the information in the worksheet is not intended to be all-inclusive, but merely a guide, and is subject to change.

Applicant Narrative / Questions / Your Answers / Max.
Describe your organization’s history and mission related to youth baseball and softball. / ¨  What is the legal name of your organization?
¨  What is its main purpose?
¨  How long has it been in existence, since what year?
¨  How is it involved in youth baseball/softball? For how long, since what year?
¨  What types/levels of youth baseball/softball facilities and programs does the organization offer?
¨  In addition to youth baseball/softball, what other activities does it offer? / 1,000
Describe your organization’s previous experience and capacity, such as staff and dollar resources, to manage and report the use of grant funds and complete projects. / ¨  From what funder(s) has your organization received a grant(s) in the past? What was the grant amount(s)?
¨  What experience does your organization have that demonstrates its ability to manage and complete the proposed project? Has it completed a similar project? If so, what was the project and when?
¨  What are your organization’s policies to ensure fiscal responsibility? How does it keep track of money, donations, receipts, invoices, etc. (i.e. accounting software, human resources, etc.)? What is the responsible person’s experience and background to adequately oversee the project, the grant? / 1,000
Describe your organization's efforts to promote and market the program to attract additional players, introduce new players to the game and provide opportunities for girls and minorities. / ¨  How does the organization promote player registration?
¨  What special efforts does it take to be inclusive as well as to attract and accommodate underserved youth?
¨  Does the organization work with youth service agencies, schools, etc.? If so, which ones? How do you work with those organizations?
¨  What successful efforts has your organization offered in the past to attract new players? What was the outcome? / 1,000
Describe your organization’s active partnerships related to youth baseball and softball. / ¨  Which organizations or agencies partner with your organization? In what way?
¨  How long have the partnerships existed?
¨  What have been the successful outcomes of the partnerships?
¨  What new partnerships are being currently formed or considered? / 1,000
Describe your organization’s scholarship policy for low-income players. Include the method of promotion of the availability of scholarships, the requirements for scholarship eligibility and the average number of scholarships provided each year. / ¨  Does the organization offer scholarships (i.e. reduced or free player registration fees) to players in need?
¨  If so, how does a player/family know about the availability of a scholarship?
¨  What does a player/family have to do to be considered for a scholarship?
¨  What is the average number of players receiving a scholarship each year? / 500
Describe your organization’s efforts to provide effective coaches training within your organization and/or to other organizations. / ¨  Does the organization require coaches training? How often? To new coaches only or all coaches? How many coaches receive training annually?
¨  Who or what organization conducts the training?
¨  What topics are covered during the coaches training session? / 500
Project Narrative / Questions / Your Answers / Max.
What is the primary goal of your organization related to player participation and programming over the next 2-5 years (please be specific)? / ¨  Is your organization trying to increase the number of players, teams, age divisions it serves? If so, by how many, which divisions?
¨  Is it trying to retain players? If so, what is the current retention rate? What is the target retention rate?
¨  What new programs or activities would your organization like to offer that it doesn’t offer currently?
¨  What are the challenges related to participation and programming? How would your organization like to address these challenges? By doing what?
¨  In addition to the current proposed project, what other plans are in place regarding the player participation and programming? / 1,000
What is the primary goal of your organization related to fields and facilities over the next 2-5 years (please be specific)? / ¨  How many fields and facilities does the organization use and maintain regularly?
¨  Ideally, how many fields and facilities does it need?
¨  What are the challenges related to fields and facilities? How would your organization like to address these challenges? By doing what?
¨  In addition to the current proposed project, what other plans are in place regarding the fields and facilities? / 1,000
What is the primary goal of your organization related to operations (i.e. staffing, fundraising, promotion, administration, etc.) over the next 2-5 years (please be specific)? / ¨  What are the operational and administrative challenges? How would your organization like to address these challenges? By doing what?
¨  What are the fundraising challenges? How would your organization like to address these challenges? By doing what?
¨  What the promotional challenges? How would your organization like to address these challenges? By doing what? / 1,000
What are the three most pressing needs of your organization at this time to meet your goals and explain how the proposed project addresses those needs (please be specific.) / ¨  As you think about your organizational goals noted above, what are the three most pressing needs of the organization at this time?
¨  How does the proposed project address those needs? / 1,000
Describe the proposed project and the current state of development, including the progress made towards implementation of the project. For all field construction, renovation, field lighting and indoor facility requests, provide information regarding the status of the land acquisition, land ownership, permitting process, community approval and construction design. Please be specific. / ¨  What specifically is the project for which the organization is requesting funding? What work/services/activities are included in the project?
¨  What steps have been taken in the project so far? Are written cost estimates from reputable contractors/vendors in hand? Are matching funds to complete the project secured and ready for use?
¨  If this is a new program, what has been accomplished to establish the new program so far? How will it be sustained – what sources of funding, other resources and support do you expect?
For field-related and facility projects:
¨  Who or what agency owns the proposed site? If your organization does not own the site, what is the term and annual cost of the lease or use agreement?
¨  Do you have written permission to renovate/construct on the proposed site? From whom or what organization?
¨  Will a competitive bid process take place? If so, when?
¨  If the installation of field lighting for the first-time at the site is involved, what is the community approval process? Has it been completed? If not, when?
¨  What is the permitting process? Has it been completed? If not, when?
¨  Who or what organization designed the renovation/construction plan? What are the designer’s qualifications and past experience in baseball/softball field renovation/construction?
¨  Was a sports turf professional consulted? Who was the consultant, company?
¨  Has site work begun? What work has been completed to date? / 1,000
Describe your organization’s efforts to reduce the environmental impact of the proposed project and/or program. / ¨  Does your organization recycle? Use water coolers rather than individual bottles? Reuse, repurpose, share, donate uniforms or equipment? Reduce the use of paper? Other activities?
¨  Does your organization adhere to environmentally-responsible irrigation, fertilization, weed and pest control practices?
¨  Are recycled or environmentally-friendly materials/supplies/products planned in the renovation/construction project or purchasing process? / 500


If your organization receives a BTF grant, the terms of the grant and outcomes of the project will be based on the information you have provided in the request, such as the project budget and items, matching funds, project timeline, number of players served, etc. Therefore, it is important that your organization provide information that is realistic, accurate, specific and complete. If you have technical questions about registering for and submitting a request using the BTF Online Application system, read FAQs here.

Legal Name of the Applicant and Non-profit Status

§  The legal name of the applicant organization must be that name found on governmental documentation such as a W-9, tax return or letter of determination from the IRS confirming the 501(c)(3) non-profit status.

§  The legal name and the name associated with the Employer Identification Number (EIN) must match. Applicants must have a Federal EIN. An applicant’s state tax exemption certificate is not sufficient proof of non-profit or tax-exempt status.

§  If your organization is using a pass-through agency to solicit and accept grants and donations, please provide a letter from the pass-through agency confirming its role in the grant request and its letter of determination.

§  Organizations based outside the U.S. must attach written confirmation of non-profit or tax-exempt status from the appropriate governmental agency.

Required Support Documentation

§  The forms provided here must be completed and attached to the request. The use of these forms is REQUIRED! Do not omit any of the required documentation.

§  All documentation must be completed in English and specify U.S. Dollars.

§  Budget Summary – Use this form to list the sources of matching funds in cash and in-kind for the proposed project. Indicate the amount from each source and whether or not the funds are secured (in your hands) or outstanding (not in your hands.) For outstanding funds, indicate when you plan to have a final decision about those funds. See an example of a Budget Summary in the Application Help Guide.

o  Donation pledges are considered outstanding.

o  In-kind funding is not cash. In-kind funding is the cash value of donated labor, services, materials or products. If you are receiving an in-kind donation, ask the vendor the retail value of the donation or use the current labor rate and estimate number of work hours to be donated.

§  Detailed Project Budget – Use this form to list 1) all of the budget items associated with the proposed project, 2) the amount you are requesting from BTF for each budget item, 3) the amount of matching funds in cash and in-kind allocated to each budget item, 4) the total amount to be used – the total of the cash and the value of in-kind – on each budget item, 5) the total amount requested from BTF, 6) the total amount of matching cash allocated to the project, 7) the total amount of matching in-kind allocated to the project and 8) the total project cost.

o  The description or name of each budget item must include the quantity and cost per item when applicable (i.e. 10 helmets, $20 each or Two dugouts). Non-specific budget item names like “Equipment,” “Uniforms” or “Baseball Field” are not sufficient.

o  The total amount of the request to BTF and totals of matching cash and in-kind funding listed on the Budget Summary must be consistent (the same) as the total column amounts in the Detailed Project Budget.

o  All rows and columns must have a total. See an example of a Detailed Project Budget in the Application Help Guide.

§  Detailed Project Budget Narrative for all Field Construction, Renovation and Field Lighting Requests – Use this form to give a clear picture of the scope of work and field/facility. For each element, you will indicate if it is proposed in the project, already completed or existing or if it is not planned or non-existent. See an example of a Detailed Project Budget Narrative in the Application Help Guide.

§  Project Timeline for the proposed project – Use this form to outline the timeline of the project, when it will begin, when it will end. Indicate the time frame for the work or purchases to be completed with BTF grant funds. For fields and facilities, include when use of the fields and facilities will begin. See an example of a Project Timeline in the Application Help Guide.

o  The proposed use of BTF grant funds must begin well after the completion of the review cycle for which your organization submits a request. Grant funds are not awarded for past expenditures. Review the grant review process and timeline here.

o  Consider obstacles that may delay the project (i.e. weather, permitting, a bid process, etc.) and develop a reasonable timeline accordingly.

§  Written cost estimates from vendors, contractors, retailers, etc. for requested budget items - Cost estimates must be on vendor invoice/letterhead and include a date, vendor contact information, quantities and product specifications.

§  Letters of support 1) from a current sponsor or major donor to your organization and the proposed project and 2) a letter of support from a partner organization that is involved with your organization and is affected by or will benefit from the proposed project.

o  Letters from players’ parents or members of your own organization are not sufficient.

o  Letters must be translated into English, if applicable.

§  Board of Directors - list of the names, professional affiliation and daytime phone numbers of all members of the applicant organization's Board of Directors.

Required Support Documentation for all Field Construction, Renovation, Field Lighting and Indoor Facilities

In addition to the required items listed above, ALL of the following documents must be attached to the application. Do not omit any of the required documentation. All documentation must be in English.