Unit 1 LG3: Climate & Biomes

Explain how physical processes create climate regions and explain how climate influences the distribution of biomes. (3A, 4A, 4C)

LG3 in ISN

  1. Rewrite LG in your ISN

Earth-Sun Relationship (Day 1 Activity)

  1. Complete in ISN
  2. Draw diagram exactly as you see it below
  3. Click on link (be sure to enable “Show Earth Profile” button)
  4. Write facts for each Equinox and each Solstice on the diagram
  5. Read and answer Guided Reading Questions (be sure to write the questions)
  6. Watch teacher presentation to determine if your answers are correct

Earth’s Tilt and Revolution

The earth is tilted at an angle of 23 ½ degreesas it revolves around the sun on its axis. Because of this different areas of the earth receive different amounts of sun which creates the different seasons on earth.

The Tropics

The Tropic of Cancer (23 ½ N) and the Tropic ofCapricorn (23 ½ S) mark the areas on the earth known as theTropics which are the areas farthest north and south where the sun’s rays shine directly overhead.


The Equator receives the most direct sunlight and isthus warmer. When the sun is directly over the Equator this is known as the Equinox (either Spring or Fall). Days andnights all over the world are equal in length on the Equinox.

Polar Areas

Areas around the poles (north and south) receive less direct sunlight due to the earth tilt and are thus much cooler than other places on earth.


Northern Hemisphere: The warmest months in the northern hemisphere are May, June, and July due to the exposure to the most direct rays of the sun. The summer solstice (June 21-22) marks the longest day of the year when the sun is directly above the Tropic of Cancer. The coldest months are November, December, and January when the sun’s rays are shining over the southern hemisphere. The winter solstice, when the sun is directly above the Tropic of Capricorn, is beginning of winter.

Southern Hemisphere: Location in the southern hemisphere has the opposite seasons due to the earth’s tilt and revolution. The warmest months in the southern hemisphere are November, December, and January due to the exposure to the most direct rays of the sun over the Tropic of Capricorn. The coldest months are May, June, and July when the sun’s rays are shining on the northern hemisphere.

Guided Reading Questions

  1. What is the tilt of the earth’s axis in degrees?
  2. What does the tilt create?
  3. What is the importance of the tropics in the Earth-Sun Relationship?
  4. What is an equinox?
  5. What is the length of days and nights all over the world during an Equinox?
  6. Why are the Polar Areas cooler than other places on Earth?
  7. What are the warmest months of the year in the Northern Hemisphere? Why?
  8. What are the coldest months of the year in Northern Hemisphere? Why?
  9. What are the warmest months of the year in the Southern Hemisphere? Why?
  10. What are the coldest months of the year in Southern Hemisphere? Why?

Earth-Sun Relationship Diagram (Draw)

Influences of Climate Distribution (Day 1 Activity)

  1. Write the following questions in your ISN
  2. What is the temperature?
  3. What is the precipitation like?
  4. How does it influence the distribution of climate?
  5. Each of you will receive a different influence on climate distribution
  6. Elevation
  7. Latitude
  8. Wind Systems
  9. Ocean Currents
  10. Position on a Continent
  11. Mountain Barriers
  12. Answer the 3 questions in your own words in your ISN
  13. Watch teacher presentation to determine if your answers are correct
  14. Interview 5 different people that have the answers to the different influences and write those answers in your ISN

Influences of Climate on the Distribution of Biomes (Day 2 Activity)

  1. Read and answer Guided Reading Questions (be sure to write questions)in ISN
  2. Watch teacher presentation to determine whether your answers are correct


The ecosystems (community of plants and animal) of a specific region are called biomes. Biomes are divided into four main categories: forests, grasslands, deserts, and tundra.

Influence of Climate

Temperature and precipitation determine the distribution of the world’s biomes.

Tropical Biomes: Areas in the lower latitudes are influenced by warmer temperatures and often abundant precipitation. Biomes in these regions include tropical rainforests and tropical grasslands.

Temperate Biomes: Areas in the middle latitudes have biomes adapted to seasonal shifts in temperature in precipitation in temperature. Biomes in these regions include deciduous forests and temperate grasslands. As the latitude increases, deciduous forest transition to mixed and coniferous forests.

Polar Biomes: Areas in the higher latitudes tend to be dominated by coniferous forests in the warmer portions that transition to tundra in the cooler areas.

Deserts: These biomes occur in areas with limited precipitation requiring plants and animals adapted to such.Hot & Dry deserts

Guided Reading Questions

  1. What are biomes?
  2. What influence does climate have on biomes?
  3. What are tropical biomes influenced by?
  4. What are temperate biomes influenced by?
  5. What are polar biomes influenced by?
  6. What are desert biomes influenced by?

Lab 2: Climate and Biomes

Biome Information

Climate Zones


Lab 2: Climate and Biomes

Tindouf, Algeria

Type of Biome / Explain

Barrow, Alaska

Type of Biome / Explain

Iquitos, Peru

Type of Biome / Explain

Dakar, Senegal

Type of Biome / Explain

Yakutsk, Russia

Type of Biome / Explain