Date of offer: 14th, December 2012

Heat-Tech Center is a research and development center with 50 years of experience in solving the problems of district heating systems. It supports Dalkia Group in selecting technology and equipment, and also in testing new solutions. Heat-Tech Center runs projects in scope of increasing energy efficiency in municipal and industrial systems which supplement range of activities of Veolia Environnement Research & Innovation.

Searching for optimal solutions of implementing renewable energy sources
in district heating systems.


The aim of the study is to search the places where the renewable energy sources can support performance of DH network (for example: the usage of solar energy for thermal disinfection of building installations, the usage of geothermal energy for heating make-up water at heat sources, etc.).

Main tasks:

identification of processes which produce, process, and consume energy in DH system,

indication of RES which can be used in identified processes,

determining limiting values for identified processes (minimum and maximum values of input and output parameters),

technical and economic analyses of RES usage in identified processes.


•Student of the last year of Master studies from Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, specialization Renewable Energy Sources.

•Required excellent English, knowledge of small and medium-size renewable energy sources.

•Desirable personality traits: creativity, ability to work effectively in teams, networking skills.


•Student will be qualified on a basis of CV and an interview.

•Supervision over the diploma thesis will be exercised by: technical advisor form Heat-Tech Center, and promoter from Warsaw University of Technology.

•The diploma thesis must be written in English.


•Place of the diploma performance: Warsaw University of Technology

•Duration: 1 semester

•Starting date: January-February 2013

•Payment for the diploma performance: YES


If you are interested please contact with : ......

Date of offer: 14th, December 2012

Heat-Tech Center is a research and development center with 50 years of experience in solving the problems of district heating systems. It supports Dalkia Group in selecting technology and equipment, and also in testing new solutions. Heat-Tech Center runs projects in scope of increasing energy efficiency in municipal and industrial systems which supplement range of activities of Veolia Environnement Research & Innovation.

Hydraulic and energy model for District Heating simulations.


The aim of the study is to perform technical and economic analysis of several variants of DH system operation,using theTERMISor AuditorSCW software.

Main tasks :

functionality analysis of IT applications simulating the DH network operation,

comparison of the functionalities of the two software’s , especially from ergonomic point of view and for building load profile management,

carrying out calculations using two software’s and compare results.


•Student of the last year of undergraduate studies from Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, specialization Information Systems in Power Engineering.

•Required excellent English, knowledge of heating systems, basic knowledge of TERMISor AuditorSCW software.

•Desirable personality traits: creativity, ability to work effectively in teams.


•Student will be qualified on a basis of CV and an interview.

•Supervision over the diploma thesis will be exercised by: technical advisor form Heat-Tech Center, and promoter from Warsaw University of Technology.

•The diploma thesis must be written in English.


•Place of the diploma performance: Heat-Tech Center in Warsaw

•Duration: 1 semester

•Starting date: January-February 2013

•Payment for the diploma performance: YES


If you are interested please contact with : ......

Date of offer: 14th, December 2012

Heat-Tech Center is a research and development center with 50 years of experience in solving the problems of district heating systems. It supports Dalkia Group in selecting technology and equipment, and also in testing new solutions. Heat-Tech Center runs projects in scope of increasing energy efficiency in municipal and industrial systems which supplement range of activities of Veolia Environnement Research & Innovation.

Datamining for DH systems.


More and more data is and will be available from District Heating system, data from sensors installed on fields mainly from Substations, database of equipment installed (GIS), database of failures, database of customers. All this data can be processed to become information with added value for District Heating company. Nevertheless, datamining techniques are not so widely used in District Heating business and the potential of usage is not enough recognized.

Main tasks :

Step 1 : State of the art in datamining techniques and their usage (analysis, virtual metering, fault and detection, etc.) and commercial tools available. This first step will be performed with a specific focus on the field of energy applications;

Step 2 : Feasibility studies for potential applications for District Heating, especially in Warsaw DH (real time load forecasting, pipe failure prediction, etc.).

Step 3 : Real case study on one specific application that will be selected after step 2.


•Student of Faculty of Mathematics & Information Science or equivalent.

•Required excellent English, knowledge of datamining.

•Desirable personality traits: creativity, ability to work effectively in teams, networking skills, open to industrial applications.


•Student will be qualified on a basis of CV and an interview.

•Supervision over the diploma thesis will be exercised by: technical advisor form Heat-Tech Center, and promoter from Warsaw University of Technology.

•The diploma thesis must be written in English.


•Place of the diploma performance: Heat-Tech Center in Warsaw. Potentially some weeks to be spent in France in Veolia Environnement Research and Innovation (suburb of Paris).

•Duration: 1 semester

•Starting date: January-February 2013

•Payment for the diploma performance: YES


If you are interested please contact with : ......

Date of offer: 14th, December 2012

Heat-Tech Center is a research and development center with 50 years of experience in solving the problems of district heating systems. It supports Dalkia Group in selecting technology and equipment, and also in testing new solutions. Heat-Tech Center runs projects in scope of increasing energy efficiency in municipal and industrial systems which supplement range of activities of Veolia Environnement Research & Innovation.

Heat metering.


Main tasks :

Step 1 : State of the art : Heatmeter and its accuracy decrease on a long term basis. Analysis of published studies in scientific/technological journals.

Step 2 : Performing a statistical analysis on previous results of Heatmeters calibration in Warsaw District Heating : average life duration, loss of quality of measurement during this life duration, benchmark between suppliers and type of sensors.

Step 3 : Perspective : What is the impact of uncertainties and errors of heat measurements on District Heating energy balance ? Ways of improvement.


•Student of the last year of Master studies from Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering.

•Required excellent English.

•Desirable personality traits: creativity, ability to work effectively in teams, networking skills.


•Student will be qualified on a basis of CV and an interview.

•Supervision over the diploma thesis will be exercised by: technical advisor form Heat-Tech Center, and promoter from Warsaw University of Technology.

•The diploma thesis must be written in English.


•Place of the diploma performance: Heat-Tech Center in Warsaw. Heat Meters Division.

•Duration: 1 semester

•Starting date: January-February 2013

•Payment for the diploma performance: YES


If you are interested please contact with : ......

Date of offer: 14th, December 2012

Heat-Tech Center is a research and development center with 50 years of experience in solving the problems of district heating systems. It supports Dalkia Group in selecting technology and equipment, and also in testing new solutions. Heat-Tech Center runs projects in scope of increasing energy efficiency in municipal and industrial systems which supplement range of activities of Veolia Environnement Research & Innovation.

Analysis of water losses in huge DH systems.


Main tasks:

Step 1: State of the art – gathering of available on a market methods/techniques for locating water losses in DH and tap water systems (non-invasive and invasive methods) and companies which sell equipment and/or services of locating water leakages. Literature analysis regarding methods of locating water losses in scientific and technical sources.

Step 2: Analysis of possibility to implement identified methods in DH and tap water systems, analysis of performance (minimal leakage) and accuracy of locating, performance of experiments.

Step 3: Analysis of costs for identified methods of locating water losses associated with:

  • purchasing or renting equipment for locating water losses,
  • renting of a service to locate water losses,
  • preparing a site to perform measurements (for example: installation of a special equipment and sensors, reconstruction of a DH network),

Step 4: Analysis of influence of DH system's parameters daily variations on water losses.


•Student of the last year of undergraduate studies from Faculty of Environmental Engineering.

•Required excellent English.

•Desirable personality traits: creativity, ability to work effectively in teams, networking skills.


•Student will be qualified on a basis of CV and interview.

•Supervision over the diploma thesis will be exercised by: technical advisor from Heat-Tech Center, and promoter from Warsaw University of Technology.

•The diploma thesis must be written in English.


•Place of the diploma thesis performance: Heat-Tech Center in Warsaw

•Duration: 1 semester

•Starting date: January-February 2013

•Payment for the diploma thesis: YES


If you are interested please contact with: ......

Date of offer: 14th, December 2012

Heat-Tech Center is a research and development center with 50 years of experience in solving the problems of district heating systems. It supports Dalkia Group in selecting technology and equipment, and also in testing new solutions. Heat-Tech Center runs projects in scope of increasing energy efficiency in municipal and industrial systems which supplement range of activities of Veolia Environnement Research & Innovation.

Analysis of possibility to use application
to create analyses and reports regarding heat losses of buildings heated by DH system.


Aim of the diploma thesis is to compare available on the market programming solutions for creating reports and analyzing heat consumption in buildings heated from DH network.

Main tasks:

identification of a software available on a market,

indication of required functionalities and relating them to the identified software,

preparation of heat consumption reports and analysis of them; use of real data the telemetry system (for example from Warsaw DH system),

technical and economic analysis of a software for optimizing heat consumption in buildings heated from DH network.


•Student of the last year of graduate studies from Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering or Faculty of Environmental Engineering.

•Required fluency in French or English. Knowledge of: SQL, MS Office in scope of transforming large amount of data, energy audits for building, operation of automatic control equipment in district heating substations.

•Desirable personality traits: creativity, ability to work effectively in teams, networking skills, mobility.


•Student will be qualified on a basis of CV and interview.

•Supervision over the diploma thesis will be exercised by: technical advisor from Heat-Tech Center, and promoter from Warsaw University of Technology.

•The diploma thesis must be written in English.


•Place of the diploma thesis performance: Heat-Tech Center, training visit to France is foreseen

•Duration: 1 semester

•Starting date: January-February 2013

•Payment for the diploma thesis: YES


If you are interested please contact with: ......

Date of offer: 14th, December 2012

Heat-Tech Center is a research and development center with 50 years of experience in solving the problems of district heating systems. It supports Dalkia Group in selecting technology and equipment, and also in testing new solutions. Heat-Tech Center runs projects in scope of increasing energy efficiency in municipal and industrial systems which supplement range of activities of Veolia Environnement Research & Innovation.

Determining energy characteristic of buildings (different designs, purposes)
on a basis of data from telemetry system.


identification of a software available on a market,

list of descriptive and measurement data from the telemetry system for buildings heated by DH system,

selection of optimal set of parameters for energy analyses of buildings,

segmentation of the buildings in terms of design and purpose (this includes preparation of a questionnaire and collecting data);extension of building segmentation,

description of a method for determining heat consumption on a basis of design data,

description of a method which uses telemetry data for determining energy characteristic of building,

description of a method which uses data from the telemetry system to analyze daily thermal power demand for a building,

analysis of heat consumption indicators for buildings, including control of thermal power demand,

development of heat consumption profiles for given types of buildings on a basis of data from the telemetry system (for example: daily profiles for space heating, domestic hot water; energy characteristic of buildings); comparison of real and theoretical thermal power demand,

description of use of energy characteristic of building to determine periodical heat consumption,

description if a methods and proposed algorithms for heat consumption prediction for buildings,

economic analysis of optimizing heat consumption in buildings heated by DH system with use if developed algorithms and methods.


•Student of the last year of undergraduate studies from Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering or Faculty of Environmental Engineering.

•Required excellent English. Knowledge of: SQL, MS Office in scope of transforming large amount of data, energy audits for building operation of automatic control equipment in district heating substations.

•Desirable personality traits: diligence, accuracy, creativity.


•Student will be qualified on a basis of CV and an interview.

•Supervision over the diploma thesis will be exercised by: technical advisor form Heat-Tech Center, and promoter from Warsaw University of Technology.

•The diploma thesis must be written in English.


•Place of the diploma performance: Heat-Tech Center

•Duration: 1 semester

•Starting date: January-February 2013

•Payment for the diploma performance: YES


If you are interested please contact with : ......