Creating OPAC Book Carousels Through Book Lists
Thefeatureenablesyoutodisplayoneormorecarouselsfeaturing titlesof currentinterestonyour library’s OPAC page.Sources include newitems,itemsbyshelvinglocation,oritems about a specific theme. You can create carousels that update automatically with relevant information,oryoucancreatecarouselsthatlibrary staffpopulatemanually.
Add a New, Automatically Populated Carousel
- Log into the OPAC using astaff account (with at least the CircSupervisor permission) that is registered at the home library for the carousel.
- Through the OPAC,createa new book list.
- IntheNamefield,createanameforthecarousel. This will display above the carousel.
- IntheDescriptionfield,enteroneofthefollowingstrings (enter exactly as described):
- Fornewlycatalogeditems:newitems
- Foralistofthelast100itemsreturned:recentreturned
- Foralistoftheitemscheckedoutinthelast14days:last14daytopcirc
- Foralistofitemsbyshelvinglocation:shelvinglocation[nameoftheshelvinglocation1],[nameof theshelvinglocation2],etc…
- Makethelistpublic. Do this bychoosingYesintheSharethisList?dropdownbox.
- LookattheURLgeneratedbythebookbag.Attheendofthestring,youwillsee“bbid=”anumeric string. This numeric string is the List ID. Make a note of thesenumbers.
Leave the OPAC and go to the Staff Client. Open Admin -> Local Admin -> Library Settings Editor.Filter to the setting called Bookbags for Book Carousels. Enter the List ID that you noted in Step 6. If you have multiple lists, separate the List IDs with commas. Click UpdateSetting.
It may take at least an hour for your Carousel to appear on the OPAC. Thelistsareautomaticallypopulatedeveryfiveminutes.
The New Item and Recently Checked Lists are rolling lists of 100 items. Items on the list will change as new items are added or checked out.
Add a New, Manually Populated Carousel
1.Log into theOPAC.
2.Search for arecord.
3.Select a record, and click Add to mylist.
4.Select a list that you have already created, or create a new list. Make the list public. When creating a new list, click Yes in the Share this List? dropdown box.
5.After you have added all of the items to the list, click the My Lists button in the top right corner of the screen.
New Admin settings needed for Library Carousels
The following library setting must be used for Carousels --
Admin -> Local Admin -> Library Settings Editor -> Bookbags for Book Carousels
Original instructions created by Equinox Open Library Initiative, then customized for SPARK Libraries by SPARK.