Pet Import

** All pets, without exception, are subject to thirty (30) day quarantine. This may be accomplished in the owner’s home. During quarantine, the pet may only go outside to void. To do this the pet must be on a leash.**

1. Vaccination History – The owner or his/her sponsor must provide a copy of history, with medical authority signatures, to NSA Bahrain - Veterinary Clinic, Building 328 (commercial # +973-1785-4295) DSN: 318-439-4295. Email address: .


(must be greater than 30 days and less than 1 year since last vaccination)

For animals with no prior vaccination history, two doses of all vaccines need to be given, at least 2-3 weeks apart.

·  The pet must be at least 18 weeks old to ship to Bahrain

o  A pet can only be shipped this young if the first vaccinations, including rabies, are given at 12 weeks of age and then boostered at 14 weeks of age. The vaccination must then be 30 days old before shipping.

o  Most pets are given rabies at 16 weeks of age and then can be boostered at 18 weeks. The vaccination must then be 30 days old before shipping, meaning the pet can leave no sooner than 20 weeks or 5 months of age.

·  Dogs require vaccinations for: Rabies, Canine Distemper, Parvo virus, Leptospira, and Hepatitis. Bordetella is highly recommended. Microchip Recommended.

·  Cats require vaccinations for: Rabies, Feline Rhinotracheitis, Calic virus, and panleukopenia. Microchip Recommended.

·  All vaccinations must be greater than thirty (30) days and less than one (1) year old.

·  Once the records are verified to be in compliance we, the Veterinary Clinic, will provide you or your sponsor with an Import Memorandum.

2. Import Memorandum - procedure after obtaining:

·  Your Sponsor will take the Import Memorandum and vaccination records to Bahrain Ministry of Agriculture, commercial 1764-3373. Directions available at VTF.

·  Ministry will issue “Bahrain Ministry of Agriculture Animal Import Certificate.”

3. Bahrain Ministry of Agriculture Animal Import Certificate

·  Cost for certificate is 17 Bahraini Dinar (15 for quarantine fee and 2 for import fee.)

·  Certificate is good for thirty (30) days only.

·  Ministry is open Sunday thru Thursday 0730 – 1300. Contact number is 1764-3373. No certificates will be given after 1300.

4. Transporting pet

·  Owner must obtain Health Certificate from a veterinarian in the country of export prior to leaving that country.

·  1) A copy of the Bahrain Ministry of Agriculture Animal Import Certificate , 2) the Health Certificate, 3) vaccination records, and 4) original rabies certificate must be placed in a zip-lock bag and securely taped to the outside of the kennel. Keep copies of all documentation with yourself. Recommend bringing 6 month supply of any medications or special diets. Ship in advance with house hold goods or bring with your luggage.

·  The original Bahrain Ministry of Agriculture Animal Import

Certificate must be present when the pet arrives at the airport so your sponsor will need to meet you there with the original.

5. Health Verification - obtained at NSA Bahrain – Veterinary Clinic

·  As soon as possible after arrival schedule an appointment with the NSA Bahrain Veterinary Clinic to register your pet and for an Arrival Physical Examination. If home quarantined the pet must be re-examined if there are any signs of vomiting/diarrhea/lethargy until the thirty (30) days of quarantine is over.

·  PET MUST BE PRESENT. General health is assessed.

·  Welcome to Bahrain!

·  Remember always plan ahead for your next PCS move.