I want you to understand the following before pageant practice gets underway:

You will represent Illinois Festival Pageants at many events throughout the year. You need to be prepared to present yourself as if it were the evening of the pageant and the day you won – with hair fixed and make-up polished and applied at these events throughout the year – always looking your best. This also includes your wardrobe and how youpresent yourself. We are a conservative pageant circuit and I do not always agree with the current fashion trends and fads… just ask me if you have questions or text me a picture!

If you aren’t prepared to walk the walk and look the look – you may want to reconsider entering this pageant. Maybe this isn’t the pageant for you? Can you truly fulfill this commitment of royalty if you win? Can you volunteer once-a-month in your community or the Macon County community?

If you have signed the consent form to be a contestant/entrant in the Illinois Festival Pageants, you are now a representative of the Illinois Festival Pageant. So therefore, if caught, seen by community members or anyone that can prove that you were drinking, partying, smoking, or partaking of any illegal substance – you will be removed from this competition.


It is amazing how many people I know in our community and surrounding towns. People do not hesitate to call me, e-mail and notify me of what “my royalty” was doing at the mall, at a basketball game, at a parade, at her job, at college, what she posted on social media etc.

If you are a titleholder and have won the title of Illinois Festival and I “hear” that you were at a party, whether or not you are partaking in anything, if you are participating in something that is not becoming of a queen, if you have tarnished the title in any way – you will be stripped of your title and the 1st runner up will be eligible (see General Rules).

Do NOT put yourself in any situation or any position that will compromise your title. You are a role model to young impressionable girls and you have a responsibility to always act like a queen whether or not you have your crown and sash on.

Although I am very flexible in letting you have opinions throughout the year; please note that as director I have absolute final say. You will represent our county, our festival, our community, and me as director. This isn’t my first rodeo and you are not my first set of royalty. I have been a pageant director over 20 years and I know what works and what won’t. You have to trust me and we have to communicate the entire year. This truly can be a very rewarding and positive year!



One of the first things you should ask yourself is

Why did I enter this pageant?

What do I expect to receive from this pageant?

What can I learn from this pageant?

What are my personal goals for this pageant?

Entering a pageant should NEVER be just about winning the “crown”.

There are many reasons to enter a pageant:

  • To gain interviewing skills to help in obtaining a career
  • To help build your self confidence
  • To learn public speaking skills
  • To polish your stage presence
  • To make yourself a well-rounded individual by putting yourself “out there”
  • To give back to your community by volunteering and helping
  • And most of all………… have fun and meet new friends!

Winning the “crown” is just the added bonus of the “icing on the cake”!

Everyone makes mistakes in life and most people learn from them. That’s what makes people true winners in life! If you are entering this pageant just for the “crown” – then this pageant isn’t for you. We are community based (no matter where you live) and we insist that you volunteer and give back!! There are events for every month of the year and in addition, you are welcome to go out and volunteer with your favorite charity!

You may not realize this but even as a contestant you are a role model and inspiration to many young girls and even some adults. Entering into this pageant with a clear mind and heart and just wanting to do your best already makes you a winner!

There are a few things that you must be able to do:

You must be able to take constructive criticism

You must trust your director – the director and her crew are well trained in this circuit and just want to help prepare you for the experience

You must have an open mind and be willing to accept any outcome

Respect yourself

Relax – try your best and have fun!

Your director and crew will always be there to help, but remember that ultimately YOU are the one competing. Your director will only help you as much as you are willing to receive help.

Remember to ask yourself the questions from above. Everyone has weaknesses and everyone has strengths. Work on your weaknesses but play on your strengths. Remember that as long as you did the best that you could do, then you have already won.

Rehearsal Helpful Hints

Arrive to practice on time

Be prepared – bring your shoes to practice walking and modeling

Focus and listen

Make sure your make up & hair are nice for the program photo

Turn in your paperwork before the due date!

Bring your wardrobe as soon as you have it so it can be approved

Write your speech, tweak it, memorize it and learn to perform it

Practice your speech in front of anyone that will listen to you

Study interview questions


Confidence Begins With You!

  1. Being yourself begins with your personality.

Personality is the way that you display who you are. I believe that representing your personality to the fullest is such a key factor to pageantry success. A serious contender will make sure that her personality shines through in her wardrobe choices, in her modeling attitude, in her composure and in her words. When it comes to personality, you truly want to focus on the little details that make you unique. Focus on what makes you stand out. The judges do not have a set idea of the next titleholder, and it is your opportunity to persuade them that you are right for the position!

Think about what it is that makes you special, find confidence in that, and show that to the judges. Some contestants have a rare energy where they can walk in the room and light up with a glowing, genuine presence. Some contestants will open up about loving science and history. While those things are great, you want to focus on what makes you different and special. The key to learning how to be yourself is embracing who you are! You also want to remember to fully embrace your personality. Your wardrobe choices should scream your name. When you’re modeling on the stage, you want to own your moment. With each step and stance, you should be completely engaged in expressing yourself with your signature smile, upbeat bounce or whatever way you interject your personality into your modeling. In the interview, don’t get stressed out about having the perfect answer. Instead, put your personality out there for the judges to fall in love with! Smile and be yourself – you will make the judges feel absolutely amazing about choosing you as the next titleholder. Your efforts will backfire if you try too hard and push your personality onto everyone and everything, or you invent a new personality that you think the judges will find more appealing. Be true to you – that is who the judges are ultimately looking for.

  1. Let the judges know what you believe in

Philosophy is your set of beliefs about the world around you. Philosophy is important in the interview competition. This is where you express your opinions or ideas. No two pageant girls actually have the same philosophy, so pretending to “fit the mold” and promote a philosophy that you think all pageant girls have will not do you any favors. The judges are not judging you based upon the content of your philosophy, but rather the way you express it. You want to share the moments that define and shape your philosophy in a meaningful way. Your goal is to tug on the judges’ heart strings and see you as a titleholder who wants to change the world!

Show the judges what makes you beautiful

  1. Beauty is the manner in which you display your internal and external gifts. I believe that beauty begins from the inside, and so you must develop your inner beauty. In order to show the judges your beauty, you must know what makes you beautiful in your own way. Here is where you will find confidence in yourself. Pageants are a wonderful opportunity to search your soul and learn what makes you special. Once you find your inner beauty, your outer beauty will be enhanced through your composure. While outer beauty is not the most important quality to have in a pageant, it is still important to enhance with hair and makeup styling best for your features. You want to be yourself inside and out and have the total package.

Expressing Confidence Through Your Wardrobe

  1. Express yourself with a fabulous sense of style that complements your personality.

Style is the expression of your personality through wardrobe and accessory choices. If a bubbly outgoing contestant were to wear a demure black gown, she would send a confusing message to the judges. Your wardrobe should confirm your personality and reinforce the message you send regarding your personality.

If you are true to yourself, the judges will love you!

The manner in which the newly selected queen conducts herself should always be that of respect for herself, the Illinois Festival Pageant, and the Director and Co-Director at all times including rehearsals.

“STUFF” TO KNOW FOR INTERVIEWS (Queen & Junior Miss Contestants)

Know about the Decatur Celebration.

What is happening during the weekend?

What is available? Favorite food? Favorite drink? Why do you attend?

What are your responsibilities as Illinois Festival Pageant if you win?

What are your duties during the year?

Why do you want to become the next Illinois Festival queen?

What can you bring to the title that others cannot?

Why should we pick you as the next Illinois Festival queen?


As royalty you need to be present at the Celebration Sunday night after the conclusion of the pageant. The previous royalty will have a golf cart that we can ride, grab some photos and see the Celebration. You will also be the official hostess for the 2018 Celebration and there are events all three days/nights. You will also need to help secure a golf cart for your transportation during Celebration weekend. If you don’t have access, you’ll be hoofing it as the Celebration doesn’t offer us a golf cart.

Be prepared to rearrange your work schedule and put your social life and your love life on hold during the year as boyfriends will not count as a proper chaperone. All royalty NEEDS to be chaperoned at every event. If the Director or Co-Director are unavailable and your parents are unavailable, please ask in advance about your chaperone. I prefer sundresses depending on the event. Text me a photo if you are unsure. It’s always nice to try and coordinate with all of the royalty so you don’t clash with colors. No midriff tops or skimpy attire is ever allowed. You should always wear your crown and sash. You will be required to write thank-you notes for the gifts you received. Director will take care of ordering the personalized notes you received as a gift. Once they arrive, you have one week to get them written and mailed. Notes of thanks are very important! They will also help the following year when it is your turn to solicit gifts.

Director will orderyour magnetic car signs(if given as a gift to you)

Director will order personalized gift cards (if given as a gift to you)

YOU line up a convertible for your first parade

As the Illinois Festival titleholder, you will be REQUIRED to attend at least one community event every month whether in your community or the Macon County community.

Here are some volunteer ideas:


Local Parades

Parades during the summer – please coordinate with each other. Are you going casual and wearing red/white/blue? Are you all wearing an evening gown? Are you all wearing a cute sundress? Sunglasses don’t quite go with the crown and sash so leave these off when the parade starts. Bring a blanket to sit on the back/top of the car. Get pictures besides your vehicle and send your driver a photo and thank you note!! Bring your scepter for the parade and don’t be late! Candy is optional but your expense if you decide to throw it. Please ask which parades allow candy. It is your choice whether to decorate your car antenna with streamers or balloons etc. Bring your magnetic car signs. It is your responsibility to coordinate a vehicle for any and all parades. If you bring a corvette – remember depending on the year it was built, some are fiberglass and you will have to punch holes in your magnetic signs and use suction cups to attach to the car. Director will pay entry parade entry fees.

4th of July Parade

Labor Day Parade – your vehicle is required to be made in America. VIN has to start with a 1

Christmas Parade - vehicle is required to have lights / night time parade

St. Patrick’s Parade – dress warm, may need to put sash on outside of coat

Memorial Day Parade – carry a small flag with your scepter?

Forsyth Family Fun Fest Parade

2018 Decatur Celebration Parade- An evening gown or fancy short dress with crown, sash and scepter. Bring bottled water


Blue Mound Fall Festival – visiting royalty

YMCA Backpack Attack – Face Painting, Working Games

Symatra Golf Tournament – Forsyth

Apple Dumpling – Atwood – Baby Contest & Parade

Mt. Zion Pony Express Days – Cutest Baby Contest


Cheese Festival – Arthur

Labor Day Parade - Decatur

Cruise 11 to Remember 9-11 – Decatur Central Park

Fido Scurry – Fairview Park

City-Wide Cleanup at Decatur Civic Center 8am-Noon Sept. 23rd


WSOY Food Drive – Kroger Mt. Zion


Whiskers & Tails Fundraiser (by invitation only)

Judy Mason Thanksgiving Baskets

Veterans Day Parade – Argenta

Thanksgiving Community Luncheon – Decatur Civic Center

Christmas Parade - Decatur


Santa House Helper

Salvation Army Bell Ringing




St. Patrick’s Day Parade – Decatur


Fairytale Ball – Children’s Museum Decatur


Chamber Business Expo (Taste of Decatur) – Decatur Civic Center

Memorial Day Parade - Decatur


Go Red Decatur Luncheon American Heart Association - Decatur

Race for the Cure – Fairview Park, Decatur

Forsyth Family Fun Fest Parade


Relay for Life – RCC


Decatur Celebration Parade

FARM PROGRESS SHOW (odd years only)


August 29th – 30th – 31st

Decatur – R.C.C. campus

Every other “odd” year Decatur hosts the largest farm show in the world. A great opportunity to learn about agriculture. Attire can be nice capri pants or shorts with your crown and sash. Some queens made special arrangements with college professors to be in attendance at this major event. A lot of walking unless we can figure out a golf cart.


Area churches and local Kiwanis clubs will sometimes contact us to speak at their event. This is another opportunity to practice your communication skills. You can tell them about your year and how you prepared for your local pageant, how you’re preparing for your future and how the pageant has helped you prepare.


Macon County Animal Shelter

Habitat for Humanity

Northeast Community Fund

Oasis Center

MDA Telethon in Urbana (September)

Macon County Farm Bureau Ag in the Classroom

Special Olympics Polar Plunge

Visiting other Pageants

(does not count as a community event)

Attending county fair and local pageants is a great way to network and who doesn’t enjoy watching a pageant? We always like to carpool when possible. Attire to other fairs is dressy – no pants. I prefer a nice sundress. Make sure the length of your dress/skirt is appropriate – nothing too short! Stages are generally “above” audience eye level so make sure your dress is an appropriate length! I have no idea what you have in your closet or if you can borrow dresses from friends. Crown and sash are a must! Your hair and make-up should be as nice as when you won our pageant. You are representing Illinois Festival Pageant and everyone will be watching you. You will go on stage and introduce yourself – state your name and title and thank them for inviting you. It is nice to bring a congratulations card for the new queen showing your name and title and your business cards if you have had them printed. We will take photos for your scrapbook. Royalty generally are allowed into the visiting pageant at no cost and will sit in the visiting royalty section with the director. Anyone else wanting to attend - moms, dads and other family members will need to purchase a grandstand ticket (usually $4-$5) and are required to sit in general seating. It is a privilege to sit in the visiting royalty section and family members are not allowed. Sometimes there are parking charges into other fairs and even a charge to enter the fair and enter the grandstand as well. Boyfriends are not allowed as the queen’s chaperone.