1. Complete all assignments BEFORE taking the final exam.
  2. Contact your instructor for the last DBA and the password for the exam.
  3. Consider taking part in a final exam review session. Live lesson information available on your announcement page.
  4. The exam takes about 2 hours to complete. You do not have a time limit as long as you are actively working on exam questions.
  5. Password works only once so you must complete the exam in one session. Once you start the exam, you CANNOT leave it to look in the course or in your files. You will be locked out of the exam.
  6. The preferred browser for the exam is Firefox. This is a free download. If you have trouble with Internet Explorer while taking the exam, consider downloading Firefox. Be sure you are plugged in to an electric source and are on a reliable internet connection.
  7. This is an open book test. Prepare your notes ahead of time. Have your assignments available, you will refer to them as well.
  8. Please note you must pass the final in order to pass the course, so do your best as usual.
  9. 44 multiple choice questions (3 points each) and 2 short essay questions (6 points each).

Module 4

4.00 Play Smart

  • identify the skills and concepts that will be presented in this module
  • use the module checklist to set a schedule and keep track of your progress
  • complete a pretest to demonstrate your current understanding of the concepts in this module

4.01 Mental Fitness

  • predict how healthy behaviors can affect mental health
  • analyze how the perceptions of norms influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors
  • compare how peers influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors
  • demonstrate strategies to prevent, manage, and resolve interpersonal conflicts
  • evaluate your mental health practices and the status of your personal mental fitness

4.02Healthy Relationships

  • predict how respectful or abusive behaviors can each affect the health of a relationship
  • demonstrate strategies to prevent, manage, or resolve conflicts in relationships


  • analyze how factors of family health history can influence your personal health
  • examine how a community can affect personal health practice and behaviors
  • evaluate how personal values, attitudes, and beliefs can influence health practices

4.04 Health and Technology

  • evaluate the effect of media and technology on personal, family, and community health
  • analyze how families influence health through their use of technology
  • use authoritative sources to analyze how technology influences health and safety

4.05Personal Menu

  • document food and beverage intake and determine calories consumed
  • document physical activity and determine calories expended
  • compare calories consumed to calories expended and predict outcome

4.06Module Four Wellness Plan

  • provide evidence of participation in a variety of physical activities that promote health
  • provide evidence of participation in the required amount of physical activities
  • provide evidence of applied training strategies for improved strength and flexibility
  • analyze the progress made toward your wellness goals
  • evaluate how to make changes to your wellness plan as lifestyle changes occur

Module 5

5.00Play It Safe

  • identify the skills and concepts that will be presented in this module
  • use the module checklist to set a schedule and keep track of your progress
  • complete a pretest to demonstrate your current understanding of the concepts in this module

5.01 Drugs and Alcohol: Risks and Effects

  • examine the social, emotional, and cognitive risks involved with using drugs or alcohol
  • determine the value of applying a thoughtful decision-making process in health-related situations
  • evaluate the influence of personal values, attitudes, and beliefs on health practices and choices

05.02 Cost of Drugs

  • assess the degree of susceptibility to injury, illness, or death if engaged in drug use and other risky behavior
  • determine whether individual or collaborative decision making is needed to make a healthy decision
  • assess refusal and negotiation skills needed to avoid health risks


  • identify the risks associated with alcohol use
  • evaluate how public health policies and government regulations can influence alcohol use
  • address and discuss topics related to alcohol use and abuse

5.04 Tobacco

  • identify the risks of tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke
  • evaluate how public health policies and government regulations can influence tobacco use and disease prevention
  • determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in health warnings and other texts

5.05 Drugs

  • identify the health risks that accompany the abuse of a variety of over-the-counter and illegal drugs
  • compare data related to substance use and abuse
  • gather information from authoritative sources to determine the dangers of drug use

5.06 Getting Help

  • propose strategies to reduce health problems and restore health
  • analyze the options for support and addiction treatment available in your area

Module 6

6.00 Play for Life

  • identify the skills and concepts that will be presented in this module
  • use the module checklist to set a schedule and keep track of your progress
  • complete a pretest to demonstrate your current understanding of the concepts in this module

6.01 The Weight Epidemic

  • identify the health-related problems associated with low levels of cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition
  • assess how obesity increases the susceptibility to injury and illness

6.02 Body Composition

  • evaluate your personal health practices in relation to nutrition, exercise, and body composition
  • identify health-related problems related to an unhealthy body composition
  • analyze how the perception of “normal” body composition may influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors

6.03 Healthy Development and Disease

  • analyze strategies for preventing, detecting, and treating communicable diseases
  • identify common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and symptoms
  • evaluate behaviors and health practices that help maintain or improve health and reduce health risks
  • analyze statistics related to communicable diseases and teen parenthood

6.04 First Aid and CPR

  • propose what type of first aid is necessary to reduce or prevent injuries
  • determine when individual or collaborative decision making is needed for first aid
  • demonstrate basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) procedures

6.05 Own Your Own Health

  • analyze your individual responsibility in caring for and enhancing your health
  • evaluate how your personal values, attitudes, and beliefs can influence your health practices
  • examine effective ways to ask for or offer assistance to enhance the health of yourself or others
  • use negotiation and collaboration skills with physicians and healthcare providers
  • assess how obesity increases the susceptibility to injury and illness

Segment 2 Wellness Plans

  • provide evidence of participation in a variety of physical activities that promote health
  • provide evidence of participation in the required amount of physical activities
  • provide evidence of applied training strategies for improved strength and flexibility
  • analyze the progress made toward your wellness goals
  • evaluate how to make changes to your wellness plan as lifestyle changes occur