Information Package
Standards Coordination and Globalization Initiative
As a leader in the development of standards for the characterization of high-modulus fibers and advanced composite materials, ASTM Committee D30 is committed to obtaining expertise to continue to strengthen its position in the field of Advanced Composites.
Even though D30 represents over 200 participants from 17 countries worldwide, the Committee realized that we must make a special effort to better involve all stakeholders in standards development, and that this is related to and not separate from globalization. To implement this activity, a new Task Group, Standards Coordination and Globalization Initiative (D30.93), has been formed, effective February 2001. The D30 Chair will appoint the SCGI Chair, who initially will be Rich Fields of Lockheed Martin (). The Chair is responsible for assembling the participants and guiding the activities.
Increase involvement in standards development by all Composite Materials stakeholders, including special emphasis on added participation by international interests, material suppliers, and non-aerospace industries. ASTM membership will not be required for this activity.
Assess the relevance of D30 standards and increase their active use around the world through the review and coordination of a group of D30 cornerstone test methods. Utilizing the expertise of members and non-members of the committee, emphasizing participation from the international community, material suppliers, fabricators, and users outside the aerospace community for this assessment. Revise existing standards or develop new standards based on this assessment.
Phase I - Invitation/Application (2-4 weeks):
Invite a targeted list of international and US non-members and all D30 members (which includes approximately 40 international members) to join the SCGI. Interested individuals should complete an online application located at the D30 website. All registrants are then entered as a member of the SCGI (D30.93) and SCGI Mail List.
To become a part of this effort (even if you are already a D30 member), simply fill-out and submit the on-line SCGI application and you will be contacted shortly with more details on the next step of this initiative. There is no cost to join this effort, and you do not have to be an ASTM member to participate.
Phase II - SCGI Initital Interactive Forum Discussion (4-8 weeks):
All participants are contacted by email to begin an ASTM Interactive Forum based review of all current D30 standards to determine what standards should be further assessed individually or as a group for scope, consistency, market relevance, etc. The complete list of approved D30 standards can be obtained at D30’s website under the link entitled “StandardsBy Subcommittee”. Click Here for more information about ASTM’s Interactive Forums. This list will be accompanied by several questions regarding the use and importance of the standards. A subset of the Committee’s standards will also be included for consideration. Table 1 is a list of what the Committee D30 considers to be it’s key standards.
Phase III – Detailed Interactive Forum Taskwork (duration – as long as necessary)
In this Phase the SCGI Chair will prioritize and assign projects as appropriate based on Phase II assessments. For example, specific interactive forums for individual standards or groups of standards will be established. Each Forum will include a questionnaire on market relevance, user friendliness, etc., in addition to the document itself.
When each individual Forum review is complete, any revision to an existing standard or new draft standard will be assigned to the D30 Subcommittee with jurisdiction for formal ASTM balloting. New SCGI Forums will be formed as necessary.
ASTM Membership is not required for this activity, however benefits of ASTM membership include a subscription to our monthly magazine, Standardization News; one free volume of the ASTM Book of Standards (CD or hard copy) to be sent to you upon payment of your nominal administrative fee; additional affiliation with the technical committees in your areas of interest; and reduced prices on ASTM journals and Special Technical Publications (STP’s). There are also significant intangible advantages of membership, including the professional contacts made with others in your field of interest, knowledge gained through committee work, and other participation in the Society’s activities. Click Here for the ASTM on-line application.
For more information on SCGI or Committee D30 on Composite Materials, contact ASTM Staff Manager, Jim Olshefsky, at:
Table 1 – List of Core Standards for Coordination and Globalization
D2344 – Standard Test Method for Short-Beam Strength of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials and Their Laminates
D3039/D3039M – Test Method for Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials
D3171 - Test Method for Constituent Content of Composite Materials
D3518/D3518M - Test Method for In-Plane Shear Response of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials by Tensile Test of a +/-45 Laminate
D3529/D3529M - Test Method for Resin Solids Content of Epoxy-Matrix Prepreg by Matrix Dissolution
D5229/D5229M - Test Method for Moisture Absorption Properties and Equilibrium Conditioning of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials
Z8025Z - Test Method for Determining the Compressive Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials Using the Combined Loading Compression (CLC) Test Fixture
Z8302Z - Test Method for Determination of the Mode II Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Unidirectional Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites using the Four Point Bend End Notched Flexure (4ENF) Specimen