DUE: ______
Review possible questions and topics to research.
Select two that you may be interesting in learning more about.
Perform basic background research
§ Complete a web diagram for each topic you investigate (at least 2) on the basic issues surrounding the topic (Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?)
§ Consider your interest level in each topic
§ Consider the availability of information on each research question
World Cultures Research QuestionsGlobal
1. Did European imperialism and colonization have greater short-term effects or long-term effects?
2. Is globalization making the world’s citizens more culturally similar or different?
3. Is the UN an effective institution?
4. Has religion been a positive or negative force in World history?
5. What political, economic, or social trend will define the 21st century?
6. What is the most important cause of poverty in Africa?
Middle East
7. Do Middle Eastern ideals about women constitute oppression?
8. Should Iran be allowed to develop a nuclear program?
9. Will the concept of “Land for Peace” resolve the conflict over Israel?
10. Is fundamental Islam a threat to Western civilizations?
11. Was the U.S. invasion of Iraq justified?
South Asia
12. Is India the world’s next superpower?
13. Who should control Kashmir?
14. Is the caste system still a significant part of Indian culture?
15. Are monsoons still a significant part of Indian culture?
16. Has India fulfilled Gandhi’s vision?
17. Has Britain or Islam had a greater impact on the history and culture of India?
East Asia
18. Is China the world’s next superpower?
19. Was Genghis Khan a barbarian or an enlightened ruler?
20. Mao Zedong or Deng Xiaoping: who has had a greater impact on China’s rise to power in the 20th century?
21. Do the negative aspects of the One Child Policy outweigh the intention of the program?
Latin America
22. Do the benefits of developing the Amazon rainforest outweigh preservation?
23. Has Fidel Castro helped or hurt Cuba? / World Cultures Research Topics*
*require creation of a controversial question that you will investigate
a. Women roles
b. Clothing & Fashion
c. Justice systems & the death penalty
d. Child Labor / Modern Slavery
e. Child Soldiers
f. The Environment
g. Oil
h. Terrorism
i. Slave Trade
j. Apartheid
k. Urbanization
m. Genocide
Middle East
n. Honor Killings
o. Turkey’s balance of cultures
p. Taliban
q. Achievements
r. Nomadic life
South Asia
s. Hinduism
t. Outsourcing & the tech industry
u. Bollywood
East Asia
v. Buddhism
w. Confucianism
x. Footbinding
y. Tiananmen Square Massacre
z. Japan’s Economic Miracle
aa. Japanese education
Latin America
bb. Blending of cultures
cc. Illegal Immigration
dd. Tourist industry
ee. Hugo Chavez
TOPIC WEB using the Big6
1 ) Gain a general awareness of key topics and aspects of your topic
2) What search terms will you use or topics will you research?
3) What types of sources will be the most useful? Where are these sources best found?
4) How will you locate & read useful information in each source?
5) What will you do with this information after you find it?
6) How will you know if you did good job? How will you know what to do next?