NCSC Webinar Study Guide: Graduated UnderstandingsPart 1 and 2
Use this participation guide as you listen and view the webinar. Please send your guide to ----
The Graduated Understandings house two resources: Instructional Families and Element Cards. Please use this participation guide to provide feedback on the resources.
Question: / Notes/Feedback:The instructional families are presented in three different views. On a scale of 1-5, how useful did you find each view? / View 1: Across all grades - View of Learning Targets and Families across Grades
1 2 3 4 5
not at all possibly/ Very
not sure
View 2: Within grade bands - View of Learning Targets, Families, and CCCs by Grade-band
1 2 3 4 5
not at all possibly/ Very
not sure
View 3: Within Instructional Families - View by Instructional Families, LPF, and CCSS Domains
1 2 3 4 5
not at all possibly/ Very
not sure
To help us improve the Instructional Families, can you describe:
- the top two things that worked?
- the top two things that were the most confusing?
The Element Cards are intended to help think about differentiating instruction across students and/or grades.
On a scale of 1-5, how useful do you see the following sections:
- The top section that describes the standards, connectors, families, and indicators addressed,
- The “Essential Understandings” section
- The “Suggested Instructional Strategies” section, and
- The “Supports and Scaffolds” section?
1 2 3 4 5
not at all possibly/ Very
not sure
Essential Understandings:
1 2 3 4 5
not at all possibly/ Very
not sure
Suggested Instructional Families:
1 2 3 4 5
not at all possibly/ Very
not sure
Supports and Scaffolds:
1 2 3 4 5
not at all possibly/ Very
not sure
To help us improve the Instructional Families, can you describe:
- the top two things that worked?
- the top two things that were the most confusing?
Schedule of follow up calls:
- 12 noon and 3:30 Central time on April 3rd.