SP00280 (2015 Specifications: 06-01-17)(This Section requires SP02320.
Requires SP01030 when
Temporary seeding is required.)
(Follow all instructions. If there are no instructions above a subsection, paragraph, sentence, or bullet, then include them in the project. The specifications may be modified to include project specific specifications, but all additions, deletions, or modifications must be sent to the ODOT Technical Resource and Senior Specifications Engineer for review and approval.)
Comply with Section 00280 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:
00280.00Scope-Add the following paragraph to the end of this subsection:
(Use one of the follow two options as instructed. Delete the option that does not apply.)
[ Option 1-Use the following paragraph when the Agency's NPDES1200CA Permit is applicable to the project. ]
The Agency's NPDES1200CA Permit is applicable to the Project.
[ Option 2-Use the following paragraph when the Agency's NPDES1200CA Permit is NOT applicable to the project and the Contractor is required to obtain the NPDES1200C Permit. ]
The Agency's NPDES1200CA Permit is not applicable to the Project. Before beginning Work on the Project, obtain an NPDES1200C Permit that is applicable to the Project.
(Use the following subsection .14(e) when slope and channel liner matting is required.)
00280.14(e)Slope and Channel Liner Matting-Replace the bullet list with the following bullet list:
•Type A-Slope protection mat, fully biodegradable, for clay soil slopes 1V:3H or flatter.
•Type B-Slope protection mat, fully biodegradable, for sandy soil slopes 1V:3H or flatter.
•Type C-Slope protection mat, fully biodegradable, for clay soil slopes steeper than 1V:3H.
•Type D-Slope protection mat, fully biodegradable, for sandy soil slopes steeper than 1V:3H.
•Type E-Flexible channel liner, fully biodegradable, for shear stress from 0to 2pounds per square foot.
•Type F-Flexible channel liner for shear stress from 2to 4pounds per square foot.
•Type G-Flexible channel liner for shear stress from 4to 6pounds per square foot.
•Type H-Flexible channel liner for shear stress from 6to 8pounds per square foot.
(Use the following subsection .15(a) when Type 2 and/or Type 6 check dams are required.)
00280.15(a)Check Dams-
(Use the following paragraph and bullet when Type 2 check dams are required.)
Replace the bullet that begins "Type 2: Fiber Rolls-Fiber rolls or wattles…" and the five subbullets with the following bullet:
•Type 2: Fiber Rolls-Fiber rolls or wattles made of straw meeting the requirements of01030.15(b). Wrap the straw to a minimum density of 2.75pounds per cubic foot in tubular netting 8to 10inches in diameter, made from biodegradable fiber or photodegradable plastic netting.
(Use the following paragraph and bullet when Type 6 check dams are required.)
Replace the “Type 6: Compost Filter Sock” bullet and the two subbullets with the following bullet:
•Type 6:Compost Filter Sock-Filter sock material, compost, and stakes conforming to00280.15(f).
(Use the following subsection .15(e) when flow spreaders are required.)
00280.15(e)Flow Spreader-Replace this subsection, except for the subsection number and title, with the following:
Furnish aggregate for flow spreaders with a maximum size between 1inch and 4inches meeting the requirements of00330.16.
00280.15(f)Compost Filter Sock-Replace this subsection, except for the subsection number and title, with the following:
Furnish filter sock material, compost, and stakes meeting the following requirements:
(Fill in the blank with the diameter of the filter sock. Obtain information form the Erosion Control Designer.)
•Filter Sock Material-5mil thick woven tubular mesh netting with 1/8to 3/8inch openings, and consisting of continuous HDPE filament or polypropylene material or 100percent biodegradable mesh netting from the QPL. Furnish filter sock material with a diameter of ____inches.
•Compost-Commercially manufactured coarse compost material meeting the requirements of Section03020.
•Stakes-2inch by 2inch (nominal) untreated wood stakes.
(Use the following subsection .16(a) when construction entrances are required.)
00280.16(a)Construction Entrances-Replace the bullet that begins "Aggregate-Clean, durable, open…" with the following bullet:
•Aggregate-Clean, durable, open graded angular aggregate sized according to the following grading requirements:
Sieve SizePercent Passing (by weight)
00280.16(d)Inlet Protection-Replace the "Type 7:"bullet and the two subbullets with the following bullet and subbullets:
•Type 7:
•Filter sock material, compost, and stakes conforming to00280.15(f).
•Sand bags conforming to00280.15(a).
00280.16(e)Sediment Barriers-Replace the "Type 8:" bullet and the two subbullets with the following bullet:
•Type 8-Filter sock material, compost, and stakes conforming to00280.15(f).
00280.30Erosion and Sediment Control Manager-Replace the paragraph that begins "Designate and provide an ESCM…" with the following paragraph:
If the Agency's NPDES1200CA Permit is applicable to the Project, designate and provide an ESCM that possesses a valid ODOT ESCM certificate or has successfully completed an erosion control training that is acceptable to the Engineer.
(Use the following two paragraphs when the Agency's NPDES1200CA Permit is NOT applicable to the project.)
Add the following paragraph to the end of this subsection:
If the Agency's NPDES1200CA Permit is not applicable to the Project, comply with all requirements of the applicable permits.
(Use the following subsection .48 on projects that require emergency materials. Obtain information from the Erosion Control Designer. Only list items that are included in the Schedule of Items.)
00280.48Emergency Materials-Add the following paragraphs after the paragraph that begins "Provide, stockpile, and protect...":
Provide and stockpile the following emergency materials on the Project site:
(Use the following subsection .80(d) when any of the pay itemsincluded in the Schedule of Items for Section 00280 are measured on the area basis.)
00280.80(d)Area Basis-Replace this subsection, except for the subsection number and title, with the following:
Area basis items will be measured on the area basis along the lines and grades of the surface area actually covered as shown or as required.
(Use the following subsection .90 when any of the following are required:
•Temporary Mulching
•Check Dam
•Construction Entrance
•Tire Wash Facility
•Inlet Protection
•Sediment Barrier
Delete the "(s)" or parentheses from the words "item(s)" and "paragraph(s)" as appropriate. Delete pay item letters from the lead-in paragraph and list that do not apply, but do not change the alpha characters next to the pay items.)
00280.90Payment-Replace pay item(s) (e), (f), (h), (n), (o), (r), and (s) with the following pay item(s):
(e)Temporary Mulching, _____...... Acre
(f)Matting, Type _____...... Square Yard
(h)Check Dam, Type _____...... Each
(n)Construction Entrance, Type _____...... Each
(o)Tire Wash Facility, Type _____...... Each
(r)Inlet Protection, Type _____...... Each
(s)Sediment Barrier, Type _____...... Each or Foot
Add the following paragraph(s) after the paragraph that begins "Item (b) includes protecting…":
(Use the following paragraph when item (e) is included in the list above.)
In item (e), the word "Hydromulch", "Straw", or "Compost" will be inserted in the blank.
(Delete pay item letters from the following paragraph when the pay items are not included in the list above. If none of the pay item letters are included in the list above, delete the entire paragraph.)
In item(s) (f)), (h), (n), (o), (r), and (s), the type will be inserted in the blank.
Add the following paragraph to the end of this subsection:
No separate or additional payment will be made for constructing laps, seams, joints, wraps, overlaps, joint overlaps, or patches unless the Engineer orders additional amounts in excess of the minimum. For laps, wraps, or overlaps that that have been ordered by the Engineer and exceed the minimum or specified length or width, payment will be made for the added lap, overlap, or wrap length or width at the Contract unit price.