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December 1, 2014
The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Columbia met in regular session at 7:PM, Monday, December 1, 2014, at the meeting room of the ColumbiaMunicipalBuilding. Aldermen attending were: Mike Crowder, James Cahoon, Mildred Ogletree, Ray Marner and Sandra Owens. Mayor F. Michael Griffin presided.
Mayor Griffin called the meeting to order and asked Alderman Marner to offer a prayer for the Board. He extended a Happy Birthday greeting to Alderman Ogletree and welcomed audience attendees.
Upon motion of Alderman Cahoon, the vote was unanimous to approve the consent agenda including the corrected Page 28 of Book 20 in the November 3, 2014 Meeting Minutes. The action approved the Minutes of the November 3, 2014 Regular Meeting of the Board of Aldermen.
Mayor Griffin announced the Public Comment Period and invited comments related to the town. Deputy Sheriff Nathan McPeak stated that he had looked at the speed limits in residential areas and is confident that a 20 MPH limit would be appropriate, but that 15 MPH would be even better. He said several streets that are legally 35 MPH are too fast.
With no other comments the Public Comment Period was closed.
Mayor Griffin announced that Jeff Best would not be present to review the 2014 Audit Report. It will be rescheduled for the January meetingfollowing a review by the NC Local Government Commission.
Sheriff Darryl Liverman presented the November Law Enforcement Report. He reported 248 calls or complaints answered during the month, including 171 business checks and 15 requests for a deputy. He noted there were three responses to loud noise complaints but that he is not comfortable taking any action other than talk since the Superior Court judge ruled that the town’s noise ordinance is not enforceable.
Alderman Ogletree asked why the judge threw out the town’s noise ordinance. Sheriff Liverman responded that the judge wanted quantifiable measures.
Sheriff Liverman reported on arrests in the case of plumbing system thefts at the Visitor’s Center. He said the accused individuals had also stolen plumbing systems from the Visitor’s Center on the Dismal SwampCanal in CamdenCounty. He also said a new 911 Center is being planned for Dare, Hyde and Tyrrell counties. Mileage traveled by two deputies to patrol the town during November was 3,008 miles.
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The Sheriff’s report led into a discussion of the town noise ordinance. Town Attorney Dwight Wheless stated that one judge does not bind other judges and began the discussion on development of a new noise ordinance for the town. He said a scientific way is needed to judge noise levels and reviewed his memo to the Aldermen dated September 29, 2014. He said he wants to draft an ordinance that the whole will withstand review if parts are fund unlawful. He said the town’s options are to leave the noise ordinance as it is, have a proper ordinance that deletes the Mayor’s special occasion discretion, or language that states that the excessive noise ordinance does not apply on certain national, state of local holidays. He provided a folder of information for Aldermen to review prior to the next scheduled meeting.
The second vote on a “No Parking” ordinance on the south side of Main Street from Fonsoe Street east to Scuppernong Drive was called. Upon motion of Alderman Cahoon, the vote was unanimous to designate the no parking zone.
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Consideration turned to speed control measures on Virginia Avenue and Light Street between Green and Howard streets. After considerable discussion the Town Manager was asked to provide a map denoting placement of new speed limit signs if residential area speed limits are reduced from 35 MPH to a lesser limit.
Carl Combs was not present to address law enforcement concerns, having notified the Manager that he would not be present after the agenda was prepared. Mayor Griffin indicated that he did not want to extend the courtesy of placing Mr. Combs on the agenda for a third time. He noted that Mr. Combs is not a town resident, but is welcomed to speak during the scheduled Public Comment Period.
Upon motion of Alderman Ogletree, the vote was unanimous to appoint Tim Nielsen to the vacant spot on the Columbia Planning Board. He will serve the remainder of a three-year term that was vacated by Chuck Owens.
Mr. White presented the November Tax Report. He indicated that payments are coming in slowly at 31.25% of billings as of December 1st. He announced that three tax foreclosures are underway and that the town and county have yet to deal with the Marner House at the corner of Scottsville and Rowsom streets that was foreclosed earlier in the year for non-payment of taxes. He said notification has been sent to the owners of the severely fire damaged house on Kohloss street asking that the house be torn down and the property cleaned up.
Mr. White reported that snagging of limbs, trees and some other debris has been completed in the Grindle Hill and Ludington Street canals. This was done at a cost of $3,000.00 with $2,995.00 provided by the NC Department of Agriculture for cleaning canals of debris from Hurricane Irene.
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The Manager reported that removal of the bamboo thicket at SecotoVillage has hit a standstill because Mid-East Housing has balked at the $5,000.00 estimate for the work. He said removal of the pipe (bump) at Virginia Avenue/Howard Street is on hold awaiting availability of a willing contractor. He indicated that work is set to begin on the finger piers and canoe/kayak projects as soon as the contractor can move equipment to Columbia.
Mayor Griffin reminded Board members that River Town Christmas will run from Thursday through Sunday. He said Aldermen should assemble at the high school and be ready to ride in the Christmas Parade by 3:40 PM, Saturday, December 6th.
Mayor Griffin asked the Board to adopt a Resolution Requesting Construction of a New Bridge Across the Alligator River. He explained that federal bridge replacement money would probably be available for construction and that a new two-lane bridge would be more dependable and safe than the existing structure that is more than 50-years old. Upon motion of Alderman Owens, the resolution was unanimously adopted.
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Alderman Owens asked if there was a response from NC-DOT concerning the FonsoeStreetBridge across the GrindleHillCanal. She noted that DOT repaired another pot hole on N. Road Street.
Alderman Marner asked if the owners of the fire damaged house on Kohloss Street indicated any intent to tear the house down.
Alderman Cahoon reported that he and the Manager had met with Mr. Spencer on Cypress Street about the drainage problems that he reported. He noted that private lands are involved, but said some of the problems were probably created by construction of Ludington Street and the WalterJonesCenter. He said an appeal to DOT for any help possible should be made.
Upon motion of Alderman Crowder, the vote to adjourn was unanimous. Mayor Griffin adjourned the meeting.
This the 1st day of December, 2014.
F. Michael Griffin, Mayor
Rhett B. White, Clerk