
Performance Expectation 3: Participate in effective communication cycles.


Performance Expectation #3 is important because the ability to communicate with others enhances personal daily functioning and integration into society. Effective communicators typically use a consistent method of communicating that they can employ in different contexts (e.g., in a family or group-living environment, in social situations with friends, at work, within the community). Effective communication skills enable individuals to express their own needs, respond to directions or commands from others, and generally use their language to facilitate successful completion of daily activities.

Performance Requirements:

  1. convey their desires, feelings, and physical needs effectively to others.
  2. respond accurately to directions, instructions, and questions at levels consistent with their capabilities.
  3. communicate in ways that are appropriate to particular contexts.

Performance Contexts:

  • Communicating with others.

with friends in class.

over the phone

with pictures through the mail.

  • Feeling upset or under stress.

after being hurt.

while scared.

when being told he/she can’t have something he/she wants.

  • Communicating with unfamiliar persons.

a community worker.

a new peer at school.

a guest in his/her home.


Participation CurriculumPE 3 Section VIII

* Related goals may be found in other performance expectations within the curriculum, as shown in the columns to the right.

Performance Expectation 3:Participate in Effective Communication Cycles. / PE 1 / PE 2 / PE 3 / PE 4 / PE 5
A. Processes tactile stimuli. * / I F IV A / X A XI F XIIA
  1. Tolerates various stimuli.

  1. Tolerates firm pressure/touch.

  1. Tolerates therapeutic stretching.

  1. Tolerates gentle rubbing/stroking with different textures on neck and facial area.

  1. Responds differentially to at least two stimuli.

  1. Demonstrates preference for certain stimuli.

  1. Accepts physical manipulation of hands/arms/feet to perform simple actions.

  1. Explores a variety of objects/textures.

  1. Selects preferred object/texture.

Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob
B. Processes auditory stimuli.
PE 1 - Participates in cultural/art events. / I C
  1. Tolerates auditory stimuli.

  1. Responds to auditory stimuli.

  1. Locates auditory stimuli.

  1. Responds differentially to auditory stimuli.

  1. Responds positively to auditory stimuli.

  1. Demonstrates preferences for certain auditory stimuli.

  1. Selects preferred auditory stimuli.

  1. Follows moving auditory source.

Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob
C. Processes visual stimuli.
PE 1 - Participates in cultural/art events.
  1. Tolerates visual stimuli.

  1. Responds to visual stimuli.

  1. Locates visual stimuli.

  1. Follows movement ( horizontal vertical across midline).

  1. Demonstrates preference for certain visual stimuli.

  1. Selects preferred visual stimuli.

Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob
D. Processes environmental stimuli.
PE 1 - Participates in cultural/art events.
  1. Tolerates environmental stimuli (sound of food processor).

  1. Locates environmental stimuli, (turns head in direction of sound).

  1. Recognizes familiar environmental stimuli (door opening).

  1. Returns to task after stimuli.

  1. Attends to person/object when distractions are present.

  1. Responds positively to environmental event/activities that involve more than one stimulus (concert, assemblies).

Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob
E. Develops alternate communication skills.
  1. Understands cause/effect relationships.

  1. Activates signaling device for assistance is needed.

  1. Exhibits understanding of object to picture relationship.

  1. Uses communication board with pictures/photographs of objects or activities to communicate.

  1. Makes choices using alternate communication system. (object board, K-Wolf, picture/photograph board).

  1. Expands vocabulary on existing communication system.

  1. Uses voice output system for communication:
direct selection switch activation auditory/visual scanning device
Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob
F. Develops sign language.
  1. Shows recognition for certain familiar signs.

  1. Imitates hand movement for basic signs, (e.g. eat, drink, toilet, walk, please, all done).

  1. Comprehends/responds to basic (single) signs.

  1. Uses basic signs to communicate wants and needs.

  1. Increases sign vocabulary.

  1. Combines two or more signs.

  1. Uses signs regularly.

Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob
G. Participates in switch activated activities. / I H IV F IV J V E-F
  1. Attends to an object being activated by a switch.

  1. Anticipates effect on object before activation of remote switch (smiles, looks intently).

  1. Reaches for switch.

  1. Uses necessary pressure to activate device.

  1. Randomly activates switch.

  1. Purposefully activates switch.

  1. Sustains action necessary for activating switch.

  1. Activates switch within specific time limit.

  1. Deactivates switch when appropriate.

  1. Reactivates switch when activity stops.

Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob
H. Responds to interactions. / I A / VII C
  1. Shows awareness of speaker.

  1. Visually attends to speaker.

  1. Maintains eye contact during interaction.

  1. Smiles purposefully in response to interaction.

  1. Initiates/maintains interaction with object/person by gazing or smiling.

  1. Uses individualized communication mode to interact or obtain object.

  1. Persists in attempts to interact/obtain objects by modifying behavior when first attempts are not successful.

  1. Responds differently to tone of voice.

Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob
I. Develops early communication patterns.
PE 3 - Communicates with unfamiliar persons. / I A / VII C
  1. Attends to object involved in interaction.

  1. Persists in attempts to communicate.

  1. Demonstrates communicative readiness by reaching out to indicate want/need.

  1. Uses strategies to initiate and maintain interactions.

  1. Participates in give and take activities by responding.

  1. Responds to simple yes/no question regarding wants and needs.

  1. Responds to simple yes/no questions.

  1. Uses yes/no appropriately.

  1. Uses specific action to make a request (eye blink, nod).

  1. Participates in simple communication routines.

  1. Responds to conventional gestures (waves good-bye).

  1. Initiates conventional gestures. (e.g. waves, raises hand).

  1. Uses conventional gesture to have needs met.

  1. Uses conventional gestures with a variety of individuals.

Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob
J. Develops responses to words. / III B III C / VII A
  1. Responds to own name.

  1. Identifies family members or familiar persons when named.

  1. Responds to words "no/stop".

  1. Responds to other "cue" words and/or phrases (e.g. time to go home. “bye”, “up”).

  1. Identifies familiar objects when named.

  1. Responds appropriately to simple requests/cues.

K. Identifies/makes choices among objects. / Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob
  1. Expresses likes and dislikes.

  1. Chooses preferred object by gazing or looking.

  1. Chooses an object/activity by pointing, touching, or picking up the object or picture/symbol of object/activity.

  1. When presented with two or more choices, the student will identify an object or picture/symbol of an activity.

  1. Chooses an object/activity using individualized response mode.

  1. Makes choices from unlimited objects.

Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob
L. Follows directions. / I I V G VI C VI E / VIIH
  1. Gives object on verbal request.

  1. Performs familiar activity in response to simple requests like "sit down".

  1. Responds to directional request like "Go get the .” or “ Where is the ?”

  1. Responds to verbal request involving one or more familiar objects (Put the book on the shelf.).

  1. Follows directions which involve two related actions (Take off your coat and put it on the hook.).

  1. Follows directions which involve two unrelated actions (Throw your trash away and go get a toy.).

  1. Follows directions which have been given to the class or group.

  1. Follows pictorial directions/schedule.

  1. Follows implied directions for routines.

Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob
M. Develops early vocalization skills.
  1. Vocalizes to familiar person who is engaging him/her by talking or smiling.

  1. Takes turns in vocalizing.

  1. Attempts to get attention by vocalizing.

  1. Imitates familiar sounds/syllables. (specify)

  1. Uses word-like vocalizations.

Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob
N. Develops oral communication.
  1. Imitates some real words.

  1. Uses words to get attention.

  1. Asks to have needs met.

  1. Begins to use question form.

  1. Uses single words regularly.

  1. Imitates two to three word phrases regularly.

  1. Uses two to three word phrases frequently.

  1. Refers to self by name.

  1. Uses simple pronouns.

  1. Answers question with verbal response.

  1. Develops more intricate aspects of speech (e.g. plurals, prepositions, modifiers, past tense, progressives (future tense).

  1. Controls intensity of vocalizations.

  1. Improves pronunciation.

Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob
O. Learns/improves/maintains language skills.
  1. Comprehends/expresses noun concepts (e.g. food/drink, body parts, clothing, places, toys, people, animals, etc.).

  1. Comprehends/expresses action/verb concepts (e.g. stand (up), sit (down), stop, come here, pull, push, go get the, etc.).

  1. Comprehends/responds to location phrases (put it in, put it next to, put it in front, take it off, put it on, put it behind, take it out, etc.).

  1. Comprehends/expresses descriptors (hot/cold, mine/yours, soft/hard, color, big/little, one/all, wet/dry, time, etc.).

  1. Comprehends/expresses requests (for permission, for information, for clarification).

  1. Comprehends/expresses to "wh" questions (who, what, when, where, why).

Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob
P. Develops conversational skills.
PE 3 - Communicates with others, communicates with unfamiliar persons.
  1. Expresses one-word greetings (hi, hello).

  1. Uses common farewells (bye).

  1. Responds to common social questions (How are you?).

  1. Expresses simple social phrases.

  1. Engages in simple conversation.

  1. Responds appropriately during simple communication routines.

  1. Expresses multi-word special occasion greetings.

  1. Answers simple questions (What did you have for lunch?").

  1. Asks questions appropriately.

  1. Inhibits meaningless noises/vocalizations which interfere.

  1. Maintains eye contact when speaking with others.

  1. Maintains distance when speaking to someone.

  1. Expresses affection appropriately.

  1. Exhibits appropriate communication routine with unfamiliar person.

  1. Uses phone to converse with friend.

Pro / Soc / Com / PC / Mob
Q. Uses language to express feelings and share information.
PE 3 - Exhibits feelings of being upset or under stress. / I E / VII B / VIII M
  1. Expresses affection appropriately.

  1. Expresses negative feelings appropriately.

  1. Expresses positive feelings appropriately.

  1. Acknowledges own feelings when identified by someone else (e.g. "You are unhappy because he took your book.").

  1. Identifies feelings in stories/pictures.

  1. Makes comments about self.

  1. Makes comments about others.

  1. Recounts previous activities or event.


Participation CurriculumPE 3 Section VIII