Delester Monk III

October 14, 2015

Professor Irvin


Work sheet 4 and 5

1)Describe your issue. What is your audience’s present position on this issue? Describe some other perspectives on your issue, and ask for reactions to those ideas. State your claim and ask if there is anyone who cannot accept it as stated. If there is, ask why.

The issue is that cell phones are beneficial to humans in many different ways. The present position is that cell phone usage is a good thing. Another perspective would be that cell phone are a distraction and they take your attention away from paying attention to what is going on around you. The distraction is that you pay so much attention to the cell phone you don’t see other things happening. The claim is that cell phone usage is beneficial and useful to humans. Some people don’t accept the claim because they reflect back to the olden days when cell phones were not available and life was just fine at that time.

2)How significant is your issue to the audience? If it is not considered significant, describe why it is significant to you.

It is significant to me because, today, everyone uses the cell phone to get things accomplished and it helps you to keep in touch and also learn about different educational ideas. As far as business is concerned it helps with productivity in that it keeps the employee connected and always in contact.

3)How involved are audience members in the ongoing conversation about the issue? What do they already know about it?

I don’t feel that the audience will be very involved in the conversation because they are going to continue the use of their cell phones regardless of the conversation being negative or positive issue.

4)How will you build common ground? What beliefs and values do you have and your audienceshare about your issue?

The common ground that is found is really staying connected. The older people want to stay in contact with the younger generation and they find that they have to have to cell phone in order to keep up with what is going on in the family.

5)What argument will work the best with them? A direct adversarial style? Or a consensual styles? Why?

The consensual style would work best to persuade people that cell phones really are beneficial. If you can convince and share points of how they might benefit from the cell phone that would work best to sell them on the idea.

6)Write what you have learned from this analysis to help you plan your appeal to this audience. Include value and motives in your discussion.

I have learned first that you have to discuss the ideas first with the audience in order to answer these questions. I have learned that presenting the three ideas of why cell phones are beneficial will appeal to and convince the audience.