Middlewich Vision Steering Group

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 5th March 2015

Middlewich Town Council Chambers

Present: Brian Reay, Jonathan Williams, Bernice Walmsley, Paul Edwards, Peter Hirst,

Joy Leathwood, Beverley Cope, Lisa Alcock, Alison Roylance-White

Apologies: Usman Ashiq, Pam Farrall, Simon McGrory, Sue Johns

Welcome and Apologies
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were received from Usman, Pam, Simon and Sue. / BR
Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 5th March 2014 were approved as an accurate record. / BR
Action Team Updates:-
COMMUNITY LIFE/LEISURE: Bernice gave an update on the work of the Community Life Group (incorporating Community Pride)
ECONOMY: It was agreed that there should be a strong focus on the Economy Group and its activities. The group talked about future objectives and what the key things to focus on should be. It was agreed to review these in more detail at the next Economy Meeting on the 19th March.
Mid Cheshire Development Board: The new Mid Cheshire Development Board was discussed and Brian explained how the Board was being driven by Cheshire East. Jonathan went on to tell the group that whilst Town Clerks had a key role to play with the Board, they would no longer have a physical presence at the meetings. Instead, we would be represented by Brian. Everyone agreed that it was imperative that Middlewich remained a top priority. Paul informed everyone that he had represented Middlewich at a recent Board information event which took place at the Anderton Boatlift.
Saltscape: Paul talked about the partnership project ‘Saltscape’. This is a three year Heritage Lottery funded project which was focusing on the Weaver Valley route from Middlewich up to Frodsham. The project was being carried out in conjunction with Groundwork Cheshire, Lancashire and Merseyside. Brian asked what ‘Groundwork’ was and Paul gave a brief explanation about the organisation and its work. (http://www.groundwork.org.uk/Sites/clm) It was also highlighted that Saltscape would be providing an interesting series of events and workshops throughout 2015 including e.g. traditional hedging, masonry etc. Following on from this Alison talked about the creation of a Marina which would be a major attraction for Middlewich. The group discussed possible locations.
Brian stated that he would ask for a briefing meeting (12th March) with Kerry Fletcher the
Heritage Development Officer at Middlewich Town Council. / PE
Action Plan Managers Report
A written report was provided. In addition, Bev gave a more in depth overview of the October 2015 Literary Festival and the progress to date.
Middlewich Vision AGM
Brian informed the group about the upcoming AGM on the 21st May and that Nicola Dufty, Chair of the Mid Cheshire Development Board, had agreed to be the keynote speaker.
Partner Updates
Heritage Trust: Joy announced that the Heritage Trust was now formally registered.
In addition, Joy talked about a new book entitled ‘Middlewich Hospitality’ which had been written by (Cllr) Ken Kingston and was about the history of Middlewich public houses. Everyone agreed that it was an excellent piece of work. Joy stated that the book was being sold for £6 a copy and sales were going well.
Joy also mentioned about the Roman Exhibition in Middlewich Library and their work in updating the exhibits and information.
Clean Team: Bernice announced that they had received funding from Cheshire East (30k) for a variety of improvements in the town. These included a thorough clean of the Bullring area, the painting of the bus shelters and improvements to the raised flower containers along the High Street. Bernice explained that the work arose after they had carried out a ‘walkabout’ with Carol Hill from Cheshire East Council to make a list of things which needed improving etc. She also mentioned that Lisa (Alcock) has since taken over from Carol in Middlewich.
Cheshire East: Lisa explained about the restructure that had taken place within the Communities Team at Cheshire East Council. She informed everyone that her role as Local Engagement Officer now included Middlewich. It was agreed by everyone that Lisa should be given a detailed tour of the town and also be given an introduction to the work carried by the Vision and the Town Council. Bev said this would be arranged.
Middlewich Good Neighbours: Alison explained that Middlewich Good Neighbours was now formally separate from the Vision and had its own bank account, Chair etc and that it was doing well and was steadily increasing the number of people it was helping on a regular basis. / BC
Finance: a discussion took place about the cost of running the Vision office and that items e.g. telephone calls should be included as part of a 3 year financial projection.
Middlewich Neighbourhood Plan: Jonathan updated everyone about the work that had been carried out to date. He explained that a visit by Alison Eardley (Consultant) had been very successful and that she was working on a Middlewich Town Centre Retail Study which would support the Neighbourhood Plan process and content.
Date of Next Meeting:
THURSDAY 2nd July 2015

Brian Reay

Middlewich Vision Steering Group Chair