Subject: RE: Acknowledgement of Complaint
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2013 11:38:10 +0100

Dear Ms Maclean,

Response as requested to your question as below copied from the attached letter from you of 28 March:

<I understand that you have the following points of complaint:

That Social Services did not investigate the complaint of 12thFebruary 2010 that had been cascaded down from the Minister of Health, Andy Burnham, regarding XxxxxXxxxx.

That instead of investigating the allegations expressed in this complaint Social Services instructed the Home Owner and Manager to investigate the allegations themselves>

As this has been copied out of my complaint, I can only confirm that it is correct.

>The outcome that you would like to see from your complaint is:

1.A response to the above complaint advising of the reasoning

regarding the points of the complaint as stated.>

I am surprised by that conclusion. I think it must be obvious that if I complain about the fact that a complaint about serious allegations of abuse (or, if that makes it clearer: my complaint "amount to criminal negligence allegations, and arguably manslaughter",as John Cryer, MP, declared in a letter to Secretary of State Andrew Lansley on 12.09.11 - please see notinvestigated, I am not asking you to advise me about the "reasoning regarding the point of the complaint as stated" (whatever you mean by that...). What I want is an investigation - but, let me stress, a truly serious and independent one. However, as I have no reason to have trust in Guildford social services (the history of this case will explain why - see the above link for all details), I am only following the complaint procedure, asking you for your final word, before taking it to the ombudsman for them to investigate your local authority's role in this sad case. I hope this explains what I want. However, if social services can convince me that an investigation will be conducted in a serious and independent way into the alleged abuse at the home, I shall welcome that and participate fully.

>Should you have any other outcome from your complaint could you please respond to me directly.Please let me know if I have misunderstood any of these points.>

I have now taken my time once again to explain that I want an investigation of the original complaint, fairly reasonable I would presume, and it is my hope that this will be understood and not again re-interpreted as has happened on numerous occasions throughout the process.


Lars G Petersson


Lars G Petersson,
xxxxx / Personal Care and Support
Millmead House
Our Ref.: CM/deb / 28 March, 2013

Dear Mr Petersson

Re: Your complaint regarding Adult Social Care

Thank you for your letter/email of 8thMarch 2013,which the Customer Relations Team has referred to me to be dealt with.

I write to confirm receipt of your complaint and to confirm that this is being dealt with under Surrey County Council’s Adult Services’ complaints procedure. I would therefore like to discuss with you what your complaints are and how I can respond to them.

I understand that you have the following points of complaint:

That Social Services did not investigate the complaint of 12thFebruary 2010 that had been cascaded down from the Minister of Health, Andy Burnham regarding XxxxxXxxxx

That instead of investigating the allegations expressed in this complaint Social Services instructed the Home Owner and Manager to investigate the allegations themselves

The outcome that you would like to see from your complaint is:

1. A response to the above complaint advising of the reasoningregarding the points of the complaint as stated.

Should you have any other outcome from your complaint could you please respond to me directly.

Please let me know if I have misunderstood any of these points. If I do not hear from you within the next five days, I will proceed by responding to your complaints. This constitutes the plan that I would like to follow to address your complaints. I would suggest that I write to you with my response to your complaints within twenty working days. If you do not wish to receive a written response from me, please let me know as soon as possible.

If I am not able to respond within twenty working days, I will be in touch again with a revised date. However, I will endeavour to respond as quickly as possible as I anticipate that you would like a quick response to these issues.

In the interim should you have any queries please contact me on the above number. Alternatively you can also contact the Adult Services’ Customer Relations Team on01483 518300, or by email at:

Yours sincerely

Christine Maclean

Senior Manager, Safeguarding Adults

ASC Personal Care and Support Senior Management Team