Too Much Salt and Pepper Unit Plan Week 1

/ Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday /
Comprehension / Connect: Tell students how I went camping one rainy weekend & I was looking forward to a hot shower and warm bed.
Attend: Tell your partner of a time when you were tired from a long day and were looking forward to coming home. Share how you felt when you got home.
Imagine: Concept of Definition Map on chart with class, “Sanctuary” / Reader’s Workshop:
Identify areas in Chap 1 where the author uses personification.
Share with class. / Reader’s Workshop:
Identify areas in Chap 1 where the author uses personification.
Share with class. / Reader’s Workshop:
Descriptive writing
Identify areas in Chap 1 where the author uses descriptive writing.
Share with class. / Reader’s Workshop:
Descriptive writing
Identify areas in Chap 1 where the author uses descriptive writing.
Share with class.
Vocabulary / Vocab Strategy: Vocabulary Cube. Students will create a vocabulary cube for each word. BL 3
1. brilliant
2. raucous
3. perplex
4. barren / Clap/Snap / Mind Reader Game
Student will pair up and give clues for words on the word wall and other student will guess the word. / Clap/Snap / Quiz
Writer’s Workshop/Grammar / Writing: Writing a comparison paragraph. Use Two-Column Notes to compare where they live with the area around the Sanctuary that Sam describes in Chap 1. BL 4
Grammar: Review with students the definition of noun; common & proper nouns. BL5
Identifying nouns. Underline the nouns. BL18 / Writers Workshop:
Use Venn Diagram to compare and contrast animals.
Grammar: Identifying nouns. Underline the nouns. BL18 / Writers Workshop:
Use Venn Diagram to compare and contrast habitats.
Grammar: Identifying nouns. Underline the nouns; double underline the proper nouns. BL18 / Writing: After reading Chap 1 students will generate a class list of the animals and birds that Sam and Ginny encountered in the chapter.
Grammar: Identifying nouns. Underline the nouns; double underline the proper nouns. BL18 / Quiz
Spelling /


(Color/Cut/Tchr Intro)
Final /ɘl/ al, el
Students will take a Pre-test.
Blue / Sort and Write
Students will sort the spelling words by finding the spelling pattern to which each belongs.
Students will write a paragraph using at least six words from the spelling list for the week. / Speed Sort
Students will sit side by side and see who gets the spelling words sorted the fastest. / No Peeking Sort
Students will take turns calling out the words and the other student writes the word under the proper sorting column. / Posttest

Too Much Salt and Pepper Unit Plan Week 2

/ Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday /
Comprehension / Review Chapter 1 with one sentence summary
Students read Chap 2 & 3 silently. Purpose: “How do animals ‘tell’ stories in the wild?”
Students share after reading. / Reader’s Workshop
Mini-lesson: Selective underlining and organizing details to convert to Number Notes
BL 7a & 7b / Reader’s Workshop:
Mini-lesson: Summarizing
$20 sentence summary / Reader’s Workshop:
Mini-lesson: Summarizing
$20 sentence summary
Vocabulary / Vocab Strategy: Vocabulary Notes BL 6
Determining meaning and possible usage
1. methodically
2. joist
3. monotonous
4. reprimand
5. shriek / Clap/Snap / Mind Reader Game
Student will pair up and give clues for words on the word wall and other student will guess the word. / Clap/Snap / Quiz
Writer’s Workshop/Grammar / Writing: Organizing information. Students will choose a forest animal or bird to research. Will use Concept Map to help organize information about animal or bird. DLG 20, BL 8
Grammar: Identifying common and proper nouns. Review with students identifying common and capitalizing proper nouns. Circle the nouns. BL 19 / Students will continue working on Concept Map
Grammar: Review with students identifying common and capitalizing proper nouns. Circle the nouns. BL 19 / Students will look up Psalm 34:14. Students will write of a place that is peaceful to them.
Grammar: Review with students identifying common and capitalizing proper nouns. Circle the nouns. BL 19
Students will look in text for common and proper nouns. DLG 21 / Students will continue working on peaceful place piece.
Grammar: Review with students identifying common and capitalizing proper nouns. Circle the nouns. BL 19 / Quiz
Spelling /


(Color/Cut/Tchr Intro)
Final /ɘnt/ ent, ant
Students will take a Pre-test.
Blue / Sort and Write
Students will sort the spelling words by finding the spelling pattern to which each belongs.
Students will write a paragraph using at least six words from the spelling list for the week. / Speed Sort
Students will sit side by side and see who gets the spelling words sorted the fastest. / No Peeking Sort
Students will take turns calling out the words and the other student writes the word under the proper sorting column. / Posttest

Too Much Salt and Pepper Unit Plan Week 3

/ Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday /
Comprehension / Mini-lesson on descriptive writing. Review pg 50 of theme book: “The sky had blushed beautifully..”
Students will mark book with sticky notes passage they find descriptive.
Students will buddy read Chapters 4 and 5.
Students will share descriptive passages with whole class. / Reader’s Workshop:
Read for comprehension; finding the main idea
Students will find the main idea of a passage. Treasures O, p. 46 / Reader’s Workshop:
Mini-lesson: Personification
Students will read p. 54 of theme book and discuss how the author uses personification to describe Inky. How does a ‘conversation’ with a porcupine make the chapter more interesting for the reader?” / Reader’s Workshop:
Read for comprehension; finding the main idea
Students will find the main idea of a passage. Treasures O, p. 53 / Reader’s Workshop:
Read for comprehension; finding the main idea
Students will find the main idea of a passage. Treasures O, p. 55
Vocabulary / Vocabulary Strategy: Determining meaning and possible usage
BL 6
Ask students what they think word means before reading. After they read, they are to find the page number from text and part of speech and definition from dictionary. Students are to compare how they did before and after reading.
1. nocturnal
2. silhouette
3. inquisitively
4. enthusiasm
5. idle / Clap/Snap / Mind Reader Game
Student will pair up and give clues for words on the word wall and other student will guess the word. / Clap/Snap / Quiz
Writer’s Workshop/Grammar / Writing: Students will be introduced to the spool paper process. BL 9a and 9b. / Writer’s Workshop
Mini-lesson: Personification
Treasures O, p. 49 / Writing: Students will use what they’ve learned about personification to write an imaginary conversation with their pet. / Writer’s Workshop
Students will work on spool paper and personification piece. / Writer’s Workshop
Students will work on spool paper and personification piece.
Spelling /


(Color/Cut/Tchr Intro)
r-controlled /âr/ /är/, /ɘr/
Students will take a Pre-test.
Blue / Sort and Write
Students will sort the spelling words by finding the spelling pattern to which each belongs.
Students will write a paragraph using at least six words from the spelling list for the week. / Speed Sort
Students will sit side by side and see who gets the spelling words sorted the fastest. / No Peeking Sort
Students will take turns calling out the words and the other student writes the word under the proper sorting column. / Posttest

Too Much Salt and Pepper Unit Plan Week 4

/ Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday /
Comprehension / Students will read Chapters 6 and 7 silently and without interruption.
Students will discuss favorite parts with a partner. / Reader’s Workshop:
Summarizing / Reader’s Workshop:
Students will write a $20 sentence summary of Chapter 6. / Reader’s Workshop:
Students will write a $20 sentence summary of Chapter 7.
Vocabulary / Vocabulary Strategy:
Determining meaning and possible usage BL 6
1. solitary
2. repetition
3. luxurious
4. condolences
5. admiration / Clap/Snap / Mind Reader Game
Student will pair up and give clues for words on the word wall and other student will guess the word. / Clap/Snap / Quiz
Writer’s Workshop/Grammar / Writing: Students will begin writing their spool paper that will be graded as a final assessment.
Grammar: Concentration Activity. Identifying singular and plural nouns. BL 11a-11c / Writer’s Workshop:
Students will work on rough draft of spool paper. Rough draft to be completed by Friday.
Teacher will have conferences with students.
Grammar: Singular and Possessive Nouns, Treasures O, p. 39 / Writer’s Workshop:
Students will work on rough draft of spool paper. Rough draft to be completed by Friday.
Teacher will have conferences with students.
Grammar: Singular and Possessive Nouns, Treasures O, p. 40 / Writer’s Workshop:
Students will work on rough draft of spool paper. Rough draft to be completed by Friday.
Teacher will have conferences with students.
Grammar: Singular and Possessive Nouns, Treasures O, p. 41 / Rough Draft of Spool Paper Due
Spelling /


(Color/Cut/Tchr Intro)
r-controlled /ôr/, /îr/
Students will take a Pre-test.
Blue / Sort and Write
Students will sort the spelling words by finding the spelling pattern to which each belongs.
Students will write a paragraph using at least six words from the spelling list for the week. / Speed Sort
Students will sit side by side and see who gets the spelling words sorted the fastest. / No Peeking Sort
Students will take turns calling out the words and the other student writes the word under the proper sorting column. / Posttest

Too Much Salt and Pepper Unit Plan Week 5

/ Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday /
Comprehension / Students will buddy read Chapters 8 and 9 / Reader’s Workshop:
Mini Lesson
Main Idea and Details
Model for students how to underline the thesis statement and key points. BL 12a-12c / Reader’s Workshop:
Mini Lesson
Main Idea and Details
Convert material that was underlined into number notes. / Reader’s Workshop:
$20 summary of Chapter 8 / Reader’s Workshop:
$20 summary of Chapter 9
Vocabulary / Vocabulary Strategy: Students will make a vocabulary cube. BL 3
1. similitude
2. merriment
3. entwine
4. regal
5. annihilate / Clap/Snap / Mind Reader Game
Student will pair up and give clues for words on the word wall and other student will guess the word. / Clap/Snap / Quiz
Writer’s Workshop/Grammar / Writing: Students will use rubric to revise, edit, and proofread spool paper. BL 13a, 13b
Grammar: Students will practice using singular possessive nouns, Treasures O, p. 51 / Writer’s Workshop:
Students will work on spool paper.
Grammar: Students will practice using singular possessive nouns, Treasures O, p. 52 / Students will discuss Psalm 46:10.
Students will answer the prompt: “What can you learn from Carol’s experience of learning to listen? Why does God tell us to be still?”
Grammar: Students will practice using singular possessive nouns, Treasures O, p. 53 / Writer’s Workshop:
Students will work on spool paper.
Grammar: Students will practice using singular possessive nouns, Treasures O, p. 54 / Writer’s Workshop:
Students will work on spool paper.
Spelling /


(Color/Cut/Tchr Intro)
Final /ɘl/ al, el (Group B)
Students will take a Pre-test.
Blue / Sort and Write
Students will sort the spelling words by finding the spelling pattern to which each belongs.
Students will write a paragraph using at least six words from the spelling list for the week. / Speed Sort
Students will sit side by side and see who gets the spelling words sorted the fastest. / No Peeking Sort
Students will take turns calling out the words and the other student writes the word under the proper sorting column. / Posttest