7th & 8th Grade Choir Forms Packet + Materials

Must be turned in before Aug. 30st~ 10% of final grade! (including materials per grade level)

NOTE: Keep all pages in packet (do not tear out pages). If you want to keep or view a copy, click on the link to access my webpage attached here: Mrs. Smiths Webpage to view handbook and Forms Packet

Student Name: ______Grade: (circle one) 7 or 8 Per.#_____

Check list:

1.______Three #2 PencilsClorox Wipes or Handi Wipes (one canister) (7th Grade Choir ONLY)

2.______One heavy duty thick 5-Star Vinyl folder with 2-4 pockets~(8th Grade Choir ONLY)

(no flimsy vinyl folders, no paper folders: color preferences: yellow, green, orange, blue, red, purple {no black}; Do not write on folder)

3.______Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie dough sale acknowledgement of sale form

4._____Community Days coupon booklet sale acknowledgement of sale form

5.______Parent Consent for Trip Form

6.______Video Permission Slip

7._____Acknowledgment/Contact Sheet

8._____Volunteer Sheet

9.______Choir Emergency medical Authorization sheet

NOTE: Return this packet after it is filled out (do not remove any pages)

NOTE: Return all materials required (see #1 above )

NOTE: Returning the forms packet & materials counts for 10% of the students final grade (due date: August 30th, 2013)

Dear parents,

The Ankeney Middle School choir program will begin its 2013cookie dough fundraiser on August 27th -Sept. 10th. We will be selling Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough again this year. We have used this company for the fourth year in a row, and have had tremendous success. We changed companies four years ago based on our investigation of recent trends in the fundraising industry. Most schools, including AMS, that did a gift type sale (as we have done in the past) showed a significant decrease in profit whereas most that sold cookie dough continued to grow. Our profits went down by over 35% from past years. Having changed companies 4 years ago, our profits have increased by 35%. Since we depend 'solely' on our fundraiser to fund our program, we feel that we made the right decision. The goal this year is for students to sell 15 tubs per person.

This sale will require an entirely different approach from what we have done in the past. Here are some of the ways this sale is different than our past sales.

1) We will be collecting the payment/money as orders are placed instead of waiting to collect at the delivery. Checks need to be made out to Beavercreek City Schools/AMS Choir. No items will be ordered without payment.

2)Students will need to pick up their orders from school the day they arrive. We will know the delivery date about five days before the cookie dough arrives. (Week of Oct. 14th) There will be a scheduled time frame after school and late into the evening for students to pick up their items. (ex. 4:15pm – 7:00pm) It is important that you do not attempt to pick up between 3:45pm - 4:15pm because of the end of school pick up that tends to create a major traffic jam.

3)Cookie dough must be delivered or kept frozen the same day it is picked up. (cannot be kept out of freezer more than 4-6 hours) The cookie dough is perishable. It will be undeliverable if it is not handled properly. It is not possible to return the cookie dough for a refund because it has been mishandled by a student.

4)Parents will be asked to volunteer to help out with the cookie dough distribution in the Choir room #146 after school during cookie dough distribution. We need parents that are able to handle ‘pressure’ situations because there will be a lot of orders to fill and mistakes can’t be made because we have ‘just enough’ cookie dough tubs, typically!

Although students are not required to participate in the fundraiser, it is important to know that the fundraiser represents all of our choir program’s funding for this school year. Our budget has been dwindling down over the past several years, and now we get ZERO DOLLARS thanks to federal cuts in Education. In an average year, we earn approximately $72.00 profit per student on our annual fundraiser. (That’s 12 tubs of cookie dough sold) A family that is not interested in participating in this fundraiser but is willing and able to help our choir can do so by making a donation directly to the choir program. ($100.00 donation will earn the student the reward ‘pizza party’ (courtesy of Mrs. Smith)

Parental permission form

The signature below acknowledges the Cookie Dough Sale from August through September. It also give the student permission to participate in the choir’s fundraiser. We are aware that the items must be picked up the day they are delivered to the school and will make sure that they are delivered or frozen that same day. (Keep this form in this packet and return entire packet by: Aug. 30st, 2013)

Student name (please print):______Circle grade level: 7 or 8 __

Parent signature:______

Fund Raiser:Community Days coupon booklet sale!

Raising money for: Ankeney Choral DepartmentGreene County Animal Shelter(located in Greene County at: 641 Dayton-Xenia Rd. Dayton, Ohio 45385; 562-7200; 20% of each booklet sold will be donated to the Greene County Animal Shelter; AMS Choir is raising money for choir field trips/music/equipment repair & replacement.

Cost per booklet: $5.00~ Checks payable to: Ankeney P.T.O./Choir;

Student Goal: Sell 3 booklets each~Sale begins: Oct. 21st- Nov. 8th! ~We earn 100% profit! We are giving 20%, or $1.00per booklet sold to Greene Ct. Animal Shelter! (Last year we gave them over $200.00!)

What is the 'deal?'~ Booklet Cost: $5, GET OVER $50 in savings; AMS Choir gets to keep the entire $5 & we will donate 20% of each booklet sold to "Greene County Animal Shelter (who will be at our Choir Concert on Dec. 4th to showcase adoptable dogs who are looking for a home for the holidays and thereafter!!!)

Each coupon booklet includes:

Over $50.00 in coupon savings (good for practically anything in the store!)

ne $10 off coupon to use on a single regular or sale price merchandise item! (You’re getting paid back twice the amount of your $ 5 donation!)

Six 20% off coupons! ne 30% early bird coupon (good from 6am-9am).

Shop with the coupon booklet at any Elder Beermans on Nov. 7th, Nov. 8th, and Nov. 9th!

Shop at any Elder-Beerman Store.

Presell: Use your coupons & buy in advance from Sunday, Nov. 2nd–Nov. 6th; then pick up your items anytime after those dates and you get the best selection of merchandise! Coupons are valid on regular and sale price merchandise. (Excludes Door Busters and Bonus Buys) Our newspaper coupons are onlyavailable on sale priced merchandise, so this is a tremendous opportunity to purchase items that are rarely discounted.

Any questions? Call Mrs. Smith @ 429-7567 (Ext. #2650) or email:

Parent Consent for Trip(s) for school year 2012- 2013

I am signing this form (see signature below) in order to give my child permission to participate in the field trips listed below that are marked either mandatory or optional events. I understand that my child has the option to attend the trips that are marked, ‘optional’. I understand that these trips are part of the District’s educational program and provide a learning experience of educational value to my child. Date given: August 20th, 2013 Due Date: return to Mrs. Smith by: Aug. 30th, 2013

Information below includes: Date /Event/ Time/Voluntary OR Manditory/Performing or attending group(s)*Note: *Many of the extratrips like: Trinity Community Retirement Village, field trip to Victoria Theater, and others have been 'denied' due to state budget cuts toward education & levy failures. I hope that they will be reinstated for next year (if the levy passes, we may be them back!) Fingers crossed!

Friday & Sat., Nov. 8th & 9th, 2013...... "Kettering Acapella Competition"Select Vocal Ensemble ONLY

(pending administrative approval) *Students will be taking a bus to the contest on Friday, Nov. 8th. Chaperones will be needed. Bring about $10 for food & drink. Saturday bus leaves EARLY! Bring about $10 for food & drink on Saturday. Concert that evening to see 'PENTATONIX' ACAPELLA GROUP! There will be a fee for contest entry & individual ticket cost for sat. pm.

Mon. Nov. 25th, 2013"H.S./M.S. Choral Workshopmanditory with Mrs. Busch @BHS ~9:40am – 11:30a.m.;

(pending administrative approval) *Students are called to the lobby at 9:40a.m. /board bus/ go to BHS auditorium/ Return by 11:30am. 6 Parent chaperones needed (Two per grade level ..…Attending: 6th , 7th, & 8th Grade Choir/ during school (pending administrative approval)

Thurs., Feb.13th, 2014…tentative date for ‘Recruitment Tour’ for ‘Select Vocal Ensemble’ plus representatives from Jazz Band & Connection~performance held at Ankeney Middle School ….($3.00 - $5.00 lunch fee will be collected from each member of Select Ensemble) more information to follow….

Saturday, March 29th, 2014….O.M.E.A. Solo & Ensemble Adjudicated Event; all day event; voluntary event

*NOTE: This is during Spring Break! (March 22nd is the 'Conflict Date)Since this is during Spring Break, students must provide their own transportation to this event. Times t.b.a.....Location is: Brookville High School.. (There is a $15.00 entry fee for each performance~see entry form) Performing: 7th/8th Grade Choir vocal soloists or pianists (6th Graders are not eligible to attend this contest)

Fri., May 16th, OR Sat., May 17th, 2014….O.M.E.A. Large Group Adjudicated Event; Manditory(25% of final grade) times t.b.a.(we will request 3rd , 5th, & 7th performance slots)

*This contest is 30% of student’s final grade~ *Contest site is tentatively: Beavercreek High School. Performance times t.b.a. This contest will involve the Ankeney 6th Grade Choir the Ankeney 7th & 8th Grade Choir. Choir members need to follow dress code: Concert Semi-Formal *The students must meet in the Commons at Beavercreek High School just like a regular concert. Parents can attend but no camerias or video taping! (OMEA rules!) Students will need to be picked up from BHS Commons after their performance. Two chaperones per choir will be needed to monitor the group before, during & after their performance. Students can bring $4.00-5.00 for food sold in the Commons after their performance & while they wait for their rating.

______7 or 8 ______

Parent Signature Student Name Grade Date


All students must return this form within this packet by Aug. 30st. ~If students are not permitted to view the movie(s), they will be asked to remain in the hallway outside the classroom and read silently or perform some other duty assigned by the teacher.

Dear Parent or Guardian:

The7/8thGrade Choirwill be viewing the commercially-produced film(s), (see list below) and they have been chosen because we will be studying the music/composer and story line behind the musicals and performing musical excerpts from the films as an instructional supplement. A few of the other films listed 'Quarterly' will be used at the end of each quarter so vocal testing can be conducted for each individual student in the privacy of the sound proof practice rooms and students can feel 'at ease' during the test. Please indicate whether or not you approve the films by circling YES or NO. NOTE: Please consider volunteering (on volunteer sheet) to come in and stay with the students during at the end of a quarter while they watch their movie. I will be conducting sightsinging testing during the movies. Email Mrs. Smith at:

Les Miserables_(2012)____(instructional supplement)Rating is: PG-13_permission granted: YES NO

_Mr. Popper's Penguins (2011)____(1st Quarter) Rating is: _PG___permission granted: YES NO

Scrooge (The musical) (1970)__(2nd Quarter) Rating is: __G____permission granted: YES NO

OR A Christmas Story (1983) Rating is: PG permission granted: YES NO

_Pitch Perfect (2012)___ (3rd Quarter) Rating is: __PG-13__permission granted: YES NO

Hairspray (2007)______(4th Quarter) Rating is:_PG _permission granted: YES NO

School of Rock (2003)___( Reward/incentive) Rating is: PG-13_permission granted: YES NO

*Please sign and return this form by the due date of: Friday, August 30th, 2013.

Mrs. M. Smith, AMS Choir Dir.______

TeacherAdministrator for Ankeney Middle School

My child, ______, (circle grade level: 7 or 8 ) has my permission to view the above films listed above as I have circled YES or NO for each film listed.



Chorus Grading Policy Acknowledgment Signature

*Return this packet of forms to Mrs. Smith before Friday, August 30th, 2013(This packet counts as 10%of students’ grade)

______/______/__ 7 or 8 ____

Parent/Guardian’s Signature Student name Grade Level

*The above signature verifies acknowledgement of the Chorus Grading Policy that was given to each student and brought home along with this packet of forms to be filled out and returned by the due date. The Chorus Grading Policy includes information regarding Choir concert/event dates, grading policy including excused & unexcused absences, Dress Code requirements for all concerts, and private lessons information, etc. You may keep the Chorus grading policy at home to refer to when needed. The policy and this packet is also available for immediate access on Mrs. Smith’s school webpage listed under, Choir Forms to be Returned and Choral Handbook.

Contact Information

The section below needs to be filled out for contact purposes.

I plan on using it to set up a distribution email list for 'Concert Memo reminders' and other updates. It will also be used to contact parent volunteers throughout the year. If you do not have access to email, it is the students responsibility to keep track of dates using my teacher webpage to check for date changes or rehearsals.

Students Name______Choir Grade Level(Circle) 6th…..7th…..8th


Parent/Guardian #1 (Name) Parent/Guardian #2 (Name)


Parent #1 Cell Phone # Parent/Guardian #2 Cell phone #


Parent/Guardian #1 Email address (please print legibly) Home Phone #


Parent/Guardian #2 Email address (please print legibly) Work Phone #

click here to access the webpage to access a copy of Choir Forms and Handbook

Volunteer Section

~(There are volunteer duties for different times of the day~please consider volunteering for more than 1 )

Our program depends on parent volunteers in order to be successful each and every year. Below is a list of some of the things we need volunteers for. You can volunteer to sign up for one or more of those listed below by circling the number of the activity that you wish to volunteer for. Once you return this FORMS PACKET , you will then be contacted by the director closer to that particular event to help out by email or phone. Once the spot is filled, I will email those volunteers with specific details. Here are some of the volunteer duties:

1. Pass out concert programs at concerts near the entrance to the high school auditorium. (arrival time at H.S. -6:15 p.m.)

2. Monitor sign in sheets at Concerts (table set up outside the high school auditorium (Arrival time at H.S. -6:15p.m.)

3. Assist with lining up choir students prior to their performance and make sure they are quiet backstage until they walk onto the risers. Also, check each member to see that they dressed in 'CONCERT SEMI FORMAL ATTIRE~ writing down names of those who did not adhere to dress code. You will get to see/watch them perform after they take the stage!

4. Helping out with the annual fund raiser (cookie dough) This is both during & after school hours.

Some of the Cookie Dough Fund Raiser duties are:

A. Checking order forms for accuracy of number of tubs and money due prior to placing order (during school)

B. Verifying money deposits before deposits are made. (after school~4-7pm~ 3 volunteers needed for 3 consecutive days)

C. Distributing fund raiser COOKIE DOUGH products when they come in. (4:30pm - 7pm week of Oct. 15)

5. Helping out with the COMMUNITY DAYS FUND RAISER booklet sale ~specifically, selling booklets at a 2 hour shift on Friday and/or Saturday in November at Elder Beermans Ladies Store (in Fairfield Commons) 20% goes to Greene Ct. Animal Shelter.

6.. Helping out with the Ankeney Talent Show(helping with collecting money at the door).

7. Chaperoning field trips: All of these involve riding the bus with students~ Some of the Field Trips:

A. OMEA Solo & Ensemble~Sat. March 29th from 6am till about 4:30pm

B. OMEA Large Group Competition on Friday, May 16th, OR Sat. , May 17th (2-3 hours total)

C. Recruit Tourduring school day~ must be parent of Select Vocal Ensemble ~Date is potentially Feb. 13

8. OMEA Parent Volunteer to help with 'host duties' on 5/16, or 5/17 like: sitting in the warm up room and keeping track of time, checking in groups as they arrive, working in office to talley results and type certificates for those who get I's or II's, etc.

9. OTHER (Please write below in the empty space remaining on this page any other way that you would like to volunteer your services to assist this year to make your child's musical experience the best possible.)

Circle the number below to volunteer for the duties listed above. Feel free to volunteer for more than one.

1 2 3 4 a b c 5 6 7 a b c 8

Students Name______Circle Grade Level: 7 or 8 Parent Name______

Email address to contact regarding volunteering ______

Cell Phone to contact regarding volunteering ______


Do not remove this sheet~fill out all information below and return it inside this FORMS PACKET by Fri., Aug. 30th(Counts10 % of students’ grade)


Choir Grade Level:______

Purpose: To enable parents/guardians to authorize the provision of emergency treatment for children who become ill or injured while under school authority, when parents/guardians cannot be reached.

Residential Parent/Guardian:

Mother’s Name:______

Home phone:______

Work phone:______


Father’s Name:______

Home phone:______

Work phone:______
