County Committee: Union County Committee Meeting

Date: April 12, 2017

Location: Fanwood-Scotch Plains YMCA

Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm

Number of attendees: 30

See sign-in sheet for contact information/listing.

Call to Order
2:00p- 2:15p / Juanita Vargas/Sheri Cognetti / Welcome and Introductions
-  Welcomed everyone to the meeting. Wonderful to see so many new people in the room.
-  Thank you to Sheri Cognetti for hosting today’s meeting.
-  Reviewed Agenda and reminded attendees to join/participate in the sub-committee workgroups.
-  Discussion with group regarding the scheduling training on Grant Writing.
-  Introductions of Attendees / Follow up with Joanne Oppelt to schedule a separate Grant Writing workshop for the committee – Sheri/Juanita
3:15 – 3:30
3:30 – 4:00 / Catherine Connelly, NJHC
Sharon Johnson-Hakim - ACPHS
Workgroup Leads – provided updates.
Juanita Vargas/Sheri Cognetti / -  Presented an overview of the NJHC to ensure new attendees were knowledgeable about the NJHC.
-  Reviewed the priority areas from the needs assessment.
-  Walked through the Collaborative website and pointed out various aspects of the website.
-  Reviewed the calendar for future meetings – 4/27 Grant Writing Webinar, 5/3 Collective Impact Webinar, and 6/29 all partner meeting.
-  Reviewed template forms MAAC – Meeting Notes, Accountability, Actions, Credit. Attendance template, Strategies update and action tracker
-  Made appeal for Communications/marketing committee and Data Committee members
County Health Improvement Plan:
-  Review of how the Plan works/Performance Measures Update: How much did we do?, How well did we do it?, Is anyone better off?
-  Sheri Cognetti - Diabetes, Heart Disease, & Health Literacy – group has been working on connecting the stakeholders and strategies needed to implement Community Health Fairs in Vauxhall, Plainfield and Elizabeth. Group is creating a Passport to track data as well as marketing materials to promote future events.
-  Raul Cadavid - Mental Health - review of the strategies and priority areas, explained Zombie Resilience program for middle school.
-  Alane McCahey - Obesity – group is working to gather more information from the community on childhood obesity using Survey (14 out of target 30 completed so far), Shaping Elizabeth Food Policy Coalition is mapping food pantries and food feeding sites, also mapping highest areas of food insecurity; one Corner Store has signed on to increase access to fresh food – May 10 Kick off Press Conference.
-  Data was collected at the meeting from each workgroup lead to be recorded in on the website CHIP metrics.
-  The group collectively discussed the importance of tracking the number of meetings/people groups met with to move the strategies forward.
An agreement to do so was reached.
Meeting Wrap-Up
Workgroup Breakout Session / Resending the Webinar information, the link to the website to all of the attendees.

Note Takers: Sheri Cognetti & Juanita Vargas

Next Meeting: July 12, 2017 – Mental Health Association of NJ (Springfield)