Appalachian State University

HPC 5752-101-Legal and Ethical Issues in Community Counseling

Fall 2006

Meeting Time: Mondays 9-11:50am

Location: ED 224


Dr. Diane M. Waryold

Office location: 223E Edwin Duncan Hall

Office telephone: 262-6067

Home telephone: 297-2292 (please do not call after 9:00pm)


Office Hours: Posted on office door-sign up, drop-in and by appointment

GA: Jennifer Froyd

Course Catalog Description

A study of legal and ethical issues confronting community agency, mental health and rehabilitation counselors. Topics include moral reasoning, tort liability, confidentiality, privacy, libel, slander, due process, federal and state rules, regulations, and statutes, and other important concepts and actions resulting in legal and ethical questions.

Course Objectives

This course is designed to examine the ethical, legal and professional issues in community counseling. Ethical issues are complex and require an examination of personal attitudes and values as they relate to decision-making and the development of sound decision-making skills. Codes of ethics will be presented, discussed, and dissected as the class offers opinions on how to apply effective decision-making skills to practice. The class is extremely experiential in nature and will require students to be active participants in the learning process.

1. To demonstrate knowledge and an understanding of the ACA Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice (1995) and other professional codes as applied to the counseling process.

2. To discuss how to manage conflicting situations pertaining to the law, personal values and/or professional principles as applied to the counseling process.

3. To examine how personal values, beliefs and assumptions, as well as the characteristics of clients impact ethical decision-making skills and interactions in the counseling process.

4. To discuss ethical issues unique to certain client populations.

5. To discuss how to promote a healthy and well lifestyle.

Required Texts

Corey, G., and Corey, M.S., and Callanan, P. (2007). Issues and ethics in the helping professions. (7th ed). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American

Psychological Association (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

On-line Resources

North Carolina Statues

North Carolina Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services -

North Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services -

NC General Statutes –

Hard Copy: (Write or call)

North Carolina General Assembly

Legislative Building

16 West Jones Street

Raleigh, NC 27601



North Carolina Counseling Association -

North Carolina Board of Licensed Professional Counselors -

American Counseling Association –

American Mental Health Counselors Association -

American Association for Marriage & Family Therapy -

American Association for Pastoral Counselors -

National Board of Certified Counselors -

American Psychological Association -

National Association of Social Workers -

Overall Expectations

Attendance and participation in class

This course has intentionally been designed to be experiential in nature. Therefore, regular class attendance and full participation are necessary to achieve the course objectives. Effective learning is enhanced when students complete all reading assignments, written assignments and experiential exercises. The input of each student is valuable. There is much that we can learn from each other’s contributions.

Unexcused absences will jeopardize the student’s final grade. Notify instructor in advance if you will miss class. Please provide classmates with the professional courtesy of being on time for class and avoid leaving early.

Inclement Weather

In the event of inclement weather, class may be postponed. Classes postponed due to inclement weather will be made up at the end of the semester on the days designated (see CALENDAR OF CLASS ACTIVITIES). Check ASU e-mail for notification of class cancellation. If e-mail is down due to electrical outage or if you are uncertain as to whether or not class will meet, please phone Dr. Waryold at home.

Cell Phones and Pagers

If you must bring a cell phone or pager to class, please insure that it is either OFF or in the SILENT mode. If you must take an urgent call, leave the classroom.

Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity is central to effective learning in all academic communities. It is expected that students will neither engage in nor facilitate cheating. Students should know and adhere to ASU’s policy on academic integrity found within the Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity booklet.


Writing Style

All work is expected to be of graduate level caliber. Papers should be written using APA style. You are encouraged to have your work proofread. Excessive typographical and grammatical errors detract from the content of your work and will be reflected in your grade.

All assignments should be typed, with 1 inch margins, double-spaced, and stapled. Fancy packaging is expensive and unnecessary. Please turn in original copies only- Xerox copies will not be accepted.

Timely submission of assignments

It is expected that all assignments will be submitted by the deadlines noted in this syllabus. Late assignments will not be accepted. Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the dates indicated on this syllabus.


ASU and the Department of Human Development and Psychological Counseling are committed to providing a classroom and institutional climate in which all students can thrive. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as well as institutional policy requires special accommodations for documented physical or learning disabilities. Reasonable accommodations will be made for all students without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, gender, sexual preference, disability or veteran status. If you have a need for a special accommodation, contact the instructor immediately.


1. Attendance and participation in class.

2. Professional Disclosure Statement- Each student is required to author a professional disclosure statement that meets the North Carolina rules and regulations governing Licensed Professional Counselors.

3. ACA Code of Ethics critique- Complete and receive a satisfactory grade on the critique of the ACA Code. This critique should include (1) a summary of the primary content of the Code, (2) the perceived rationale for each section of the Code (e.g.- a section on confidentiality exists to protect the client=s right to privacy and the counselor/client relationship etc...... ), (3) your overall impression of the Code, (4) What is the value of this Code?, (5) the assets and limitations of the Code, is it complete?, and (6) are there any areas where you would predict possible personal disagreement or conflict with these standards? There is no limit in terms of the length for this paper. The paper should be of adequate length to effectively dissect the Code as prescribed by the questions noted above.

4. Personal Wellness Plan- Complete and receive a satisfactory grade on the development and implementation of a Personal Wellness Plan. The Wellness Plan is designed to help students become more aware and comfortable with taking the initiative to practice self care. So often, individuals in the helping profession put others before themselves. It is vital however to be good to yourself so that you can help and be good to others. Write a 1500 word (or more) paper on your intended strategy for self-care. Be certain to include all of the wellness dimensions necessary for optimal functioning as a helping professional. Be specific about the stresses you confront daily (academics, family, finances, etc.) and your personal strategy for managing them.

5. Case Study Presentation- Complete a group project and class presentation with 3 or 4 of your colleagues. Each group will be given a case study containing a complex ethical problem or dilemma. The group should present (1) the problem as identified by the group, (2) what type of conflict exists (ethical, legal, professional, personal, or a combination of the above), (3) application of the moral principles of autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice and fidelity to the dilemma, (4) how the ACA Code can be applied to offer possible solutions?, (6) application of ethical decision-making model, (7) list several outcomes for resolving the situation. Include the possible pro=s and con=s of each, and (8) from this list of possible outcomes, choose one solution that appears to have the most favorable outcome. Give an explanation as to why this outcome has been chosen.

In the presentation, create an atmosphere that allows your audience to experience the dilemma. Submit a written outline of your presentation detailing the involvement and contributions of each group member. The oral portion of your presentation will be evaluated on the following criteria; (1) complexity of thought, ideas, and concepts, (2) creativity (imaginative methods of communicating ideas and concepts to the audience), (3) use of audio-visual aids, (4) audience involvement, (5) intensity of effort by each group member, and (6) implications or contributions to practice in the field of counseling.

NOTE: In order to be fair to all groups, a class member will serve as the Atimer@ and groups will be expected to stay within the 30 minute presentation time. So please plan and practice accordingly.

6. Final Exam- The comprehensive exam at the end of the semester will consist of 40 multiple choice questions and a brief case study.


Attendance and Participation 10 points

Professional Disclosure Statement 15 points

ACA Code of Ethics critique 20 points

Personal Wellness Plan 15 points

Case Study Presentation 20 points

Final Exam 20 points

Total 100 points

ASU Graduate School Grading Scale

A = 95-100

A-= 90-94

B+= 86-89

B = 83-85

B-= 80-82

C+= 76-79

C = 73-75

C- = 70-72

F = Less than 70



Monday 8/28 Course overview

Course expectations

Monday 9/4 No class- Labor Day Holiday

Monday 9/11 Introduction to Professional Ethics CCC chptrs.

The Counselor as 1,2


Ethical Decision-making

Monday 9/18 Values and Helping CCC chptrs.

Multicultural Perspectives 3,4

Personal Wellness Plan due

Monday 9/25 Client Rights & Counselor CCC chptrs.

Responsibilities 5,8

Professional Competence

& Training

Monday 10/2 Confidentiality CCC chptr.

Duty to Warn and Protect 6

Treatment of minors

Monday 10/9 Boundary Issues CCC chptr.

7 Disclosure Statement due

Monday 10/16 Issues of Supervision & CCC chptrs.

Consultation 9, 10 Issues of Theory, Practice

& Research

Monday 10/23 Issues in MF Therapy CCC chptrs.

Issues in Group Work 11, 12

Monday 10/30 Issues in Community Work CCC chptr.

Professional Panel 13

ACA Code of Ethics critique due

Monday 11/6 No formal class- Dr. Waryold at a professional conference

Work day- Case study presentations


Monday 11/13 Case Study Presentations

1.  ______

2.  ______

3.  ______

4.  ______

Monday 11/20 Case Study Presentations

5.  ______

6.  ______

7.  ______

Monday 11/27 Final Exam

Monday 12/4 Course Review and Wrap-up

Feedback/evaluation & Class gathering

Monday 12/4 Make up class if necessary

Note: the professor may modify the calendar of activities during the semester to accommodate the needs/progress of the class. This syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.