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Register Number: 6611

Name of the Candidate:

M.b.a. Degree EXAMINATION, 2012

(sECOND year)


364/284. information technology

(common with m.b.a. three year programme with 75 marks)

Dec.) (Time: 3 Hours

Maximum: 100 Marks


Answer any FIVE questions (5×8=40)

All questions carry equal marks

1.  What is the reason for using LINUX instead of using Windows?

2.  Write any two differences between a PC and a mainframe computer.

3.  List the various network topologies.

4.  Discuss about B2B E-Business.

5.  Explain about the system specification.

6.  Write about various paradigms in the new Economy

7.  What is an instant paid system business?

8.  Discuss about database languages.


Answer any three questions (3×10=30)

All questions carry equal marks

9.  Write short notes on Degree of relationship.

10.  Compare B2B and C2C E-Business.

11.  Discuss about the implementation of ERP.

12.  Explain how a right enterprise application can be chosen.


Answer any two questions (2×15=30)

All questions carry equal marks

13.  Explain in detail about DBM and DDL.

14.  Explain the concept of degree of relationship in database management

15.  Explain in detail about moving the company from products to services.

16.  Write in detail about the need of ERP.



vitnaDk; Ie;J nfs;tpfSf;F gjpy; mspf;ft[k; (5×8=40)

1.  tpd;nlh!; Mg;gnul;o'; !p!;lj;jpw;F gjpyhf ypd;f;!; gad;gLj;Jtjpd; fhuzk; vd;d?

2.  PC kw;Wk; Mainframe computer ,ilna cs;s vitnaDk; ,Uz;L ntWghLfs; Fwpg;gpLf

3.  tiyg;gpd;dy; gug;gpay; tiffs; gl;oaypLf

4.  gp2!p kpd;dQtpay; bjhHpy; gw;wp tpsf;Ff

5.  jfntw;g[ mikg;g[ tiuaiw gw;wp tpthpf;f

6.  g[jpa bghUshjhuj;jpd; btt;ntW ,yf;fzk; gw;wp tphpthf vGJf

7.  cldo gzk; brYj;Jk; bjhHpy; Kiw gw;wp tpsf;Ff

8.  jfty;jsk; bkhHp mikg;g[ - tiuaW


fPH;fhQk; tpdhf;fSs; VnjDk; _d;wDf;F kl;Lk; tpil mspf;f (3×10=30)

9.  of;hp M~g; hpny\d;\pg;-rpW Fwpg;g[ tiuf

10.  gp2gp kw;Wk; rp2rp kpd;dQtpay; bjhHpy; xg;gpLf

11.  ERP bray;gLj;Jk; Kiw gw;wp vGJf

12.  vt;thW rhpahd epWtd gad;ghL bkd;bghUs; bjhpt[ bra;ag;gLfpwJ?


vitnaDk; ,uz;L nfs;tpfSf;F gjpy; mspf;ft[k; (2×15=40)

13.  DBM kw;Wk; DDL gw;wp tptukhf tpsf;Ff

14.  jfty;jsj;jpd; of;hp M~g; hpnyrd;rpg; vd;d vd;gij tptukhf tpsf;Ff

15.  xU epWtdk; vt;thW nrit epiyf;F khWfpd;wJ vd;gij bjspthf tpsf;Ff

16.  ERP apd; njit gw;wp jf;f rhd;Wld; tpthpf;ft[k;
