County Administration Building
102 East Front Street
Lillington, North Carolina
Regular Meeting
August 1, 20119:00 a.m.
- Order of Business -
- Call to order – Chairman Timothy B. McNeill
- Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Commissioner Dan Andrews
3. Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda – Budget Amendment
14 Transportation ($184,500) was removed from the agenda as requested by the Finance Department. Agenda approved as revised.
Commissioner Burgin requested clarification on Consent Agenda Items 4-F, 4-G, 4-H and 4-I. Commissioner House requested that Consent Agenda Item 4-I be removed from the consent agenda and voted on separately.
4. Consent Agenda – All items on the revised consent agenda were approved
A. Minutes: July 18, 2011 Minutes of Regular Meeting
B. Budget Amendments
C. Tax refunds, rebates and releases
- Harnett County’s Outstanding Levy Report by Tax Administrator Tony Wilder. The total amount of unpaid county taxes for 2010 is $1,223,166.07. Of this amount, the non-DMV (all property, except licensed motor vehicles) is $594,599.93. The DMV (licensed motor vehicles) amount is $628,566.14.
- In accordance with NC G.S. 105-321(b), the Harnett County Board of Commissioners authorize, empower and command the Tax Administrator to collect the taxes of the 2011-2012 tax levy.
- Economic Development requests approval of the Rural Center Job Performance Agreement requesting additional grant funds. Harnett Health System (HHS) has committed to create 100 new jobs as a condition of the Golden Leaf grant. Currently the Rural Center participation is $800,000 based on 80 new full-time jobs. This new performance agreement reflects an increase in Rural Center grant participation at $1 Million and HHS creating 100 new full-time jobs.
- County Engineer requests approval to award the Brightwater Science and Technology Campus Phase 1 Infrastructure Bids to The Fred Smith Company in the amount of $2,238,248.45.
- Public Utilities requests approval of the Harnett County Water and Sewer Ordinance
- Public Utilities requests award of the FY 2011-12 chemical supply contracts for Harnett County Department of Public Utilities. Seventeen bids were received and the department recommends awarding these supply contracts to the following chemical suppliers: Key Chemical, Tanner Industries, C&S Chemicals, Carrus Corporation, Siemens Water Technololgies, Cape Fear Water Solutions, American Development Corporation, Amerochem Corporation, Polytec Inc. and Univar.
- Cooperative Extension requests permission to accept the continuation of grant funds from the Harnett County Partnership for Children for the Parents as Teachers Program FY 2011-2012.
- Cooperative Extension requests permission to submit a funding request to Harnett County Partnership for Children in the amount of $63,346 for the purpose of assisting in funding for staffing of the Child Care Resource & Referral program.
- General Services Transportation requests permission to apply for the FY 2011-2012 Rural Operating Assistance Program Grant. Total grant allocation is $220,004 which will be used to provide transportation services to the county’s elderly and disabled, employment assistance (DSS and JobLinks) and the rural general public.
5. Period of up to 30 minutes for informal comments allowing 3 minutes for each
Presentation – None
A. Public Utilities requests award of the FY 2011-12 chemical supply contracts for Harnett County Department of Public Utilities. Seventeen bids were received and the department recommends awarding these supply contracts to the following chemical suppliers: Key Chemical, Tanner Industries, C&S Chemicals, Carrus Corporation, Siemens Water Technologies, Cape Fear Water Solutions, American Development Corporation, Amerochem Corporation, Polytec Inc. and Univar. Approved 4 to 1
6. Appointments
Mr. William H. Morris of 129 Bumpass Creek Road, Dunn, was appointed to represent the Erwin Planning/Board of Adjustments Extra Territorial Area.
Ms. Sherrie Byrd was appointed to serve as a member of the Good Hope Mental Health Services Board on behalf of the Board of Health.
Ms. Melody McGee was appointed to serve as a member of the Good Hope Mental Health Services Board on behalf of the Social Services Board.
Lillie Mae Bailey was appointed to serve on this committee.
Mr. Frankie Lewis was appointed to serve on this Board.
Mrs. Beth Blinson was appointed to serve on this board
7. Closed session – None
8. New Business
Commissioner Burgin moved that the Board send a letter of support endorsing Good Hope’s proposal to build a surgery center on Hwy 421 near Erwin using their 2001 CON working with Rex Hospital and FirstHealth of the Carolinas. The motion was tabled to allow the Board to receive more information regarding the proposed project.
Commissioner Burgin moved that the county take bids from local auctioneers to auction off all surplus property owned by the county. The motion was tabled to allow the commissioners to receive and review a list of county surplus property.
Commissioner Burgin moved that the commissioners perform the county manager’s performance review during their August 30, 2011 scheduled special session. The motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Burgin moved that the Board request the county manager to perform department heads review by September 27, 2011. The motion passed unanimously.
The Board heard from Tyron Fisher, Director of Harnett County Cooperative Extension, regarding the closing of Townsend Farms. At this time, nineteen Harnett County broiler farms will lose their poultry contracts.
Mr. Pat Cameron, who serves on the Good Hope Board of Directors, updated the board regarding the Good Hope inpatient psychiatric facility.
9. Adjourn – At 9:33 am the meeting was recessed until 9:00 am on Thursday, August 4, 2011.