Highlights of Board of Education Meeting

April 11, 2011


The official results from the April 5, 2011, municipal election were reviewedand certified from Camden, Morgan, and Laclede counties.

Outgoing Board membersSusan Leslie and Janny Drover were thanked for theirtwelve years of time and dedication to the CamdentonR-IIISchool District by serving on the Board of Education. Representative Diane Franklin presented each with a Resolution from the House of Representatives, a Resolution from the Senate, as well as a USflag and a Missouri flag that were flown over the Capitol. Superintendent Hadfield thanked Susan and Janny on behalf of all those whose lives they have touched and presented them with mantle clocks with engraving of theirnames, years of service, and the offices held while on the Board.


The Oath of Office was administered to newly elected Board Members John Beckett, Selynn Barbour, and Jackie Schulte by Secretary of the Board Linda Leu.


Nancy Mastersonwas electedPresident of the Board of Education, Chris McElyea was elected Vice-President, Randy Dickerson was elected Treasurer, and Linda Leu was elected Secretary.


Annette Petersen, nurse at Hurricane Deck since August of 1999, was recognized as the April Classified Employee of the Month. President Masterson thanked Deb Allen for continuing to serve as President of the Camdenton Classified Employee Association for another year.


In this amendment cycle Title stimulus funds need to be updated along with Special Education stimulus funds and various other line items. Revenues will also be updated in order to more accurately reflect what is occurring over the course of this year. This should be the next-to-last budget amendment. The last amendment will be presented as the 2010-2011 budget is closed out. Budget amendments were approved as presented.


This month’s recipients were as follows:

Dogwood Elementary / Annette Green
Hawthorn Elementary / Allison Jolly
Oak Ridge Intermediate / Kristin Sutton
Middle School / Sheena Self
High School/Horizons / Allen Schwantes
LCTC / Jackie Wilson
Hurricane Deck Elementary / Whitney Farr
OsageBeach Elementary / Susan Casey


District Insurance Analysis

Based on information presented at the March 31st Board meeting by Randy Lueckenotte, there appears to be many options the Board can take regarding District insurance. It was noted that the timeframe is getting short. Also notedwas the need to increase premiums for the District’s health insurance plan. The District is consistently spending at least $300,000 more than what is being taken in with the plan. Either changes need to be made in the plan, theDistrict needs to increase premiums, or have some combination thereof. The Board tabled the insurance analysis and decision until the next Board meeting.

District Visioning in Light of Patron Insight Results

The Board reviewed the Patron Insight survey. The Board participated in an activity in order to brainstorm next steps of what the Board needs to focus on based on input gathered from the community. This activity startedwith individual Board members brainstorming, then the Board worked to reach consensus on next steps. Communication was the primary topic. The Boardvoted to establish a Patron Panel through Patron Insight to gather input on priorities set by the Camdenton Board of Education as recommended.

Flashing Caution Lights on Highway 5

The Board reviewed the MoDOT caution light agreement. Mr. Hadfield has had several conversations with Roger Corbin regarding possible funding for the lights. With the decreased speeds in the school zones, these lights will more than pay for themselves over time. This year alone it appears that through the county, the school has been awarded $67,856 through fines in the SunriseBeach area. Last year fines were dispersed in the amount of $16.45 per student. While funding for these projects is very important, the safety of our students and staff is even more important. The Board approved the agreement for installation of roadside caution lights for school operation with the Missouri Department of Transportation.


Resolution Requesting Blair Trust Funds

Central Trust Company requires a Board Resolution for requests to distribute Blair Trust funds. A recommendation was made and approved to request five percent (5%) of the market value of the Trust as of March 31, 2011, (approximately $22,550.45) to fund CC and Dorothy Blair Excellence in Education activities.

Selynn Barbour and Jim Besancenez will be the Board representatives on the Blair Grant Committee.

Set Date for Classified Staff Evaluations

A Board meeting was scheduled for the purpose of evaluation and employment of classified staff for Tuesday, April 26, 2011, beginning at 7:00 a.m.