Reconstruction Roundtable

Research your assigned historical character and complete the following:

1.  Write a one-page biography focusing on their views on the Civil War and Reconstruction. You will be introducing your character to the class.

2.  What plans, if any, did they have for Reconstruction?

3.  Prepare to discuss the following question in a roundtable Socratic format (lots of informal talking): The Reconstruction Era: Why Did It Fail to Achieve the Goals of America's Civil War ?

Reconstruction Roundtable

Research your assigned historical character and complete the following:

  1. Write a one-page biography focusing on their views on the Civil War and Reconstruction. You will be introducing your character to the class.
  2. What plans, if any, did they have for Reconstruction?
  3. Prepare to discuss the following question in a roundtable Socratic format (lots of informal talking) : The Reconstruction Era: Why Did It Fail to Achieve the Goals of America's Civil War ?

Reconstruction Roundtable

Research your assigned historical character and complete the following:

  1. Write a one-page biography focusing on their views on the Civil War and Reconstruction. You will be introducing your character to the class.
  2. What plans, if any, did they have for Reconstruction?
  3. Prepare to discuss the following question in a roundtable Socratic format (lots of informal talking) : The Reconstruction Era: Why Did It Fail to Achieve the Goals of America's Civil War ?

Reconstruction Roundtable

Research your assigned historical character and complete the following:

  1. Write a one-page biography focusing on their views on the Civil War and Reconstruction. You will be introducing your character to the class.
  2. What plans, if any, did they have for Reconstruction?
  3. Prepare to discuss the following question in a roundtable Socratic format (lots of informal talking) : The Reconstruction Era: Why Did It Fail to Achieve the Goals of America's Civil War ?

Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Johnson
Thaddeus Stevens
Charles Sumner
Ulysses S. Grant
Robert E. Lee
George McClellan
Frederick Douglass
Gen. Oliver O. Howard
Gen. William T. Sherman
Horatio Seymour
Hiram Revels
Nathan Bedford Forrest
Adelbert Ames
James M. Pike
Horace Greeley
Laura Towne
Eric Foner
Benjamin Humphreys
George Julian
Samuel J. Tilden
Blanche K. Bruce
Thomas Nast / Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Johnson
Thaddeus Stevens
Charles Sumner
Ulysses S. Grant
Robert E. Lee
George McClellan
Frederick Douglass
Gen. Oliver O. Howard
Gen. William T. Sherman
Horatio Seymour
Hiram Revels
Nathan Bedford Forrest
Adelbert Ames
James M. Pike
Horace Greeley
Laura Towne
Eric Foner
Benjamin Humphreys
George Julian
Samuel J. Tilden
Blanche K. Bruce
Thomas Nast