Upper Hunter Homeless

Specialist and Outreach Services Ltd.

ABN: 90 002 966 869

P.O Box 250 Muswellbrook

Phone: 02 6543-4277

Fax: 02 6548-5788


Upper Hunter Homeless Specialist and Outreach Service will deliver homelessness services throughout the Upper Hunter. Funded through the Going Home Staying Home program, UHH-SOSwill deliver an integrated assertive outreach and emergency/transition accommodation service in the Singleton, Muswellbrook and Upper Hunter Local Government Areas (LGAs) of NSW. UHH-SOS will work with young people, men, women and families at imminent risk of, or experiencing, homelessness in either crisis or chronic circumstances. UHH-SOS will provide assistance to approximately 450 clients annually. The ‘Staying Home’ assertive outreach service will be delivered to approximately 60% of clients who will be living in communities throughout the service region. The remaining 40%will be supported through the ‘Going Home’ combined emergency/transition accommodation and casework service.



Reports to:The UHHSOS Board of Management

Grade:Social, Community, Home Care & Disability Services Industry Award 2010 – (SCHADS) – Level 8. We also offer some above award conditions.

Hours of Work:38 hours per week

Position status:Full-time

Designed/Reviewed:September 2014


The Manager is responsible to the Board of UHH-SOS for the overall development and management of the service and leadership of the UHHSOS team. They will lead the service by developing and overseeing client services, fostering a cohesive organisational culture and building and maintaining effective partnerships to deliver an integrated outreach and accommodation service for people at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness.

The Manager will manage the day-to-day operation of the Service, including management of staff, client services, service development and planning, and WH&S Policies and Procedures.


Upper Hunter Homelessness Specialist and Outreach Service Board of Management.

Organisational Relationships

Within Organisation / External to Organisation
Other team members / Clients
Early Intervention Agencies
Government Departments
Community Organisations

Key Responsibilities & Expected Outcomes.

  • Efficient and effective delivery of an integrated outreach and support case management service for people at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness.
  • Cohesive and strong team approach to provision of homelessness services and outreach case management in the Upper Hunter.
  • UHH-SOS service delivery is consistentwith the Going Home Staying Home Principles and Policies; and all practices and activities comply with UHHSOS and other government policies and guidelines.
  • Services and programsmeetthe required standards and performance goals.
  • Collaborative inter-organisational relationships and operating partnerships deliver coordinated and integrated service delivery for persons who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
  • Systems are in place to identify, assess and minimise or manage Work Health and Safety risks and to ensure a healthy, and safe work environment that complies with legislation and policy.
  • UHH-SOS actively contributes to ongoing planning and service development processes in the Upper Hunter to address issues relating to homelessness.



  • Develop and operatewithinthestrategicbusinessplanoftheUpper Hunter Homelessness Support and Outreach Service.
  • Lead planning,deliveryandcontinuousimprovementcycleswithinkeyresult areas.
  • Oversee the delivery ofservicesconsistentwiththe Going Home Staying Home policy framework.
  • ConferwithUHH-SOS Board of Management, UHH-SOS team, local, regional and state service providers,Community Servicesandothersinrelationtothedevelopment and implementation oftheservicemodel.
  • Continuouslyidentifyanddevelopopportunitiestoimprovethelevelandqualityofserviceto clientsoftheagencythroughanalysisoffeedbackfromclients,partners,communityfeedbackand informedtheoryandpractice.
  • Developandsupportateamculturethatseekstofurtherunderstandthecomplexcausesand features ofhomelessness.
  • WorkwiththeBoard of Management and Community Servicestoensurethatservicesareconsistentwiththeprinciplesofjoinedup responsetoserviceagreements,relevantcommunitystandardsandQualityAssuranceprocesses.
  • Develop,reviewandworkwithUHH-SOS planning processes to meet KPI’s,deliverables andcontinuous improvement strategies.

Service Delivery

  • Oversee and support the provision of client services includingassessment,case-managementand support,topeoplewhoareinhousingcrisisorhomeless.
  • Lead and promote asolutionfocused,strengthbasedandclientcenteredapproach to case management services.
  • Support casework staff to negotiate access to mainstream or specialist services for people in servicetarget groups through advocacy(thismayincludelegal,physicaland/ormentalhealthcare,accommodationandincomesecurity)
  • Support staff in the provision offinancialassistanceappropriatelytoassistthepeoplewithinthetargetgrouptoovercomeshort-termcrisis.
  • Develop and maintain effectivereferralandlinkageprocessestocasemanagementservicesandotherproviderssothatpeople withcomplex care needscan receivethe services that theyare entitled toaddresstheirongoing housingandsupport needs.
  • Contributetoanintegratedserviceplanningresponsetoensurethatthehousingandsupportneedsofthetargetgrouparemet.


  • Develop, maintain and review effective agreements with mainstream and specialist service providers to deliver a no wrong door wrap around service for people experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness.
  • Promote/markettheservicesprovidedbyUHH-SOStootherservicesandthecommunity.
  • EducateandexplaintootherservicesandthecommunitytherolesandprotocolsofUHH-SOSasrequiredin ordertoimprovecommunicationand buildusefulpartnerships.
  • Maintain a detailedknowledge of governmentand department policyin relation to Housingand Supportandrelatedissues.
  • Ensurethatactivepartnershipsaredevelopedandmaintainedbetweeninteragencyprogramsand externalcomplementaryservices.
  • EnsurethatCaseworkstaffrelatewell andliaisewithclientsandotherserviceprovidersinaprofessional mannerinlinewithnegotiatedprotocolsandsectorstandards.
  • Participate and contribute tothedevelopmentofprojectsandprogramsdesignedtoenhancetheregion’s ability torespond to the needsof the target group.

Selection Criteria


  • Tertiary qualifications in Social Work, Social Science, Psychology or equivalent.
  • Demonstrated knowledge and expertise in the delivery of homeless outreach and accommodation services and domestic violence issues.
  • The supervision and clinical management of a team.
  • Demonstrated understanding of the “Going Home Staying Home” policy framework.
  • Demonstrated experience and skills as a ‘best practice’ case manager
  • Demonstrated skills in effectively leading and supervising a team of permanent, rostered and casual staff to achieve contractual requirements of the programs
  • Demonstrated capacity to negotiate and maintain effective inter-agency partnerships and agreements with other Government and Non-Government Organisations.
  • Demonstrated knowledge experience in Strategic Planning, Grant Writing & Data Collection.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, including the ability to advocate and resolve conflict
  • Current NSW drivers’ license
  • NSW Working with Children’s Check.


  • Demonstrated computer skills (i.e. managing word processing & spreadsheets) plus the new NSW Community portals.
  • A current First Aid Certificate or a willingness to obtain one.