1 CORINTHIANS chapter five


responsibility of the local church toward flagrant reversionists

Summary verses 1-3

  1. The Bible makes a distinction between phallic sins, categorizing some as much worse than others.
  2. They are classified as normal versus abnormal.
  3. Abnormal includes homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality, and incest.
  4. Paulsays that establishment Gentiles or society in general disdains incest; in fact, Roman law prohibited it.
  5. Here we see Christians sinning where even unbelieversdon’t.
  6. The church’s attitude was indifference, tolerance, and flippancy.
  7. This arrogantattitude, Paulrebukes.
  8. The healthy read-out would have been sorrow, not tolerance.
  9. Appropriate action would be immediate expulsion.
  10. Paul'sinstantaneous reaction was in contrast to theirs.


  1. Once the reversionistis expelled then Paulprays for his Divine disciplineand sin unto death.
  2. He can do this in absentia since he, as an apostle, is the ultimate spiritualauthorityin Corinth.
  3. He recognizes thismust be done in the name of and by the power of Jesussince Pauldoesn’thave inherent powers;
  4. Nor does Satando it unilaterally.
  5. He also does it in connection with the assembled churchto emphasize the repudiation of evil by the whole body, and separationfrom one of its members.
  6. It is the assembled churchwhich learns to identify leaven.
  7. With Paulin spirit, it is a corporate applicationfor the entire church.
  8. Satanthe author of E1 takes delight in harming the body of Christ, so he takes delight in touching this believer, whatever the restrictions.
  9. Thepurpose is to point this believertoward reboundand reversionismrecovers so that his spiritualoutput will be plus at the Rapture, not loss.


  1. The local churchis to expel any flagrant type reversionistfrom its assemblies.
  2. Only after a first and second warning where there is no reboundand separationby the guilty party (compareTITUS3:10).
  3. Obviously, we are not qualified to judge mental attitude sins; nor are we to expel a believerbased on a single offense.
  4. What we have here is a pattern of sinful activity which comes to the church’s attention.
  5. “Clean out” means to expel and to cite the grounds and conditions for re-admittance.
  6. This is a special applicationof the doctrineof separation.
  7. So long as the flagrantreversionistis permitted to participate in the Bible classes and fellowship of the local body, the churchas a whole partakes of his sin.
  8. Just as we individually isolate the STAin our bodies, so the churchas a unit must separate from certain types.
  9. When the churchapplies this doctrineit becomes a new lump.
  11. Itmaintains an effective testimony before the community.
  12. “Unleavened” in verseseven refers to positional isolation of the STA.
  13. Christmade this possible via His work on the cross. (P.sins STAbody  his physical death; compareGENESIS2:17).
  14. Passoverteaches isolationof the STAby removal of all leaven for one week from the premises.
  15. Christ'sbody was free from the ISTAgenetically and experientially.
  16. So He provided P1 for man and so our Passover based on the SAJG (analogous to the Exodus).
  17. As the opening and closing of the Red Sea delivered Israel, so positional truth is the basis for our deliverance (compare1 CORINTHIANS10).
  18. So the Exodus = the SAJG.
  19. Deliverancewas tied to obedience in respect to the Passover Lamb, a shadow of faith in the Savior.
  20. So when we celebrate the Lord'sTable we celebrate the condemnation and judgementof the STAat the cross and in rebound.
  21. It is a mockery to participate under the STAor to observe it with a flagrant reversionist. (We judge self and any who fall into this category.)
  22. We are not to celebrate it with a known flagrant reversionist.
  23. We are not, however, to have mental attitude sinstoward them.
  24. We are to celebrate it with those (ideally) who isolate the STAexperientially.


  1. Paulhad given them instructions to separate from reversionisticbelievers.
  2. The interpreted his remarks as referring to unbelievers.
  3. Paulwas speaking of certain flagrant, known reversionistsin the church.
  4. The churchwas to remove them, and believersindividually were to separate.
  5. Applications of doctrineof separation.
  1. Don’tsocialize with reversionisticbelieversor unbelieversexcept within a business context where it is required as part of a job.
  2. Don’tmarry an unbelieveror negativebeliever.
  3. Don’tbecome a business partner with a reversionist(believeror unbeliever, where individual is dishonest).
  4. Don’tpermit flagrant, known reversioniststo attend the church.
  1. You ant totally separate from reversionistsoutside the churchsince society (your job) is permeated with them.
  2. Examples of reversionism.
  1. Phallic.
  2. Religious.
  3. Monetary (all they talk of).
  4. Monetary (dishonest).
  5. Slanderers (always maligning others).
  1. So separate from the flagrant reversionisticinvolves:
  1. Excommunication.
  2. Personal disassociation.



  1. Legitimatejudging and its parameters:
  1. Only a flagrant reversionist in the local church’s fellowship.
  2. Churchis to expel and believersare to disassociate from.
  3. Don’tmalign or harbor an unforgiving spirit toward.
  4. Be willing to accept back into the fellowshipwithout reservation.