Course: AP Literature and Composition Teacher: J. Elrod 2016-2017

Welcome to AP Literature and Composition. Place this syllabus in the first section of your 3-ring binder; it is designed to provide you with a ready reference for needed information.

Course Description:

An AP English Literature and Composition course engages students in the careful reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature. Through the close reading of selected texts, students deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure for their readers. As they read, students consider a work’s structure, style and themes, as well as such smaller-scale elements as the use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism and tone (AP Central).

Remind Text Messaging:

Students and parents are encouraged to join the AP English remind group by texting @95050 to 81010.

Primary Text: Literature: Reading Fiction, Poetry, and Drama, sixth edition, DiYanni

Novels (provided): Frankenstein, Their Eyes Were Watching God, The Road, and others TBA

Materials Needed:

·  A three-ring binder (1 ½ inch) with dividers and white loose-leaf paper

·  Pencils and blue or black ink pens

·  A red ink pen

·  Highlighters (pink, green, yellow, and blue)

·  Small Post-It notes

·  1 package of 3x5 index cards (any color)

·  Composition Notebook (not a spiral notebook)


The class operates on a point system with the number of points an assignment

is worth reflecting the import of the assignment.

·  Grading Scale

A = 90-100

B = 80-89

C = 70-79

D = 60-69

F = 59 and below

·  Essay Grades – 9 point QOEGV Scale (question, organization, evidence, voice, and grammar). Refer to the sliding grade equivalency chart that follows.

Grade Conversion

1st 9wks 2nd 9wks 3rd 9wks 4th 9 wks

9 99 99 99 99

8 95 95 95 95

7 93 92 91 90

6 90 88 86 85

5 85 83 82 80

4 80 78 75 73

3 75 72 69 67

2 69 66 63 60

1 65 63 61 58

·  Quarterly Grades will be weighted as follows:

Daily Grades: 15% (class work, homework, discussions, rough drafts, practice assignments

Quiz Grades: 25% (practice AP multiple choice exams, reading checks, vocabulary, essays, minor projects)

Test Grades: 60% (major papers and major tests/projects)

**There will be a minimum of 3 test grades per grading period.

·  Semester Grades will be calculated as follows:

First Nine Weeks – 40%

Second Nine Weeks – 40%

Semester Exam – 20%

·  Extra Credit is not allowed per district policy.

Missed Assignments/Make up work:

·  Talk with me in advance of or as soon as you return from an absence.

Major assignments are due on the assigned date whether you are present of not. If you are unable to attend, send the completed assignment with a friend, sibling, or parent. Major assignments are penalized a letter grade per day. To be considered “on time” the assignment must be turned in during or prior to or during your assigned class period.

·  Quizzes, tests, and other assessments assigned in advance must be taken on the assigned date even in you are absent from the preceding class. In other words, keep up with your reading schedule, etc.

·  Failure to makeup work in a timely manner may result in your earning only a fraction of the points possible.

·  As in a college course, when you miss a class, you are expected to obtain missed notes, directions, etc. from a classmate.

Classroom Rules/Expectations – Students are expected to be in their desks and ready to work when the bell rings. Students should immediately begin the warm up activity without having to be prompted. Students should have assignments ready to turn in if one is due. All rules outlined in the Student Handbook will be enforced.

Reading – Keeping up with reading assignments is crucial to being successful in this class. If students have not read the assignment, they cannot thoughtfully participate in class discussions. Falling behind in the reading(s) may cause students to become overwhelmed and frustrated when it comes time to write a paper, complete a major assignment, or participate in a Socratic seminar. Bear in mind that some of the reading will be difficult, and students may not understand it all the first time. The reading should stretch their thinking. Students should do the best they can to understand and record questions on sticky notes so they can be addressed in class.


·  Please refer to the definitions and consequences listed in the Student Handbook.

Saturday Study Sessions:

Students should make every effort to attend the Saturday Study Sessions listed below. Each session consists of 3 presentations. Students will receive a grade of 33/33, 66/66, or 100/100 depending upon how many sessions they attend. No grade will be assigned unless the student submits completed study session materials prior to leaving WHS that day.

·  October 29 - 8:30 – 12:00 WHS

·  January TBA – Mock Exam ECHS (may or may not be a Saturday)

·  March 11 - 8:30 – 12:00 WHS

Quality Points:

Students will receive an extra quality point for AP Lit as long as the AP exam is taken in May.

Exam Date and Fees:

·  Wednesday, May 3 - 8:00 a.m.

·  $92 (due prior to Spring Break)

*Check for information regarding fee reductions.

You may contact me by phone or email; however, once I leave school for the day, I may not check my e-mail until I return the following day. My planning period is 7th.

ECHS 541-3661

Email –

Signature(s): Discuss this course syllabus with your parent(s) or guardian(s). Keep the syllabus in the front of your English AP binder. Return this portion of the page to me by the end of the week. I am looking forward to working with you this year.

For Student to Complete:

Student Name: ______

I, have read and understand the English AP course syllabus and course expectations.

Student Signature______Date:______

Student Email:______

For Parent/Guardian to Complete:

I, have read and understand the English AP course syllabus and course expectations.

Parent/Guardian Signature______Date:______

Please print parent/guardian names:______

Parent Phone: ______Parent Email: ______

Please list any additional concerns in the space below: