2013 Regulation and Entry Form

1. The Festival

Eureka!Tainan International Children’s Film Festival (TICFF)will take place in Tainan, Taiwan from April 3th to April7th 2013. The festival is organized by Tainan City Teachers’Association and Tainan Education Union,which consist of most ofthe teachers all over Tainan. We aim toteach children with films and animations, which they can also learn creativity, art, culture and other related values from.

2. Programs

Eureka! TICFF is composed of CompetitionSection and Non-Competition Section as follows:

Competition Section

▸Eureka! Award (International Competition) – Selected by International Jury
▸Best Story – Selected by Children Jury

The short films (<60 mins) made in either Taiwanor foreign countries are welcome s long as they are suitable for children(<16 yrs old).
There are no constraints on themes,production date, andor forms.

Non-Competition Section

▸International Panorama:

Any films, documentaries, animations including feature films and short films recommended by other festivalswill be screened in International Panorama.

3. Awards
▸Eureka! Award (International Competition)

-50,000 NTD (1,600USD) and a certificate

-the film will be screened at


▸Best Story

-10,000 NTD (320USD) and a certificate

4. Submission guide

Entry Form must be submitted by e-mail() and applications must be sent via Airmail at your own expense to the festival main office byJanuary31th, 2013

Applications must include the following attachments:

▸3 still images (>300dpi) from the film and a photograph of thedirector
▸Preview DVD(subtitled in English) must be exactly the sameversion as thescreened film.
▸Entry Form
▸The complete list of Englishdialogues is needed if the language in the film isn’t English.

*Recipient's Address

Attn: Eureka! Tainan InternationalChildren‘s Film Festival
70163 No. 301,Yuwun Rd., Dist. East, Tainan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Taiwan, 台南市東區裕文路301號(裕文國小)
Tel: +886-6-3317657 ext. 814 Fax : +886-6-3317659

Eureka! TICFF is entitled to use the materials submitted for official catalogue andpromotional materials.Priority will be given to films receiving their world premiere or Taiwan premiere. Any screened films or awarded films by other film festivals should be stated clearly on Official Entry Form.There is no entry fee.

5. Selection

The selection will be completed no later than February 15th,2013. The organizer will inform entries about the admissions. The Blu-Ray DVD and digital HD copies of all the films submitted to selection, even those not admitted to the competition, will be kept in the festival archives, and will be available for internal viewing. The DVD copies submitted to selection will not be returned.

6. Subtitles

All screened films, if not with dialogues in English, must be subtitled in English.

7.Eureka!TICFF Archive

By the principle of Eureka, the DV or DVD of all entries for competitive section will not be returned after being played or screened in Taiwan only for research or educational purposes excluding commercial targets and will be kept at the Eureka!TICFF Archive. The Executive Committee will be liable in case of an illegal circulation of the work occurs due to the careless management during the festival. The festival films can be rescreened on programs for educational purposes after the festival. And if necessary, the host organization will have a prior consultation with the copyright holder for screening.

8. DVD release after the festival

After the festival, the organizeris qualified to copy, under its strict supervision, some of the works from competition section or award winning films and they can be included in Eureka!TICFF DVD releases used for non-profit purposes.Eureka! TICFF has given the right to resubmit Eureka! TICFF DVD releases to domestic or foreign children/youths film festivals and the filmmaker owns the award outcomes.

9. Screening Tour

Some of thefilms are having extra screening as a part of the program at Eureka! TICFF Screening Tour. The organizerwill have a prior consultation with the copyright holder forscreening.

10. General Regulations

The above regulations are valid once application of a film is submitted to Eureka! TICFF.Eureka! TICFF reserves the right to make an independent decision on matters not concerning the above or where no decision has been specified.


Film Information
Film Title
Production / (MM/YYYY)
Running Time / min sec
Synopsis / maximum 200 words
Categories /  Animation  Documentary  Live Action  Fantasy
 Non-Narrative
Under 16 yrs Student Film /  Yes  No
Suitable audience age /  3-6(yrs)  7-9(yrs)  10-16(yrs)
 All ages
Film Title /  Future Director (Kids Director) Eureka! Award
Creating Method/ Techniquic / AfterEffect  3D Maya DrawingsPhotography Stop-motion Pixilation Other:
Shooting Format / DV mini DV Digital
Screen format / DVD (NTSC) Blue ray Quicktime H264
Aspect Ratio / 4:3 ( 1:1.33) 16:9 ( 1:1.85)
Language / Chinese English No dialogue  Other
Subtitle / Chinese English No dialogue  Other
color / Color B/W
Screening History
Award / Name of the competition/ country/ date
First Name / Family Name
Birthday / MM/DD/YY / Nationality
Tel / Home:
Position / Name / e-mail / Tel
Graphic art
Producer/ Main Contact
First Name / Family Name
Distribute Company / Position