Annexure: AAB-CD-01-(xvi)

Annexure ‘CD – 01’


3 / - / - / - / 3

Course Code:

Credit Units: 2

Course Objectives:The objective is to familiarize the students with the design systems for creating products and services, practices and importance as well as the changes required in the composite domain behaviour with rapidly evolving environments. The aim is to instil sharper understanding about the practical current aspects of creating and delivering composite product and service solutions nationally and worldwide for better competitiveness.

Pre-requisites:The student should have a preliminary understanding of Production and Operations ManagementBusiness Environment & Strategic Management

Student Learning Outcomes: At completion of the course, the students will be able to

  • Apply skills to leverage essential and other possible extended purpose of a product
  • Identify the power of products to bring and keep customers to business
  • Developing composite product-service opportunities with respect to the current state-of-the-art and global scenario

Course Contents/Syllabus:

Weightage (%)
Module I: Product characterization / 25
  1. Product identity and purpose;
  2. Defining product concepts and profiling;
  3. Customization for service;
  4. Product Servitization;
  5. Concepts in New Product Development in Goods and Services Scenarios

Module II: Product-service Systems / 25
  1. Services as user connectivity;
  2. Relationship innovation;
  3. Concept design and product design;
  4. Design for services;
  5. Service dominant logic;
  6. Co-creation; Collaboration as enablers;
  7. Performance measures for deliverables

Module III: Design for Experience / 25
  1. Designing interactions;
  2. User Centred product design;
  3. User-Service interactions;
  4. Employee-organisation interactions;
  5. Service systems interactions;
  6. Service prototyping;
  7. Service learning and experience innovation

Module IV:Shaping Systems and Organization / 25
  1. Total Product-Services System Management;
  2. Customisation of products and customerization of organisation;
  3. Deriving business directions from national and global scenarios;
  4. Service focussed organisation design

Pedagogy for Course Delivery: The course pedagogy will include lectures, interactive class discussions, seminar presentations, and individual term paper assignment.

Lab/ Practical details, if applicable: NIL

List of Experiments: NIL

Assessment/ Examination Scheme:

Theory L/T (%) / Lab/Practical/Studio (%) / End Term Examination
100 / 100

Theory Assessment (L&T):

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment / End Term Examination
Components (Drop down) / CT / TP / S / A / EE
Weightage (%) / 10 / 10 / 05 / 05 / 70

Lab/ Practical/ Studio Assessment:

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment / End Term Examination
Components (Drop down
Weightage (%)

Text & References:

  • Baines and Lightfoot, Made to Serve, West Sussex, U.K.: Wiley
  • Hill and Hill, Operations Management, Palgrave Macmillan
  • Johnston and Clark, Service Operations Management, Pearson Education
  • Meroni and Sangiorgi, Design for Services, Surrey, U.K.: Gower Publishing
  • Metters, et al., Successful Service Operations Management, Cengage Learning
  • Nichloas, Competitive Manufacturing Management, Tata McGraw-Hill

Any other Study Material: To be decided in class.