Middleton Nursery School

Complaints Policy

January 2018
Complaints Policy

Middleton Nursery School listens to parents/carers, visitors and children in order to constantly evaluate and improve our service.


Stage 1

In the event of a parent/carer being unhappy about any aspect of the care your child is receiving, or if you have any other reason for concern, you should in the first instance raise the matter verbally with your child’s key worker. Complaints will be dealt with promptly and effectively.

Stage 2

After speaking with your child’s keyworker, if you are still not satisfied you should raise your concern directly with the nursery manager. All complaints made will be recorded in the complaints log.

The manager will investigate the complaint and report back to the parent within 7-10 working days, the manager will document the complaint fully and the actions taken and this will be recorded in the complaints log book.

Stage 3

If the matter is not resolved the nursery will hold a formal meeting between parents and a senior member of staff to ensure the complaint is dealt with comprehensibly, the nursery will make a record of the meeting and document any actions taken, all parties present at the meeting will review the accuracy of the record be asked to sign and agree it and receive a copy of the documentation this will signify the conclusion of the procedure.

Stage 4

Middleton NurserySchool would like to inform parents that staff are instructed by OFSTED to report any mistreatment of children.

In the unlikely event that your complaint remains unsolved and you wish to pursue the matter further, please contact OFSTED on-


Piccadilly Gate

Store Street


M1 2WD

Telephone: 0300 123 1231

Whistleblower Hotline: 0300 123 3155

OFSTED will then decide if it is a major or minor complaint.

If they class it as a minor complaint they will ask the nursery to resolve the situation and log all the information along with the outcome, which they will produce in their next OFSTED inspection.

If they decide it is a major complaint they will send out an inspector to complete a full inspection and investigate into the issue further until it is resolved.

Free Early Years Education funding for three and four year olds

If you wish to make a complaint about the three and four year funding and it has not been resolved with the manager orDirector please do so at Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council 01706 647474