Iwo U.S.M.C. War Memorial

  1. What is another name for the Iwo Jima Memorial?
  1. What does this Memorial honor?
  1. Where did the sculptor of this statue get his inspiration for this statue?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial (FDR)

  1. FDR was the ____ president.
  1. What does each room represent?
  1. Why was FDR in a wheelchair?

Scroll down to find paragraphs about the rooms

  1. In room one, describe what Americas were experiencing at this time?
  1. What was FDR’s famous quote?
  1. What does Room 2depict?
  1. What was created under FDR’s New Deal?
  1. What was the dominant event of FDR’s 3rd term?
  1. What were FDR’s feelings about war?

Lincoln Memorial

  1. Lincoln was the ______President.
  1. What 2 murals are also in the Memorial?
  1. What do the 36 columns represent?
  1. Name the 2 U.S. currencies where the Lincoln Memorial is featured.

Washington Monument

  1. What is the shape of this monument?
  1. What is the height of this monument?
  1. What year was this monument opened to the public?

Vietnam Veterans Memorial

  1. What other names is this Memorial referred to as?
  1. When was this memorial dedicated?
  1. How many names are on this wall?
  1. How are the names arranged on the wall?

Arlington National Cemetery

  1. How many veterans are buried at Arlington?
  1. When was it founded?

Scroll down a few paragraphs

  1. How many burials occur each day?
  1. The Tomb of the Unknown Solider contains the remains of an unidentified solider from what war?
  1. Crypts (graves) are next to the Unknown Soldier and are also remains of unidentified soldiers having served in ______, ______and ______Wars.
  1. How often the changing of the guard occur?
  1. The Tomb is guarded 24 hours a day. The Guardmarches 21 steps down the black mat,

turns andrepeats the process. Why was 21 steps chosen?

If the above does not take you directly to President Kennedy’s gravesite, look on left in blue column and scroll down and select President John F. Kennedy graveite

  1. A special point of interest at Arlington is the Eternal Flame the gravesite of former

President ______.

  1. When and where was President Kennedy assassinated?
  1. The only other President to be buried at Arlington is President ______
  1. How long did the Battle of Gettysburg last?
  1. In what state is Gettysburg located?
  1. Who was the Confederate general? Union general?
  1. What was General Lee’s goal by invading the North?
  1. Gettysburg was the ______battle of the war.
  1. When did this battle occur? Who won?
  1. How many people were wounded, died, or went missing during the battle?
  1. Why was a national cemetery built on the site?
  1. When was the cemetery dedicated?
  1. How long was Lincoln’s famous speech known as the Gettysburg Address?


Read the background and Tillie's account of the battle.

  1. When was Tillie born?
  1. What "formal demands" did the Confederate soldiers make?
  1. Where did Tillie flee to on July 1st?

Scroll and Read July 3: The Surgeon’s work

  1. How did surgeons treat most of the wounded at the Weikert farm?
  1. What does this memorial commemorate?
  1. How many people died?
  1. How long did the war last?