The Unocal Gulf Coast Alumni Club (the Club) is established based on the principles and policies of the Chevron Retirees Association (the Association)


The mission of the Club is to attract and retain a dues paying membership

that brings value to all former Unocal employees.

The mission is accomplished through:

  • Social Interaction
  • Education
  • Communication
  • Advocacy of mutually important issues

The Club:

The Club comprises a local affiliation of members who are duly organized

as a representative body and who subscribe to the principles and

objectives of the Club, and

The Club shall elect a President and other Officers/Directors. The

President will serve as a Director of The Club and as a member of the

Area Executive Committee of the Association, and

The Club’s organization, rules, procedures and activities are determined

by the Club consistent with The Association’s Constitution and policies.


The purpose of this Club, in conjunction with those purposes set forth in the Constitution of The Association, is to promote good fellowship, to encourage participation in social activities, seek well-being of members and advocate mutually important issues with Chevron Management.

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Section 1 – All former Unocal employees, retirees and their surviving spouses shall be eligible for membership.

Section 2 – Membership is renewable annually

Section3- Membership in the Club shall terminate upon death, resignation or failure to pay applicable fees and dues.


Section 1 – Officers. The Officers of the Club shall consist of the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer. These Officers shall be elected annually.

Section 2 – Directors. The Directors of the Club shall consist of the Immediate Past President and (two) Directors – at – large. The Directors shall be elected annually.

Section 3 - Duties:

The President shall (a) preside at all meetings of the membership and the Board of Directors, (b) serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors, and (c) appoint functional coordinators as may be necessary,

The Secretary shall (a) record all Board actions taken, (b) make and record minutes of resolutions votes and proceedings at regular meetings, (c) keep an up to date directory of current members and prospective members, and (d) notify members of meetings, activities and events.

The Treasurer shall (a) be charged with the collection and safekeeping of all of the funds and the Club, (b) keep adequate records of the receipt and distribution of such funds, and (c) shall make appropriate arrangements at suitable venues for all meetings, activities and events. The scope of arrangements will include menus, speaker props and visual aids.

The Directors shall (a) be vitally interested in the Club, working to secure new members and encouraging members to participate in and be an active part of the Club, and (b) seek quality keynote speakers for the regular quarterly luncheon meetings.

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Section 4 – Election

  • Timing – Election of Officers and Directors – at – large shall be conducted during the last regularly scheduled meeting (December) of the general membership.
  • Qualified Candidates – All dues paying members are eligible candidates for election as Officers and Directors – at – large.
  • Qualified Voters – All dues paying members of the Club are eligible to vote.
  • Conducting Elections – A Nominating Committee of at least three dues paying members shall be appointed by the President following the second regularly scheduled meeting (June) of the membership. This committee shall select and recommend candidates for office. Names of nominees selected shall be presented to the President at the third regularly scheduled meeting (September) of the membership. The Chairman of the Nominating Committee shall present the slate of Club Officers and Directors – at – large at the fourth or last regularly scheduled meeting (December) of the membership. Recommended candidates shall be presented and the floor opened for nominations from the membership prior to closing nominations. No one shall be nominated for any office without the prior approval of the person being nominated.
  • Officers and Directors – at – large shall be voted on by voice vote of the membership. In the event of a tie, a run-off election by a count of hands shall be held.
  • Vacancies – If a vacancy occurs among the Officers and Directors – at – large. The Board of Directors may fill such vacancy for the unexpired term by a majority vote.

Section 5 - Terms of Office

Each Officer and Director – at – large is elected or appointed for a one-year tern beginning January 1st following election for elected Officers and Directors – at – large and immediately for appointed Officers.


Section 1 – General Membership Meetings

Four general meetings of all of the membership shall be held each year (usually in March, June, September and December) at a time and place selected by the Board of Directors. Due notice shall be given the membership. Special meetings may be held if necessary as determined by the Board of Directors.

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Section 2 – Board of Directors Meetings

  • The Board of Directors shall meet at dates, times and places designated by the President.
  • When ample notice has been given to all Officers and Directors – at – large by the President as to the time and place of the meeting, those present shall constitute a quorum.


Section 1 - General – The president shall appoint such committees as may be necessary for the orderly handling of the business of the Club.

Section 2 – Auditing - The President shall appoint an Auditing Committee (whose members are not Officers or Directors – at – large) of not less than two persons who shall audit the books and records of the Club for each calendar year. The Audit Committee shall (a) select the time of the audit, (b) thoroughly audit all financial records of the Club, and (c) report its findings to the President and Secretary with ten days after completing the audit.


Section 1 – Collections and Disbursements – All funds collected by the Club shall be deposited in Club account(s) maintained in financial institutions; all funds disbursed by the Club shall be in the form of checks drawn against Club account(s) in financial institutions.

Section 2 – Authorized Signatures - Authorized signatures for expenditures of funds shall be those of the President , Secretary or the Treasurer. Counter signatures shall not be required.

Section 3 – Fidelity Bond – No fidelity bond shall be required of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall faithfully perform the duties of the office of the Treasurer and account for all moneys, funds and credits in his charge.

Section 4 – Treasurer Reports – The Treasurer shall submit to the President, annually in the fourth quarter a copy of the current financial statement of the Club for approval by the Board of Directors.

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Annual Club dues and due dated shall be established by the Board of Directors


Section 1 – Procedure

  • The Board of Directors shall propose the dissolution of the Club if in their view a decline in membership rolls of the Club or a lack of interest in the activities of the Club as expressed by members indicate such a course of action is desirable.
  • The members of the Club may terminate the Club by a majority vote in favor of such a proposal by all members present and voting at a regularly scheduled meeting after proper notification of such a proposal.

Section 2 - Disposition of Club Funds

In the event of the dissolution of the Club, any funds remaining in the accounts of the Club after all amounts owed by the Club have been paid may be distributed to the members or to one or more charitable organizations in accordance with the decisions of the Board of Directors.


The Constitution of the Club may be amended by a two-thirds vote in favor of such a proposal by all members present and voting at a regularly scheduled meeting after proper notification of such a proposal

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