Pager Coverage and Night CallPlan AY2016-2017

Call System2016-2017

  • Inpatient and Consult Fellows
  • Weekdays 7AM- approximately 5PM
  • Each fellow covers their respective service’s calls
  • VCUHS ED, transfer center, and clinic calls for admissions
  • VCUHS and VA consults
  • On-call Inpatient fellow
  • Nights (Weekday and Weekend) 5PM-7AM
  • VCUHS ED and transfer calls
  • VCUHS and VA clinic call (clinic calls start at 4:30PM)
  • VCUHS and VA consults
  • Weekend days 7AM-4PM
  • VCUHS ED and transfer calls
  • VCUHS clinic call
  • On-call Consult fellows
  • Weekend days 7AM-4PM
  • VCUHS consults
  • VA consults
  • VA clinic calls
  • VCUHS Faculty
  • Covers admission pagers for the hematology and oncology inpatient services during fellows’ continuity clinics
  • Back-up to fellows and in-house nocturnist for all VCUHS matters
  • VA Faculty
  • Back-up to fellows for all VA matters

VCUHS Heme-Onc Call Management Procedures

  1. Team Census and Composition – NO CHANGE FROM CURRENT SYSTEM
  2. Should be maintained***
  3. No solid tumor oncology on Hematology
  4. No benign hematology on Oncology
  5. Team Census
  6. Oncology
  7. Floor census ~14 – above which “non-essential” admissions can be declined
  8. Maximum census 16 – not to be exceeded unless system-wide disaster
  9. Hematology
  10. Floor census ~16 – above which “non-essential” admissions can be declined
  11. Maximum census (may go up to 20, though should only take acute leukemia patients or similarly urgent matters that absolutely need the hematology team services and would be poorly served elsewhere – not to be exceeded unless system-wide disaster)
  12. Decision and Supervision procedures
  13. Admissions and Transfers
  14. System alerts
  15. If system is “surge” or “disaster” level, outside transfers are restricted to those diagnoses that are considered essential. This DOES include acute leukemia transfers, i.e. acute leukemia patients can be accepted even when restricted.
  16. For other diagnoses, assess the situation. If you feel patient care cannot be taken care of safely at another facility, then inform them that the system is on diversion status and that you will explore options and get back to them within “x” minutes. Discuss with the attending who if agrees will discuss with the transfer center and the MAA to make a final decision as to whether the transfer can be accepted.
  17. Once a final decision is made, notify transferring attending of the decision. If the answer is no but the transfer is otherwise reasonable, advise them that they can call back to the transfer center and that the request can be reconsidered if the system constraints change.
  18. If system is “high”, realize that if accepted and there is room on the hematology-oncology unit, things will move through quickly--discuss with charge nurse. If there is not room on the unit and none expected, you should contact the MAA to discuss the level of acuity compared with the other pending accepted transfers, especially if you believe the level of urgency is high.
  19. Acceptance of an admission or transfer
  20. Be sure to assess
  21. Level of care needed
  22. Vitals and safety for transfer
  23. Send pager message to notify the service’s attending and to the on-call attending (if not the same person).
  24. Admitting against planned discharges
  25. This is the expectation.
  26. DO NOT WAIT until the discharge is “out the door”
  27. Admit against expected discharges for the day
  28. Helps throughput and provider daily work flow
  29. If discharge falls through, that is OK. Catch up if need to by letting census drift back down.
  30. Night admissions.
  31. DO NOT admit more than 4 night admissions without first discussing with the in-house attending nocturnist.
  32. Remember that the night teams are also admitting to general medicine teams. Their total volume -work intensity must also be considered.
  33. Contact the in-house resident and nocturnist regarding the admission.
  34. If daytime transfer has not arrived at shift change, please make sure to communicate to the night team regarding the accepted transfer-admission
  35. Declining an admission or transfer
  36. Due to census / diagnosis guidelines (see above)
  37. Discuss with attending at the triage supervision meeting
  38. Due to non-census considerations
  39. Notify and discuss with the attending before declining
  40. Discharge from ED
  41. Notify attending if the ED appears to be calling for “permission” or a “recommendation” to send home, if necessary.
  42. We do not do make such recommendations or determinations without seeing the patient. You may offer general comments/thoughts unrelated to the specific patient situation, but you should be VERY careful about such.
  44. If true consult is requested, ask them to place the consult in the computer system. It will hen be routed to the fellow covering the consult pager. If that is you, then go see the patient.
  45. No need to discuss with the attending if the call was simply to notify of their plans to discharge
  46. Send communication as indicated to the outpatient provider
  47. Coordination between the Hematology and Oncology should be handled directly and internally (i.e. in general, do not refer the requesting source to call the alternative team though educate them where appropriate)
  48. Coordination with the Palliative Care team should be handled directly if doing so for reasons other than service caps being exceeded. If census is at service cap and think appropriate, you can suggest to the requesting service that they call palliative care team.
  49. If defer someone to the MAA, please contact the MAA to give them a heads up and discuss any hematology-oncology specific matters/concerns.
  50. Consider contacting the MAA with admissions that might be general medicine appropriate particularly if have limited admission capacity on service (regardless of the source). They will be aware of general system capacity and possibly of more acute service-appropriate patients.
  51. Clinic calls
  52. Make sure to send a courtesy notification regarding the message/page and any action taken to the outpatient provider
  53. Supervision
  54. Discuss your triage decisions with the on-call attending the following work day

Call Schedule Schematic

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday
Hematology Week 1 / X / X / Off * / X
Hematology Week 2 / X / X / X / X / Off *
Week 1 / X / X / X / X / Off *
Oncology Week 2 / X / X / Off * / X
VCUHS Week 1 / Consult pager day coverage only / Off
VCUHS Week 2 / Consult pager day coverage only / Off
Week 1 / Off / Consult pager day coverage only
Week 2 / Off / Consult pager day coverage only

X= After hours pager coverage

Clinic Calls

Clinic calls start at 4:30PM on Mon-Fri and 7AM on Saturday/Sundays

Clinic calls end at 8AM Mon-Friday and 7AM on Saturday/Sundays

Consult Services Calls

Consult calls start at 5PM on Mon-Fri and 4PM on Sat-Sun, Holidays

Consult calls end at 7AM daily

Inpatient Services Calls

Service calls start at 5PM on Mon-Fri and 7AM on Saturday/Sundays

Service calls end at 7AM daily

Off* = 24 hours from 7AM-7AM


Hematology Inpatient Ward Fellow (9923)

Oncology Inpatient Ward Fellow (9928)

Hematology Oncology MCV Consult Fellow (9914)

Hematology Onc Consult Fellow VA (9915)

Hematology Oncology Dalton Afterhours (9899)

Hematology Inpatient Ward Attending (9891)

Oncology Inpatient Ward Attending (9892)

Pager Coverage and Night CallPlan AY2016-2017

ADMISSIONS FROM VCU ED, Transfers, and VCUHS clinics:

  1. Oncology (Solid Tumor) Inpatient Service calls VP#9928
  2. Hematology (Benign and Malignant) Inpatient Service calls VP#9923

Consult Calls:

  1. VCU Health Consult calls VP#9914
  2. VAMC Consult calls VP#9915

Clinic Calls:

  1. Monday-Friday not Holiday (8AM-4:30PM/CLINIC CLOSURE):
  2. Covered directly by the respective clinic
  3. After hour calls on Weekdays and calls on Weekends and Holidays
  4. Dalton clinics  VP#9899
  5. VA clinics  VP#9915