Notes from Deal and Steal Idea Exchange

Model Transition Project

January 10, 2008

Meet with NYS VESID, Buffalo, Cornell – Group 2

Betsy sends praise – VESID J

Cornell completed 2 webinars

  1. Transqual
  2. VESID Articulation
  3. TID data (Monday)

University of Buffalo (UB) – training – filling 11 spots

UB wants to meet with each MTP

Each MTP region will have liaison (SP sorry)

Each project can be serviced with 12 trainings per year.

Very flexible. Work with trainer to meet your needs.

Core Trainings Click “resources”, click “forum”

Data Collection

Evaluation Research

Helpful for all

  1. Transqual As a team what are you working on and prioritizing?
  2. Articulation Agreement How does district work with VESID office? What

is working?

  1. Transition Impact Data Monday’s webinar. Cornell does not see kids’

names, etc. Only State. A method to collect and measure kids’ progress and if local efforts are working. Update quarterly. Do not need to do quarterly narrative. Must voucher and do fiscal info still. Will be up today or tomorrow.

Will be going into the field to hear from you ASAP.

This project with Cornell has opened doors with VESID rehab and special ed.

Data collection – Long term benefits.

Question: Will local and State (Cornell) data merge?

Answer: Cornell must collect certain information

You need to answer questions but certainly may have more locally.

BUG CONTEST!!! Who finds most bugs! J

Question: Any discussion about electronic transfer?

Not at this point and time, but are working on this.

Student information and demographic information encrypted, etc. Cornell is working with human research studies. Will follow laws. No student information is available to Cornell. Only State Ed. Department.

Districts will be twitchy. Need assurances.

This is allowed via FERPA.

Home school provides release. NOT BOCES or privates.

Budget Issues

·  You can modify – talk with Betsy.

·  Standard Voucher

·  Expenditure Report

·  Each MTP needs to complete 1st Quarter report. Only have 6 of 60.

·  Budget Modification – 2 weeks.

o  Under 10% of a line item or less or under $1000 greater amount.

o  Training for school business

o  Most issues are this Appendix G

·  Contract Amendment – 2 months.

o  Over 10% of a line item or more.


·  Need to be awesome.

·  UB helping trainers could be key

·  Teachers are not good listeners

·  Can State Ed. help to let local districts know it is OK – training?

·  Program changes go through Betsy.

o  Call or email her first.

o  You cannot take things out but you can add.

o  No radical changes.

·  Brag about what you are doing so it can be counted.

·  Ask to see TID on line.

Articulation Agreements

·  Not all VESID offices are up on this.

·  Dave is speaking with managers next week.

·  Many offices are already working really well – this is just the icing.

·  This is a process.

·  Webinar J

Question: How does BOCES fit in? Home school?

Answer: Cornell apologizes. Nothing in stone. What is now being collected may

(will) change.

·  Transition Site Coordinator may be able to help with this.

·  Please hold off on contacting VESID and District for 2 weeks. Please add me.

·  Get on listserve UB (Blue folder)

·  Cornell has forum found on Transqual site.

·  Request that State Ed. Provide guidance for MTP issues?

o  IE release of information

·  Consent issues – ILC consent related to individual consents?

o  Betsy is working with Bob Gumpson

·  IDEA: Perhaps an open house held at school to meet with parents and explain why they may benefit from services. Give away food, shirts, etc.