Honors English 10


Mrs. Kathy Nichols


Welcome to Honors English 10. This class is designed to support the student in achieving goals as established by the state core curriculum.

1. Develop strategies for effective reading of various types of text, fiction and nonfiction.

2. Develop effective writing skills.

3. Develop listening skills.

4. Develop critical analysis skills.

5. Develop test-taking strategies.

Purpose of the Course:

A. This course will prepare students to take the AP Language Test when they are juniors andthe AP Literaturetestwhen they are seniors. We will review the elements of literature and practice writing literary analyses.

B. We will also review English usage and conventions to prepare students to succeed on the ACT.

Academic Grading Standards:

All work will be graded on a point basis that will convert to a grade on the following percentage scale:





I will be available to help students most days after school from 2:45 to 3:30 p.m. and every Thursday morning during EO time. I may be reached at the school either by phone (476-3700) or by email:

Makeup Work Policy:

  • Students will receive two late passes per quarter. Late work attached to a late pass will receive full creditif it is turned in within one week.
  • No makeup is allowed for truancy.


  • If you are absent, you have ONE WEEK after your return to make up all assignments, tests, quizzes, etc. (See Mrs. Nichols if you have an extended illness.) After one week, any work must be stapled to a late pass and must be turned in within one week.
  • Check the blog to complete make up assignments before the next class period.
  • Mrs. Nichols blog address: blog.wsd.net/knichols/

Students may retake grammar tests if they meet with me for extra help.

Attendance Policy:

Weber School District and Weber High policies will be followed regarding absences and


Citizenship Grading Standards:

Classroom behavior is critical for success in school. Citizenship grades will be based on the following rules:

1. Come to class on time and bring your books, notebook, and pen.

2. Bring no food or drinks other than water to class.

3. Show respect for all students, staff, and substitutes.

4. Electronic devices such as cell phones, iPods, MP3 players, etc. will only be allowed when the teacher plans for their use in the lesson plan. Otherwise, they are to be put away during class.If a device is visible or audible, it will be taken to a school administrator.

5. We will follow the citizenship policy as outlined in the Weber High student handbook.

6. Do not cheat. See the plagiarism policy below. Major acts of plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment and may result in a “U” in citizenship.

Weber High School’s Plagiarism Policy

All of the following are considered plagiarism:

  • Turning in someone else’s work as your own.
  • Copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit.
  • Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks.
  • Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation.
  • Changing words, but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit.
  • Copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work whether you give credit or not.
  • To cut and paste work that is not your own and handing it in is plagiarism.

Students whom violate the cheating/plagiarism policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Any incident of cheating may result in a “U” citizenship grade in the class for the quarter and a grade of zero (0) on the assignment, test or activity where the cheating was involved.

When we read Victor Hugo’s novel Les Miserables, we will watch some of the songs performed in the movie Les Miserables. The movie itself is rated PG13; however, we will not be watching the entire movie, just listening to a few of the songs.

I look forward to working with your student this year, and I appreciate your support and involvement in your student’s success. Please keep this form for your future reference and sign and return the attached form.


Kathy Nichols

Print Student’s Name ______Period ____

Dear Parent or Guardian:

Please note the following important information regarding late and absent work:

  • Students will receive two late passesper quarter that they can attach to a late assignment within one week of the due date. Late work without a late pass will not be accepted.
  • Students have one week to make up assignments, tests, etc., if they have been absent. After one week, an assignment must come in with a late pass within one weekor it will not be accepted.

Please sign and return this form to Mrs. Nichols. Keep the disclosure statement for your reference.


I have thoroughly reviewed the disclosure statement for Honors English 10. I will support the academic grading standards, citizenship grading standards, and classroom policies and expectations as described.

Student Signature

Parent Signature

Parent’s email
